~~1-- Q~~
<br />DFasoh~2. ~R~~~ IVE ° ~ DEED
<br />TRSS DF~ made. and executed this ~$~` day of /eTQCC~
<br />I48Q, by and bet~eea TLIE FIRST NZtTI4i~E,I. BAiVA 6F GRA~~ ISLANfI,
<br />a cnincrrat-ion, of grand Island, Hall County. t3ebras~ca, Perscanal
<br />Representative ai the Estx.te Qf SHERI3A:"~ F. T[.~12L+1FR, Deceased',
<br />Late oP Grand IsLaxsd, E€al1 County, Lsiehrastta, Grantor, end
<br />~t~ S. t3F~'ES xnd JDNETTA M. '°[EVES, huYt;and aad wife, as
<br />joint tenants Taith right of survivorship, Grantees.
<br />~iZT~S$552.°TR: That ', he ~'ir~t i3atianal zk of Grand Ialaric
<br />being the duly appointed, ffualified, aaxi actisf$ Perst:nal
<br />presentative of the Carats of 3he~an F. Turner, Deceased,
<br />and ~SUrsuant to the t~ravisions o:: the Last Will and Testament
<br />of the deeeasee~', and in cc~nss.der'ation of the seam of FGttTY-TW£}
<br />l"~30Ls'~II'3 DflAS X54;:, 6~it~. GQ) , to it paid by Grantees, receipt
<br />v-}:ereof is hereby ac'~c~F+ledged, does, tsy these presetts, grant,
<br />bargain, sell. remise. release, canve;r, and crinzirm unto the
<br />Grant-ees-. tom: fcli:awing ~'as~:ribec~ : eel estate situxteef in
<br />the Cc~nt~ of Eiall, afore ~Rf `febras za-wit.
<br />~t Fiore t=~, i~: Nloci~ ertr-rive 4=?S), *_r.. ;Mesa
<br />t`id4+t?e:r to the t;itf ~~k Grs~ui Is Lanx3, Hall Caxsnty,
<br />i~eb:'ss ,
<br />tezgether ;rich aL: and s~ndular the r_ers~s!ents, i:ere~t~itac~sent:a,
<br />ar~i appur:enans.es there~:s. hrL++r~gi.n~; +~~- in vr,? wise appert<ai:ti. g
<br />theaet~, and also aL:. ob c`:e est,~.e. ..phr., ..~_>e, iz,rerest
<br />pr~:xzerrv, ~osse:a~t:.cx~, claim, and. ueecsand wt;atrctever •ahic'~ the
<br />».. vbs. ~-~€~ ° ~e ;tee _.
<br />sated vxrsan = _ ~;za si.emi~ ~~zd ~x
<br />app<~~intmer3'v as gerrai ~tepr~~.,~ntac i a~, ,~~' atiierwi.}a, oh., Lr..
<br />ox ._ti ::e a'u<.;€ ~ra€:veu ~misea 3.:: ~e-_ r,a:: ,wei
<br />eher~sf 3:~Ch she a~F~~ _e:gees.
<br />~F 43 ~-SG Hi it .~= E~i::~P .. .- r°ra` 'C asr'R~i64"{s ~°~~~,~~ ,;~~~€
<br />_-_-_-~I.-~ Y-_"E -~-4. L~~-34~ i ~-...-~iiS~iY~~, 7Tii: aT~'y~-~--°~., G~'SnZia.~a i~:'~~ _
<br />;:nra bei.an,9ing us:C~a the t;-:antee:s anal ^.- the?: successors and
<br />assures. ti:r t~, tie hefts >aed ax:sins of ~'~et saar•rivar of Chem
<br />ftrr~aer .
<br />quad ';'H:e 'rir~' r';atiunxa3 ~an~ o :;rand Island, a e.sarpr,ra-
<br />tiocs. fear itsel`', :.ts s~a~ces;ax,rs. arci asaiyns, dues cauenant,
<br />prrsmise, am3 agree to aaad wftls the Grantees that it is ? ac~-
<br />fulL;~ the ~casson.al Rc:preaezatat~.ve of the Sherman ~". ~"urner
<br />Rstate, sand :heat as ouch, ie is i<ewfuLL sei;seu cf said ~te-
<br />:sises, thet saki pr~cis~es .srs: :reex frexa enc:;u~&razsc:es. :atsu
<br />tent Lt toss ~osae* to cony an+l has atte~i in kiaR t^is
<br />toa±vepattc:e Ln purauance of t'tae last '.IiLi :anti `Iaatatsertt ~~.
<br />5hn;~:asti F . Tsarne-. D era,aeci . anc3 that i. t ;sas sat wade , done .
<br />ar su.~fere+# anv .aet, ~ttex, s)t thing wlsatsnever wax Fersontal
<br />~?t`~4~$~t~ ~'!z- ~~Y ~3~ ~~QYC ~L~r~ei ~~J~~±1,_!3e$~ `?r ~A,S'
<br />part. tae. eof ~.-~.1;, ~;taL l , - .. msy be s~eacka~.. :,.'€argeci er
<br />e~Lxcred in azt~ z:caatner a~xtsz+a~rer
<br />IPi W~TRF~S ~7iRI€Fia3F, Gr€caztcar e~cecutes ti?:3.s dee:;# the daft anc3
<br />ge~xx first anus smitten.
<br />T32E ~'It't+~` ~iAT2C3HAi. 3A~€K ~JF !~RA~~D
<br />'EsJ~VTJ4RY a IS214iiD> a C,e?rptsCi~, Fers~ nul
<br />'~tt' T+aa; r Regreasancari¢m of the ~'scate~ of
<br />S;sasrsaar~ ~ .~arsaer .. ,eas
<br />°- ~ ~ } Ri3 tsars3 ~:' Sit~~~xa'c•si~~ent
<br />
<br />