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<br />Lerxter's writer agrtettttnt or applit:aiilr taw. Bol7owu ahall pay the amoum of aR mottgagt insurance premietttta ir, the <br />manner provided utrdcr paragraph 3 Steteaf. <br />Am amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, wiEh inretest thereon, shall lxrnme additional <br />indebtedness of Bormixer secured by thix ~forigage. tinft .s Bnnewer and Lender agree to other terms of paymrnt. such <br />amounts st:ail be payaLalc neon notice farm Lender to Borrower rtgvts[ing payment thereof, and shaft beaz interest fmm the <br />da€e of distwrsemt,--:, az :ix -rate payable from tines to time on autstarxl~g principal u»dtr the Note tmiess payment of <br />intctst at such rate won[d be enn~rary fo a-.^ttt-`able aw, in whsch tvtiti :,t:ch aneaunis strait bear iritresi at rite higettst rate <br />permisdtdr trader appiirablc ?aw. ry"othing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any eitptrase or take <br />arrv action hereunder. <br />g. Ina~ertfoa. Ctnder may make or cause to trc made ceasnnaMt ev:rier upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that tender shaA glut 4arrower tsat~ct prior to any such insptciia>n spcc::;ying reasonable cause therefor related to I.rnders <br />~ntere;r in the Property. <br />9. CttgdamaaHnq. The prcicerth of any award nr claim far damages. direct or corutgta:ntiai, in connection with any <br />c-ondemnatisin or other faktrtg of the Property. or part thrreo#, fir for c +Jtveyance in fire of e-.otldemnation. art herei±y assigned <br />artd shaft tie paid rn I.endzr. <br />In the event of a total laktng of the Prt±ptrry-. tier pratrsis ehatt ~ applied to the sums seeurti~ by this 'Mortgage. <br />with the esczss. it anv, paid to Borrower In the event of a partial taking of the Propeny, unless Borrower and Lanier <br />otfierxist agree in writing, there shalt t>r applied m the sums sourest by this Mortgage such proportion of the proc:etds <br />as is equal to that Ixropurtinrt which the amciunt nt ahc sumo raured by fits Mortgage immedinttly prior to the date of <br />taking bears ro rhr fair market valor of ttre Ptnpetty immediately poor ru fhr Jatt o} tatting, with the balance of fhr proceeds <br />pouf to Borrower. <br />tf Sht Property is abandoned by Borrower, or sf, after notice by tender m Bonass•er that the covdetbner oAt:ts to tttakc <br />an award nr srttie a iaim for damages, il<,rrrnver lasts `n t+spurx7 m Lender wi[hin 3ti days after the date such notice is <br />mzi}ed. Lrn~r it authtxiatf to rnfk'ct and apply the proceeds. at !.cotter'=, ondon. either to restora#ion or rspai; of the <br />Property ,rr :o the sump x`cvred by this Mortgage- <br />`niess ttmfer and Borrower othtrwisr agree in writing. am~ ~c.K•h appikatiurt of proceeds to prindpa# shall nut rstrnd <br />cr Wrstponr Shz ;foe dart of tar tn:^nthh• instaiitntnfs rrfrm-d to in ta,ragraphs ! artA ? hrteof or c[tange the armtunt of <br />such irxrai?mums, <br />tfl. $orroxrr N~ @dea+Kd. Euenvt•o ,.t the same tcK payment or mcdificatiun of amuriizarivn of the rums secured <br />by this !Mortgage granted hc' t~mkr tr anv suecesx-€ ~^ inttre.t of 8c+erovrt shalt not aptratc err rcltast. in any manner, <br />the tia±ir?ity art the original Borrower and Burr;rwrr`s s.k+~rrxn's in interest- i.rndtr shall nut fit rtyuited to comtnentt <br />pr~c=finer ago;:cst ruck svc«:eswr =tr rrfi;sr to rstrnd t: mr tiny payment ,x vihersrire mcidify amnrtiza[ion of tht surm <br />,rzuccd t>v rhix M1}vrtgage try reat,:n of -any 6ernand made t>y fhr orrganat 9ermwer zed Aarrewrrs succrsscirs in interest, <br />St. Fnrhearrace by Ixs9der tiot s Wainer. 4•+e t,,r±srsra».r t+y Irndrr in eeerc:sing arn' right ur remedy herturtder. s>r <br />nttstrwist s#fordttf tsy appitznhfr taw, shaft :eo: >x a wa:vrr ;> , . pr~indr the txerc?st .rf any such right nr remedy. <br />TtSe nrrTxnrtrrtetii crf iusurattrr ur fhr Sravmrnt ~{ loan. .>r .+thcr !:era -tr _tfargcs by [.trader .hail not ht a waiver ei Lendci s <br />right tit a;:t-ckrate the maurrity ;rf the ,sttlrf+tesirrrss +r:.~ur.d by •hi, \i,.rgagr. <br />=6 A'ratat$cx Camtriatira A;'i rcr>rrdis pr<~•-drd m t`t= 4{artgagc are distinct anti enmt.Fatis=e fo anY other right or <br />rrmarty smurr this ?iarfga{<m ,rr atfarrded As- pax- ,v ,-,tutrs- an,f loos hr esrrc:srd concurrently, indipenekmty nr +occexsivrW <br />f;t, 5rretssrra sad issagm tlnaad: ]bsyt abd lerrtat f-iahiMt..; Capdorn. Thz ;rorenants attSt agrcemrnts herein <br />e ntainFt3 shalt find. and the righES hrreuvder ,halt :Wore *.o, the testtettve succz4san and assigns of trndrr and 8utrowec, <br />> oe- ht }>rtto-c-isiurzs _tt paragrsp. -' HrrAr+f ~ti ctric,e..nis a.....agrermrnts , t Br+rn>wer sha., i>r ;oirt and ceyer ai. <br />Thy cAptrc=»s oast heaciingx et Iht paragraph- o; rti+s Mertgagr are E,>r .,>rvtmrncY +,n?v and ire not to t+r used to <br />intrrlpret or .ttitn~ the nruvi,;;onr hereof. <br />1>#. ?i>Ricr. cscrrt irrr any` ~nnicr tr.{-„red _:nder ippilrsE+?e Isk t.• ^e givre ;n attsitt^rr raa?axcr- ta? my ^c rice fo <br />Lt_•rrc`~w_r ^m >a~d ,r+r :,: ,..ia ht.a.sabr .na., ~ ~..~,..,. m `tag uch n?,a:-Y `- u~rr rxd ,,ate ., ;dyes.:'t to $c rrc±wer at <br />tt*r t'r-nrrtr •ltsdrr+s <.r ..s .u ~ ~hrr addrea as 's3i.•-„•hzr ~av :itsrg ale by coin t - [.Er.s= n,.i,ie=i ?x rein. snJ <br />1Fi fro+ nov z ;u Lcndrr +h.dt he szatn by ~.:ertrfxd maul, rrt _e.,pt $ itsetd, t 1. zder's ,i _ ;lace:t !v~r,<n :i <br />s-ts-'t ,-ti.e,- a:,cire:s :, I.Ydar mas rFr,it, suer h.- ..,ti..z eo ns vmndrd neresn ~m• notice prnvideei for in thin <br />-:t.;rt~agc ~-,*l ~ c#t~r-cs. + ~ ~rz gr4-en "~i--ri ~.cer _r i ctt,~tr -.c-*scr: pr+~--.. rr ~,rr manor: :tesiRnaied Herrin. <br />l5. t;rr}ftsrm ~fn.tnatte: ~t:U,rergitq Lax; SevwabWly. ?lints t,rrm at ;nortgagc .rtmbinrs uniform covenants for nanonat <br />use arni non-u..^.iform <ove::arty :+:rh hmtttd yarsaa;rns hq :.uriraiutt.*n tv comuntte a unsfnrm srurnty insuvrrrem covering <br />roal lxrfprnv fTrrc 12t'.rigage shat? tic ,yt+vrnrrd hF rhr law .,f the --ursdi~n!m :n which rhr Property is located. Sn the <br />tvtnt that day prctvrs6cfn ar ;louse of tilts A'iungagt ar the V,etr ccn8icis with .epptscablt Iaw, such conflrct shall not atfec[ <br />Yher .i[cry,sicnis ,:f ;has S3ortaaer ,:r t#ir \oir whs: it c-an Ssr e,:ven cite~r u~irh.x!t :h+• _~rnlli_fi,.s r.,.v:r:t.n- .yid e_ this <br />end tCw_ pre y•_iuns c+f t[xt '*t,?rrgagr .red the ti.:te are .it'farrd to tic .rveraMe. ... _ <br />16. IiorroneYs l'opy. &> ah~ll err fnrnshed a ;vnturmttt copy of the NOte unit of this Mortgage at the time <br />(`r C1e%tltrt,n Vr aEit`r trim lfl"ill+n tlrr'rtN. <br />i7. Treader of the Prtspertr; ,ligtatsgt;gr, t€ all or any part of the Propem' or an interesr rhtrein is xoid nr transferred <br />tw $art;iwrr -w+ttxnd f- ~xirr's pnc,r- x.ntttr :_rrzxnt, escltx}inti tai the creation at a lien sx rncumbrant`r wtrvrdinatt to <br />tars Mortgage. the me ,:renisctn .si purehax m<mry .er:urity in[rrtst tar houseitoiil appliances. tcl a transfer by devix. <br />dent ,rr by ,•prnttan of law upt>v lily death :.f a iomt trnan[ ar t,ir fhr gram ,>f anv ttasehu?d interest ;rt three years or fes-s <br />nut arntaming ors optinii to pvtchaar, Ixrrder may. at t.rnder •, r*puon, <Srciare alt the rums ser:ured t:v obis Mottgagt to fx <br />mtttxJsatriy dur acrd ^eyatrie t rrxttr shaft Naar w-atvrd .us~t; upuott to sccrier:ut .i, prior to fhr sale or aanafcr. Lrndrr <br />anJ fhr pzswria ;o •+`hrvzi t e Prs:Pert} r> sa he sol.f ,rr ttanxtxr;•z,t reach agre~tnrm ,n wriunst +fiut rhr credit of swh person <br />is SAtfSia:fct~ `C i c`rrdr% i[W fv'e¢i tAC mfrtraf paVa'J'R ttrt lily ttlt>SS 4el tired tit :}r[] Mirrtgagr =na}t t>r a1 such rate J,S tondo! <br />sitotT rtytmt. !Y t-tndrr has watvtat the opuaa to accelerate ptrovidrrt u, this txtragtap3l 17. and it Bt,rrtrwtr`a svcc'eascir in <br />interest has esrct,ird a wrsnrn aasutnptt xt agrttmcnt actxpteei in writing by F.endrr. Ltndtr st:nll rcltast Burrower from all <br />cd3igm,ens uidtr thix .0'tr.-rgtige aitd fhr tiose. <br />if lxitdtr rxtrctsr+ ush utaisfra to a~cckrxte, [..ends: shall mail Bnrrcrs+rr Hotter of as<4tltratie_>ti to atctvtanit wirh <br />psrsgtaph ?a ';rrrot Stich Wexler -halt provtdt s period of not less thou 31) dapa fns*m rbe dnro the tx>ticc is maiSed ,yithm <br />wt±.~tt f#vt'ta- -t€ tray arts t3±t -to-^.r? ;k.-to:nit e!>x. ?t Bes;-teu~tr ?acts !e Fay ~:_h ,nms r3rter tr. the rcpiraiicn of .,t~.h pcr:uti. <br />Ls`xittre may, rxrti±r..uf furthx`t notia-t: ~+r -.letnatad eon t{:irruwtt, :rtco#r any ;emtdies {xrmsttrd ht para{raph iY htrb~>f. <br />`ttrN.ii'<r rvaa Ccvskxst>5. $urrcrwrr arts L,ttrdtr furrhtr .;ovtnant and agrrr as toile>wr: <br />ill. Pr,ccekratiort itsarcr$as. Eutpt r Prosided is psrggraNlr fS Bereet, bgron Itgrrewer's brace set aqr agrlaagt w <br />xaPB1110at trt Q4rFtlti'!t iq ihia a[!. iaths~g fhr rditq@bIR tq PtY ,rtltn $a! LIY 9tlFai ltifl3tit bT ttrti ~{tl ft~a~[, <br />l.i'la~e[ QRtbf fq a~MtiFrrt}eit %~ troll bbtiCC [b dHi/'OteH 90.1 ~P\)vidld to td hC}Cbt }f (3 ittt ttrtbrb, <br />tom" tbP i[S11e8 tb i'3tre 6Bi:t1 hregt$; ij a tlA{e. teat kaa thaa ~ y t <br />{ days franc fire date the notke 6 trtriird to ®brrosrer, <br />hY irharh sash Suzntit agstt ht reseal: aad {xl thN taLane to two srrh hrrath rat ter hdbre the Bahr yniNad kn ttx rtbtke <br />reegh iq r9`reh?xat699s ui Nee srarr sFarred Mr this 4i9yrfigtle, krtrieMtr+r hT jg1kW Proreedlgt and sale t9f the Pnrprrn'. <br />'CisC twANt,tf ttp[thes iw~'aFat EaFro9srs ,A fhr rytgt tb rtiarLi{e tsPEe9 arrairFettona ad ttia right to assert tq th8 toPaetbsrre <br />f~++~?ME the trssRerisaetsce d q thittadt rr ~ uthet defearte bt lwmrsr tb atcrlerrdw sad farrtclasgre. N the brraair <br />b rut erred can aF 6eftxr ttre thter apbatiderA is Nsr . t<tsdar ~ Lradrr's nptitar itaty tterhr2 aU d Me stewrs secured bx <br />t6dq~ tb tat tavrasd4tlt7y tfae cad trq)ahit irk ttrrthae drrtred >rad r~ Lyrterlrse Ity ~adieiW prtaecaw9rg, I..eafer <br />Na# 4e «aYLM bs s•adiesl fa arch !east ai rscp:xaaes rd fw+r. hrthd~a, fates trot $rtftesi ta, com art drswaer~las <br />~. s2rptraFie surd th.6r re~brts <br />~~ + ~ ~. .s:-,fu~r~-°s'rt =rte=='t ~;t.teessu;ra ;'F h:: ,;rmx ~:arxd bx a ai:r:€G_ar~=, <br />lt.,,. ..nn $r 8 ',:"'-.r -,fir ,t..~.~ a, ~,.-,~.v;b,~..'rrr• -._, E_: iC'r .-. enirrsc rzt'- - ,,,..g,+Yt :tis.:.rntxnts^ti do a,r? .,nsc <br />