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°_.;~ <br />STl$DIVISIflN AGItE1MENT <br />~....: ~. <br />iJN'IT THREE LOT 2 BLOCK 8 RERLAT CONTINENTAL GARDENS <br />Art Addition.~`n The City of Grand Island.. Nebraska <br />iii.d-Continent Enterprises, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, <br />hereinafter called the Subdivider, as owner o.f a tract of land <br />compriaing a part of Lot Two (Z}, B1oek 8 Replat, Continental Gardens, <br />An Addition to the Gity of Grand Island, Nebraska, and more particularly <br />e described as fi~llows: <br />Beginning at a paint °n the-East Zine of said Lot <br />', Two (2), said point-being ane hundred fifty-two <br />and forty-eight hundredths (152_48} feet South of <br />' the Northeast corner of said Lot Two {2}; thence <br />S OOD'44` 00" W along the East line of said Lot 2 a <br />distance of ane hundred thirty-three (133} feet to a <br />earner of-said Lat. 2; thence N 89° 33' 2S" Id a distance <br />I ' at ane hundred sixty-five (165) feet; thence N 00° 44' <br />- 00" 1~ a distance of ane. hundred si-xteen and fifty-three. <br />hundredths (125.53} feet to a point on the South line <br />of Unit One, Lot Two (2}, BZaek 8 Rapist, Gantinental <br />Gardens; thence S89° II' 34" E along the South line <br />a£-said Unit One a distance of twenty and fourteen <br />- hundredths (20.14} feet- to the Southeast corner of <br />said- Unit One, thence N 00° 41' S3" E along the East <br />1{=€e of said d3ni.t One a distance- ~of seventeen- and. <br />fifty-two hr-:ndredths (Z?.52} feet; thence S 8~° 11` 34" E <br />a distance of ane hundred forty-four and eighty-seven <br />hundredths (144,87? feet to ChP paint of beginning, and <br />containing 13.4913 acres, [a~rre car ices; <br />desires to have subdivided as a :;ubdivision the aliove described-tract. <br />a€ - lam .-cam is located ;~~tl~in the c.c~rpnrate Inii.::s b.f the CiC~ of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, and hereby submits to the City Council of such <br />City far acceptance as provided 6y law a.~ accurate map and plat of <br />such prvpased subdivision to be known as Unit 't'hree, Lat 2, Block 8 <br />Replat, Continental Gardens, designating explicitly the land to he <br />laid qut and partLeularZy describing the Zots and easements belonging <br />to such subdivision, with lass designated by numbers and easements <br />by dasions, and proposes t.n cause the plat of such subdivision when <br />€inall:y approued by the Regional PZarning Camrnission and the GiCy <br />Cs~~zncii to bz acl:nae~ledged by- such °wner, certified as ra aocuracv <br />4f survey by a ze~stered land surueyr~r, and to contain a dedication <br />of Che easnts to the use of public utilities. In cansideratinn <br />of t#~t~ acceptance of the plat of said Unit .Three, Lot 2, Black 8 <br />Replat, Crintinent.aZ Gardena, the Subdivider hereby consents and <br />agra~s wit#~ Lie City of Grand-Island, Nebraska, chat it will install <br />c3 proving at it.s ~aegans~ the- foliawing iueprt~vements: <br />r <br />