•.1-_SltRY1VORSHiD WARR.4N'FY aEct% flaw, F.~Wdf Campsm, Lincole, Nom.
<br />-~+~ SURYiV012SNEP WARRAhlTY DEE[}
<br />Shirley aartin and :^.er husioand, :~obert F. aartin, sac:. i.^. irsr and }.i= par-^. rig+`.t and
<br />as 6pe;i~'E" ai~^"4*e-ott•ar ,hernia eaLed the grantor ;chether one or more,
<br />ir. eonaideratioa of Nine -tr'ousand and 13cfiCC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (rb9a^uG~O.CQj
<br />received from granttes, does grant. bargaun, salt convey sad confirm onto
<br />Lea r. lion ar3d Eunics S, 1~ilian
<br />fH':sband and t+i`e
<br />9s joint tenants with right of encvivorehip, and act ,i_: tenants in common, the following deacribad real
<br />praperty ia ......................tiALL...,...._...................,... CaunTy, Nebraxka-:
<br />Lat :six t6} ir, 3_aok Clete ,ij of "Kasnlsr "dace", an Additiar. to tt,s City
<br />of Gra;:d isianL, P:sbras-a
<br />~`
<br />3~~ r:, av~ i
<br />To l3av+• and lei tfc+ld tihe ahov.+ des+crhnd pr+~u.iseF c++prtiter xvitn all trnetnents, herediinxnents
<br />anti a, }.+ttrit+trta.,~ !>:rr>tn ealaagixt(', ui:co thc~ ;,~rarte<•s and to eheir as=ig: or to the hairs ami assigns
<br />3n• grantor tire= hemp covenant ~c~ith the Kral~tYea :zad with their assigns and with the 6eitn
<br />aid an~gm~ •~ thz eu v:~',:r of [4tem +1zrt granter W a:efuil~: eisrcl of .: aid _;+:em ianu_ ''rat c_;,.,_•: yro iree farm
<br />~e<,tffibraffia xx xxx
<br />'uulff~i ... act 2a 5-~'I{2.`1L.5 a.,.7 roscri,. ~cv..~ vc i__li .
<br />1'l qi Kra'1 CUT hae s,oti.l Ci;tli anct tali fni sntilUrit,f tU ,'. ~±tt c'P Ilie 411;1; [~ ~ ;iIlil :118[ i'?'3litilr x'arrantAi alltl x'ill
<br />iefend ~._, tstl~ i.^. said preneia.-x xc;3.inxt t're iowfsl nlaitas csf r.'s! prraoas whaa:soa:er.
<br />it is tht intention of all parties hernzn zhar lu the evert of tae death of either of tho granteae,
<br />1"~ ,.rt= are n'uaple title w the real Mate shall vest ~t: rh•• -.vr~i~-±IiK ereatee_
<br />herS.t_ Tu7y 7R 3° 7!~
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<br />~a@rt F. .~~ tin
<br />3~+&T~i i3lr CALZFUIZlIS$ - Q~HCE
<br />.-~ at not;arrp palllie qualified for ~tid ,-~+itzcy. ~raaaallp eaza+~ 7^ir?2y Marti : and
<br />;iah~~fi P, sb~crtir.~ aVf fe and ??usd,i^d
<br />knav n ar. +o%4A the idasntieai persUn or prrxpat+ :vit,s -.i;Guect the. ;oreguiacg lnatnl;nent sad ncknux'I!xi{led
<br />titer fs~.>.t.~.;: t,}ynr~td-te k+e h;s, Aer or their volamta.r~ ,:~:,8n;1 rlrrd.
<br />__ +natarsal spat .zn .....~ ,..: «^~iY ~$..........., t9......i I2._...
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<br />'z rrt.wsc trcs,a t Sdy cosdsccisa.#sxr+ nXS+xte^w ..........;^stCC23, .: a.,,,, _ i31'".... _ ._
<br />all l.~as aaa,.*_ ?. ,~.~
<br />arwrwrrawa+rr,w _.. _....._.. _......._ ... __..
<br />_.__ ..... ____ ~a...e, _.. __. _..._ ._
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