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<br />,'I~ii~i-RE7.EA8$ 4F bdOATGAG&-Cm~os#Fan ~f
<br />~'~li~CDN_>IIIERA/TIC~IrNnf the Pa}anent of the debt srasxed #herei», ttu _~"- -~~t/~.~--'~~ j `
<br />y~AY~*n'- Ott f~~~ ~~ ~ ~~J.7 ~ (uret>g'.ratrases'the.mortgage »gtde to
<br />J'Y
<br />an -Jhs fatiotuing described real late, fo-wit: J~ ~= j
<br />~ ~ ,~='
<br />of Sec#io» f-~ , in Tottmahip /,~ Rangr ~ of Jite P..14., i'~ E
<br />County, State of as~ mhich is recorded' in Bnak a Beat Estate bfartgayrs page •~;..~ _#-_
<br />of the rerards of s. t.auxJy. , f,~.-d~f'~ ,,7 .tr _ ~~:~'+ ~ ~ 4~ ~T b,t}„~'~f.!~l~' x~ '
<br />IN TESTIMONY 1NHEREOP, thr said 'J~_ ~_ ~ 1 ~ Jeoa rags~~~; -
<br />ihesr presr»ts to be rieruttd by :£s Presidenz and its Carpar~fe S~'1Fsf~isedrt} ~~~j ~-"-
<br />day of ~,~ 6~f-c•~ .q 's-~ r• ~ _ ~r~, ~. s:
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<br />.~-_ .,. _ . _. -..-. J _. - 'fittest .............._. , `Casttspr' Senj
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<br />STATE '~l'F .-+~/~/- . ........ ~ L%n this 7 ~_~/' Y f j~.. ~ '> i
<br />_..y-~ }ss. ~ r3 da o ...._. !~ ~r.~ - -- ... _ .. tq~ -f J
<br />.._..._-_......_.-_._.~^~.-~~.~..,,,-... _....L'ou»Jy ) before rne, she undersigned, a :Yotar}° Public i» and for said ~ `.
<br />County, Personalty ramr..._~.-- ,..: -... ...r._... _... ~}.-'_.~ t.-.... ....---.------------.. President of the j '
<br />........._..__._--~-----..--.._.._....._._....._ ~ ...t _ ... _ ................._....... _......... -. _ a car aratime
<br />to »zr P.rsvnait,•-; 'sa;w~ to be - tica! n!*rsnx whew »c»ce is afjised to the above releasr and
<br />arknawlydg-# the exeeuziv» t `= >e » ry art a»d dred as suck aQ:rer, and thr voluntary act and deed ; -
<br />of said CorParatinn. ~ .. .A ~ -
<br />l~tfitxcss my ?said and N ~ >eak et .4f - ..- ~-~-__-..._.. in said ,Caxxt the doy and year
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<br />b!y ro»~missio» es¢iras... ,~:.. ::,...,,sfrq ..~~ .._...--- -- ----------->,~/_„ =,~...--, Notary Public
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