<br />BERNARD C. 1iARDfRS and ROGENf A. HARDERS, husband and wife, herein called the
<br />mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY,THOUSAND
<br />and NO/100 DOLLARS, received from Mortgagee, does mortgage to THE STATE BANK OF
<br />CAIRO, a Nebraska Banking Corporation of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska, the following.
<br />` described real estate:
<br />- The Southeast Quarter (SE'-;) of Section 3 in Township 11 North,
<br />Range II, West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, except
<br />the following described tract of land: @eginning at the -
<br />Southeast corner of said SE; thence running northerly along the
<br />east line of said SE a distance of 372..0 feet; thence running
<br />westerly, parallel to the south line of said SEr; a distance
<br />of 993.0 feet; thence running southerly, parallel to the east
<br />line of said SE; a distance of 372.0 feet to a point on the
<br />south line of said SE%<; thence running easterly along the Booth
<br />' line of said SE's a distance of 993.0 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />The South Half of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S'~S~SW;)
<br />of Section 16, Township 11 North, Range i1, West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, except the fallowing described tract of
<br />land: Beginning at the southeast corner of said SWu and running
<br />thence westerly along the south line of said SW~:. a distance of
<br />b37.13 feet; thence deflecting righ± 910 03' 30" and running
<br />northerly a distance of 341.31 feet, to the place of beginning;
<br />thence continuing northerly along the last described course, a
<br />distance of 258.69 feet; thence westerly and parallel to the
<br />south line of said SW~, a distance of ?13.6 feet; thence deflecting deft
<br />8;io 56`30" and running southerly a distance of 258,69 feet;
<br />thence easterly and parallel to the south line of said SW<
<br />a distance of 313.6 feet to the mace of beginning, said excluded
<br />tract containing 1.862 acres, more or Less.
<br />The North Half of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (N~S'~SW,)
<br />of Section 16, in Township 11 North, Range 11, West of the 6th P.M.
<br />Hatl County, Nebraska.
<br />Mortgagor does hereby covenant with the mortgagee and with mortgagee's
<br />successors and assigns thai mortgagor is lawfully seised of said premises,
<br />that they are free fr~n encumbrance, except as hereafter described, that
<br />mortgagor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same, and that
<br />mortgagor warrants and wiiT defend the title to said premises against the
<br />lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />It is agreed to by the parties that this mortgage is subject to and junior
<br />to a certain mortgage conveyed by the above mortgagor to John Hancoek Mutual Life
<br />Insurance Canpany, dated January 31, 1478, and recorded in the office of the
<br />Register of Deeds, Hali County, Nebraska as document number '78-000671.
<br />This martgagge is given to secure the payn~nt of the promissory note of this
<br />date made by mortgagor far 525O,uOO.UO with interest the eon according to the
<br />terms of said note, payable on the z4tt+ day of each and every March beginning
<br />March 24 1981 upon all prinGipaT'~emaining from time to time unpaid; principal
<br />to ita-paid in instalments as follows: 55,OOfl.00 on Plarch 2.i 1.981; 55,UOU.00
<br />eri March 2k 1982; traianee of 5240,000.00 on March z4 f483.
<br />Mortgagor shall pay all taxes and assessments ]evied upon said real property
<br />and-all other taxes levied on this mortgage or the note which this Gra~rtgage is
<br />given to secure before the same becomes delinquent. If mortgagor fails to pay
<br />such taxes and assessments, =r+artgagee may pay such taxes and the amount so advanced
<br />with interest at ).i," par annum shall be secured by this rnortgage.
<br />