- ~ 53-A-RERt. £STAT£ MCRTGAG£-With °, +. C:aux 'n-~ixtf ':3€zy -' e n..trm.:n tFr,«ra w
<br />.: .. .: 9P~Y i:.x,se Liomxn, Nebr.
<br />- KNOA' ALI- 11P--!v fiY -i t-+£?`;?-: PI?i•:SF.":T~: "Cii-1'3'
<br />LERQY 6. HEUPEL and SANCRA S. NEUPEL .n • itit.,rtraenr j
<br />•,f Hdi l f rvnrc- :,nd 3tsta of Nebraska --.i:rration of the sum o,
<br />Thirty thousand, Six hundred seventy-seven and 46f100--------------------- ~LL,t~
<br />in h:m,t da herc•fiy `iFI,t, end C£>N VE1' unm
<br />The State Sank of Cairo, a ~:ebraska Banking Corporation
<br />t.Ir,r,;;agce >
<br />•„ Hal T Cauniy :xari state .., Nebraska the futiowm~ denCritxvC ;,remisex
<br />aituatr-ci in Haii r~,,,,nt~•, a;,<t ~t:.,<. ,:f Nebraska t=>-;vtt: p tract of land
<br />comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter {NE;SEts} of Section
<br />Une (1}, township Twelve (I2} North, Range Twelve (12} West of the 6th P.M, in Hall County,.
<br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of
<br />said Southeast Quarter {SE<}: thence westerly ,<long the North itne 0f said Southeast Quarter
<br />,(SEo}, a distance of Six Hundred Eleven and Eighty Seven Hundredths (611.87} feet to the
<br />Northeasterly right-of-way Tine of Highway No. 11; thence deflecting left 127026'30" and
<br />running southeasterly along said right-of-way sine, a distance of Eighty One and Ninety-Five
<br />Hundredths (81.95) feet, to a point of curvature; thence southeasterly along the arc of a.
<br />;.curve whose radius is 2,939.39 feet (the Tong chord of which deflects right 03014'20" frost
<br />'p the last described course}, a Tang chord distance of Three Hundred Forty and Eighty=Five
<br />iHundredths (340.85} feet; thence deflecting left 89042'30" fram the long chord of the last
<br />'Ittescrihed curve and running northeasterly, a distance of Four hundred Forty-four and Thirty
<br />iEight Hundredths. {444.38} feet, to the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE<}; Thence
<br />horthenly along the east tine of said Southeast Quarter (SE<}, a distance of Ninety-Nine
<br />'4nd Sixty-Four Hundredths (99.64} feet to the place of beginning and containing 2.832 acres
<br />I#ngrz ar Tess.
<br />The intCntinn txin~ to .•c-nF,•v hereby an ab.~.»ute !n;,' :.. .ee , rt;;i,- ;rtcu,i•n:; .,ti thc• xinhts .,f h;.me,lead and dow<~r.
<br />- "Cf) HAL'F' -#\D CYI ,{F1I.I~ t.>:., <. i.-.-.-.i ,~ • r ;i .~- :xF,1>urvenancus t?u~rrunte r,elnnKtn;; uxrte the
<br />+ard :aurzKSKee aral to 'I t5 "gAkt~ 9: ~: n.. i. x. ti, r ~ i - i,:ati; .~.>< [hce , tiita err ~ ,+nrx thr ,
<br />- mndttscn that cC the afore:-said mortgag+rr their ,•vr.. • serutcra, admmisisdoxs <.r <+, inns ,,hall Puyt,¢ rauae' 4,nbe
<br />• ,,aed to the ,aid runrt, aKee _ 1tS s~,~.~i ~.~:u., a=inarustraa,ra .,r. +sit;n,, the sum of
<br />X30,677.46 n„!tars. Pa,aht: a, fatU,.~. 1P-w~,t-:
<br />uaaxtaxx~¢na• a~,zxe zaez
<br />csxa#~x a>t~xP
<br />- Z7GLiS TU#fii@lX tdCs2XP 24~
<br />2Jalxmx¢x il#t.2ItE a4t2
<br />Z36~X;~J4;~@I,X ~X,ZXP .ai~I
<br />~~~~~ [.,~xi~'X~I~tt~x~~t~i1a~;~lF, ao~va~x u t4 t,S ' . ~ , nnr ann .'f'ICSt ,.[
<br />r ~s~i,? „r,,:rri~sury ~.,t~, ut _~ta Leroy (, Neupel and Sandra S. Heupet , dated 3r 18;
<br />_ - - Iwaring ~.r r i t,. ~,;;E# t ,~ 7ucK c.. ,,:.,' zt,at. ,,,ei• ~• -., ,, r.: ,.. .: -rn ~.•v„nt vcwn raid rent ~ atata•, .rnu
<br />.,, -... an oihwr to a.
<br />+ s xe
<br />teviett an<# raeraarnav+ta itv;Fd utx,n tht-, rr.<,raK-er~aa r,, r.r, +.,:., wi,iah 'lu, :n,>.-tµ;,y;r :_ Miven to neaur.~, heton• the _v,une ! u'<vmre
<br />de:inQUUnt, :md nax+p d:r bwiJln;;a „u a:d p+<rm,.u-a v n3 fur =hu =,. ..C 5 lo+x it anX Payable to
<br />' the aaat murtKagea~_ t. wn the«. ,,m_.::nts .4 .. -,..,:. -.t7 .1 r..<.~.: icx .K .uvi xa7ua,.x :n +.rtif !„saw.
<br />.CP tS FUF?'PH F:It AG FEF:.~.'U :1: 't "mil ii :€.,. ,a:u ._x.,rtra e+-,r _=hall lad t., puy -,uch issxas ..r #,r. xixn• =uch it s.urmzce. the
<br />- - swirl rmsrtKaKee may {ray ,.. n ,,., ~ mt-t K- ..a:lx , ., < .. and rte. -xnt ;.ur-anzwt, with xn=.e,rost a, 16' iwr ,-•nt
<br />M11UU t,e INlltt hW -saki mt,d CRay,F, .lad fh+. <., .irtty,:l~;r -i.3it ~[ttinr1 ~,. _c rily' t,]. Ihr~ v. 1'1)L•hat a fat}4rt~ tf, t~UY :[ri,Y of .~a1it
<br />nw„ey, ~tther N,incit,xt <,r tt;4,n~,.t ~. h.;n :r„• v.n.• l>:-ti.,;+a,~; ,,.+. .,. ., u:;ar,ur<- ar .auxt.tY ~•.tfi an} <:i th.., fur.•K+,inK :,graexnenta.
<br />- sd,ell cauete the wl,a+ir .<.uw "i n;vn hrreu; --a- rt t ., .x --nxo riue , 1 s,ihti u~l: = t r:nre ,+[ the optn=n eat the rrnrrigagee.
<br />signed this 18th ,lay „r March isa 8p ~~j ,. ` f
<br />J• 1 j
<br />~` ,.:
<br />s ~...
<br />an ri4 sups
<br />~,~~•~ uF Nebraska ~ ~~tatt,ty •,, Hall .. .___-__._
<br />- Bekrr- me, a rte,,t€,ry twhiit quati6,:I f<,r .ail .,>unty. ;_><.-unutiy +:an+e.• let Oy G. Heupel and
<br />Sandra S. tieupel
<br />`_knOSVq to_fuu t,a kw th,i uien.itet (h.r_wn ac 1',a raz n- au .~gr,rd ttt 1 r~kurng inxtrurnN,+s +±sat :.cknu~«textgutl cht• ,~x xutnur
<br />tt,erauf. - "'~' . , x•s to ! ~ . e
<br />! , r,
<br />oa ~ _
<br />Wiz h l~t l~~~~~ ' ... ~.~r,+;. '*'tr :.
<br />` j °° ; :.
<br />k ~c_~d`+tt~x I'ltiiec.
<br />,,,,. - 3`!<A7`F,' C3P ... ..,... ... -. , ?iuterexi wx uuux.•ntai :relax :u:d iileci for e,worl
<br />Z~,ypty _~ -_ - _ _. - - - .. ra+ [ha+ €teerat.<,x =rt itr xCa t}Nica= ut ~.aad r'c,unty° ifrw
<br />...... dary ~" .. .. iS. , 'uk x,t: icrrk atuk- nainutHe tt.-
<br />- - a ract~ra.f uE L#,~s,.. ?3.- at r:eg<'
<br />- ttra ! t!r.l.,
<br />;,iy. t k.puiy
<br />