8€3-e diG;~~ ~t)~T~A~GE '
<br />rfus ~ax~cac~ ~ tnadw ~ z3~*h appp ........ ~, ~n
<br />Igo.,betsveea#~eMm~tga~rxr;tlEf~3E3iP.sy tSiR RNA >_1WSTlt K, flbc"SEE3, husband;.anr1 wi.rE..
<br />_..
<br />...... .. . ..... . :...:...: ....... . (tea "Bvtsttwer"), and the ~ocEgegcr: , Home Ftz#eral ; ,
<br />5av~saad.I.osn Associstioa, a oospora€iaatoie~aniaad anti atfsting trader the iawa of Rite-LF*titad States of
<br />Amera;a: whose sxldreas is 2219ottth I:ocuttt 9tceet. Eizaad iele~; Nebraska itt•,Lant6ar•,)
<br />iVtteaFes, Boger is ittdebted to L.cnder inlhe prituipal sum oP.SEA'~iZC.7?~Oi?SAatD-:~hIP_P!t>/.1Q3---_,
<br />__--------~~__~---~-..----------"t3ollars, vrls!=6 tradebi~ness is evidmaed 6v ~orfower's torte
<br />dated. ?torch _ 27,. t 98J _ „ _ , . „therein ..Note„)> providing Pormottthty irtssalimm#s ~ priatapat and it~tmcest,
<br />wrtlr the baianee oP the im#eb#ait~s, i# not soonar.patd.-dtte.and payable on-....4n€:i1_.l.:~t~04..-:-:..,..,.. -° - --
<br />To Sectmt to Ltnder (a? the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the AFote, wish ioutast thcrwrc fire
<br />payment oP ail other snttts,.wit6 intetr:st thereon, advantxd in aectsrdant~ henewtih to protect iite security-of Phis - -
<br />~, ~# ttu per£_ ~_____ of t~ -- -!~ a~agm€tnent~ sf Bcerrc~wec t~rein-rnnfeinc~. fi(b) therr~avmratt - - -
<br />oP'L(tr fmzdre advances, with imerrst thereon. made to Borrower by Latttkr pursuant to paragraph 22 ItereaP (harem
<br />"1~Sttlare Advaatxs^); Boaovwtr dots hereby mortgage. grant and convey to Lender the Pnilowlttg described pmpettg
<br />taCatdtt irs the (:Dusty of ....... . ........... ~A~t„ ................... Stan of IVebra,<ka~
<br />L'C t tlE'tw[TY T~fl f 21 i;ti L(~:~ ,•8" , t tti "PAf{N-J i E~' ~:1d3~ t V F S I CV" L4CATE~ I N Tt•!E
<br />PiQi2T'HcAST Q;;As•TwR (t.E~i JF S;rCTtC,S~ 29, API'v' THE 'd~RT,~WEST QUARTER (NtV§) OF
<br />SEGT1tXi 28, AI,L it# T€~r1trSHEt' Ei~VEIa' tl?>, `StiRT;~, i~At1GE f.iNE (9) NEST ~F THE Sih'TH P,?~f.
<br />wlsirh-hss #~ addrrxas c!P.., ,='-~iia !~arR r, vh{ ... . ~r[ttt ' i i,zna - -...... - ,
<br />- tstrast rv~trt
<br />- , y _ . y:3st;rrtskb cftf5~i.. , . (herein "Property ~lddterus"):
<br />- - - t'Sm+>mu x'ar S~9t1
<br />'I'YaCtl~traR svitit- sU the- i.~wemea:ts sww ~cr Izvieatter ererled tFn thr prr3perty. ;utc1 ali :•mtements. ri¢Itt~
<br />apyttrsertertee~a, soars. royalties, mirurai. oit and-gas rights atui pri3ttts, water. water rigiets, and water st~k, and ali
<br />itanuea nuatr ttr hcrcaitn itttached tts the prtzperty, al! to which. incitrdina replixxments and additions thereto, .hall be
<br />tlsvemee5 us ba aed rtrtraen a tutrt o[ tht pngterty arvarrd f+l€ this Mortgage: and all tzl the fare~irtg, n~ather with said
<br />t?rc€pettY for tltr k+:aseaold errtat+r if this: Mostga~ is <m x teasehttdct j ate hen:in reterrrd to as the "Property".
<br />- - Borrc~et ca+maaatrt ttrat Beyrruwar tr lawiullr 3ritrxl c?f tht eata#e hereby t:onvayed and has the right to mnrtgsge.
<br />Sara gild c~sttwap tbs prtyteny. that t#s., imtperYS p rtneetsewtrt*wre+i. and tttat t?crrmwr;; wilt waeeant .tnd ,.tefcna
<br />,~soersclly [iaa. ttr t>se Pn~strtg rtptias# ail ctrrirm and slrmar;cls, ;:ubtatt its ang dceiatatiaras, cascrren#s or rrstrsctiotss
<br />- t to a ~ t~ ~° - ~p this dttiirrat;ry psxt~._; irt~trtie;# 1..:.ndc'r'€ ittterrst ift the; I'ro~rtg.
<br />~_; tai Fgeatf~-6; 15a.t~iitFtlkllG -t~tA
<br />