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$Q-- y~5 <br />MDRTf,AGE <br />Mox'ecACaLnAxra3_ L 23,699 <br />1t~#owaai~~lsrT(LFSEpx>:sEN~s'Tt'at Dwain C..Inness and Hilda Pf. Inrress_, each in his and <br />hpr own right, and as spouse of each other <br />------ Mortgagor, whethn ora m tauro, in r:mrsidegtion of the attm of <br />Twenty-six Thcusartd and No 100-------------- ----_-___________________ j)pit ARC <br />----1-------- <br />io:sted to said nwagagesr !ry TSre Eyn;iahk 9udding arui [.ceaa Associatwn of Grand Island, N<braska, Mortgagee, upon z 6O atrares a{ wort of <br />said P€4CX~LA?T4N, Certifrratr: ?fu. L 23s~~ , du hereby grant, wmey and mortgage ;mm the said ASSIX;(A170x the foJbwvtag <br />described real estate, ~atvated in hall ftwnty, . tasks: <br />A PART OF LOT "A" IN "GARDEN SUBOIViSION" OF LOT ONE (1), MAINLAND, <br />' IN SECTION THIRTEEN (13}, TOWNSHIP ELEVEN ;11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) <br />WEST OF THE 5TH P.M., IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MORE PARTICULARLY <br />DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: COMMENCING AT T,HE NORTHWEST CORNER OF <br />SAID LOT "A". RUNNING THENCE IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION ALONG ANO UPON <br />THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LO7 "A", FOR A CISTANCE OF NINETY ONE <br />(91) FEET: RUNNING THENCE IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION, PARALLEL WITH THE <br />WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE GF SAID LOT "A", FOR A DISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED <br />FORTY (240) FEET; RUNNING THENCE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION, PARALLEL <br />'WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT "A", FOR A DISTANCE OF NINETY ONE <br />(91} FEET, TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT "A", RUNNING <br />THENCE IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION UPON ANO .ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY <br />LINE OF SAID LOT "'A" FOR A DISTANCE GF TWO HUNDRED FORTY (240} FEET <br />TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, SUBJECT HOWEVER, TO ONE HALF OF THE COUNTY <br />ROAD TO THE NORTH OF SAID PREMISES. <br />tstgeLhar sorb ,5# the tenerrxntx, hercditatrxnta and appr.utrerrrxs rhereumo tseNsngrnq, ntciu&ng aitaaheA tluur cuvarings.:t0 window screens, <br />window s#'adcs, Minds, storm windows, awmrrxx, irnrma, av cundi{wmhe, aatl crumbing and water eyutprnent and ae+xasories dtereto, pumps, stoves, <br />rehigera[nrs, and .sther :rxwres and cympment auw ur turaa;trr attac.#ud t,~ ur used m cunnectiun wnth card real <s1a[c. <br />.4rd whereas the satd mnrtgagat hax agread and dots hereb}' agret =iws the murtgaenr °~trall and wilt easy all taxes and asxmnen[s #evied or <br />axvessed upon saxr gr<msm and own th;: mvrtgagr ar!d the bond stc~ured ehnet:v hef rte !hr same sj[all hecortte deltnyuent; to furnish appruvsd <br />insuran x upon the 3rwidings on caed prtrmses dtuated in ;ttc sum u{ 4 26 ,OQO, OG Fav.;bte ru satrt ASS{}(_'fA'LI{)T{ and t~ de#ivex to sard <br />A~Sl1t'#AT(t)dti nc~ p+x#¢iex tar his! imurancr: and rws to asmm:; rrs pern[:t any waste un ;,r abnm s'atd parwses: <br />in xe of dafacyt .n !ha p¢aro:asnix ci any .,f ttra [crnts and r'ontiuic ns of rhrs nurtvagr ur the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shelf, <br />on ektr+and. !sa enter}cr1 ra itmnediatc pnssesaron of ±he r»ottgagetl rterhses amf t!ts rtuxtgagr?r FerteY assigns, trarrs[<n and vets over to the <br />rrrortgagae all the rents. revesures arnt uvcume to he drrivrd ft u[rs tix rtxxtgapcr# pranus::s ti:uurg strcir ttmr as ttre mortgage mdeCtadnass shall reratxtn <br />:sn~; amt ;tats nz, e:ae., dsa:3 #r:.~ w pua:er a;pc-„n. sn-- spent - a!.e a. ii ttn} 1_ sr ter cti port - se r,i ;{~~ ~y+d gremtsex and ecnth[X, <br />ttte mine aml aui7ecX tz¢ :the rents, -~nsxa- acrd rr,= yie. 3rrd .t .nas ,say ,wt ur seat mt:~ t#1 expenrcx uE :rparrxhg .as[ premises and nec~ssuy <br />ecrrrvrtr.~ .x asbt -'x~^~ -, -+ d - _ ,_< rd "+~--=.g~'# .- me . s [:ng rents#; [txrdram. m € a:nr, ~ rxrrwaing. i? any. to be <br />appt~c award he ath }Y - ; ni n. -gag< wd .,teJrm-ts, h, v' r:ynrs •t .Re nwr?.eaRrc [nay he exerraseu e[ any t.rste door the existen a of such <br />dxfau,4, s.. ,;F ant r-r~,= ,. ~ oa ttx racee ~ <br />Tlsrx Prawn. t _ °_. _ upon a~-- r , `sits= x ~.r Y.. _ - ,rx n _ - _ ;;r - - eurtY aF said s#hata <br />V <br />twynrerst- €w - ..w,i_t ay .,. x-aw A;.'~{)(.iATFtS?r E the vnm sprutiev w ii c .kbd xact z #trr Y +a m[trast ant . nc~pat : n swd Juan, uh c r Eratore <br />lha Twentmt}t day .,r ach and every swath, utstd v ~ hs:us a thdiy pant: pay alt [ants and lcoiad aga;nst savd prc~ntses and un trot Mortgage <br />and the ltxsnd snur<d rhareby, t+atura dttutyuency, trunuh ap#uuved rntwan~:c uprm the hwWuegs t!acrnrn m Lhe sum of S 26 ,DOG. GO tsayahk <br />to saa# A5SIX'tA711}A: repay t.r sau1 !,.'iS(x't.1 ti(}ti utnnv drntared aif nuxrey by ;t pant for web taxes, aasessrrtanta and Insurance with inter<xt at <br />the uuxinhunr kga! rate thetnm tram date of pay rsx~nt ai# of which Mortgagor txrehy a;rtes to pay: perms nu waste nn card prcnuses; keep end comply <br />wrth all t1x agrrcmcnts xrn[ _undsisrm u#'she fY»sd trx E 26 sOOG. OO [tars da? Feven ^y the card Mortgagor to aid .tSSOC#ATION, and comply <br />wrth alt chr rcyuuenreris =tt the {:rxtsntu[iun and tSy~Laws ui uvd ASSIX'IArlClti, than these prexnts shall heconra nu1F and vmd, otherwise they <br />sMll remaen rh roil fut+.ti and nmy he fnreciased at the aptrtur s?! She yard =15SCX'FAT(ON aRet faitma ter rlux months to make asq of said <br />payrnems .sr ire Iksta cntmEtk4 in arrears m +tt kurg ur} thwtthky paymen[s, .%t [rs ka~ap and tompiy with the apeernenu and .onditiuns of said Rwtd: <br />uhd ilwigagesr agseea ru larva .r rea!iroet xptnunted forthwith m w.;h foracltsseue pr,x~eedtngx- <br />If rhea rs any dutnge m r>svr~rship ut tht real estate etwrrgegad hertiu, by xadt ur utlurwiar, thrn the enure reruamurg irxlebtadurss hereby <br />~crxri than. at the rrptirsn u!' T'Itr i=yuita6lc Bstdt(vtg and Lunn Axssscietian of i:rand lalatsd,tietxaska.becttma unmedute}y due and payabk wrihuut <br />further nsri+s, and the esrxssrat rrtsninmg drta umkr slid Mam(, and env :.sthar hand tot any addrtionxl adwanms mask thetermdes, shall, from the <br />date ui axersaae of surd upiwm, hear mteress at [trr maxunuen ktlal rate, and thrs hntrsyyte nraY than ba forccksxod to sasiaty the amount due un said <br />htunf,atsd any othsr bend tut ashlitisxsa! advances, toastttar wsr}t dl wnu pod by ~{ The t'ywtabk Bteiiding and [.uan Asarrcutiun of t:rami Ixhmd, <br />t:kMaska fw istxwanea: taxes and ataesursentx, amt abstraetutg extension tirartyxs, with tntircs[ therms, from data ut payrrrant at the ntaxuuum <br />lega#nta. <br />As psuristtW m, et,e liastd stewed lxraby, wtaik [bra uuxtgage rnsrarnx in effac[ the nasrtgagce may i+areafter advance addittunal atatna to the <br />ntakera of card Hnnd, =bait asaggw us f,x:cr,sura ut tnttectt, whp;Lt wort shall tsc wnhm the +ecunty of this msutgagc the sarru as the futtda originally <br />anwnl theroby, the total anrrwrs ..t urufcsFmt debt rut ro aazwtd at any xirrse trot a-rgrnal arrnsuni at this mangagr_ <br />- f°; tiatkvt [nix ifh axy uq March ~_ n_, !n BO <br />: ,r ; s <br />r ,' <br />~~Tnness <br />~ ~ " ~ ~3._:_~ _.._...__ ___~_._ <br />iiilsla M. irrness <br />~rAr1> or- x~BttASK.A, I <br />{~ura~'tx ~ tau ~ ~ ~}n tea 27th gay „t `raven t~l BO . ba{u~ mr, <br />'hz usWersrprad, a'r`utary Pubiic m and iu< said CuwstY, pernsxtatfy casrx <br />i9wairt 4. Inners and Hilda M. Inners, each in his and her awn ri,ht~h~nd as ~.puuse o~ each <br />A~IiiC-i= are t'arstarsa#ty ttuwn [n <br />tort tp he the +de[slrcJl pcratm5 whtar• naztat S dre aX6xrd tv the a~svc tnrnrumagi as nturtgagux5 sad Lhe_y sa~raity <br />aa9sm+wlatY~asL the t,lhi ~ar>3 __ [, frr loci C z+fiusua:y a.-t sat dead. rr._..~ _j <br />~ ~. <br />~~r~'4'a7~.;. ,-... ,. hi slut ~s*tate# al !tom tfa~ aiiatcaaisi.. t <br />~ ~i / , <br />~~/...a r <br />awgrN Puh4k <br />1~ <br />t .iS <br />