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Iit44FiTCAjGE <br />.~~ <br />:~~;; gj~ <br />"PRi$ f#D8N'fUftL, mrds rLia 26th -day o{ ~~,•,,•,• T <br />_-._._____ 19 _$(1.-, by and batwa;n <br />._ Trzr{n 1. Linr#ohnai art- tnAnn 4Tt)dr+h ^1 h h- d A yt;~_anh '.si ar ~- <br />.3.Ll~.BS._BPt'~1`._Cia~ott[er- --------___---------_------- <br />of __..___ila~,l- __ t',cWatY, Nebraska, as mortgagor _g_. sad Grand inland Tn[et ComReny of Grand Leland, a corporation <br />+nosn~-ad ~d esi+?inB outer tf[o Iavcn of Nebraska with ifs principal ofHee and place of bosixa?as at Greua} Iyiand, Nebraa4a, as mtMgagee: <br />W 1'f'!¢ ESBB'i'H: '1'hst; acid moKgaBar _ 9-.. tar nadirs cronsidaratfea of tAe nom-of _ <br />.I~>r1.Y~T~s;,4~sl~b~_Ht[ndr~d_'1'ttfrty Bss'ht_d~.~5_ansl__34124~_13o~rair ~2~38 ~Gl 1, <br />the receipt of whie6 is hereby atimoxhalgad, da _.__ 6y these preasnta ennrtgage and warrant aameruammtgaSee,a7s qg" ~d easignx. <br />forever, all the fuitoxmg deacrsbed roof estate, aSxuar si in t!ffi Count) of ._ ___ .___ fall _~ T- <br />and 5tace w tiabraaka. to-crit: <br />Lot Five (5), Block Fii~ieen X15},in Fairuiew Park <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, hall County, <br />~febraska _ <br />Tagatiter xith all ifaatmq, err rnndrtroning, iightufg, and plumbing equipment nod scores. mctuding screens, awnings, storm windows and <br />' dmr. a~S'r,.n:;nw s`_, __ ar 6Elnda. use.i cm grin mm~eriiun with said nmperty, whether tae same are now tocataxF'm veld properly ar heron{ter <br />'f'1? N1:~!^~i ds ADD Tt,' FOLD THE SAtiE. trxgeclfar wi..h niF a.-rd air[go;ar CFfe tsnements, hm~edttamant and nppurtensncee thereunto bs- <br />-7.-,aigirg. „rm any-*,ri~ appercaiarng, lwever, a~ wcnant tine ti€Fg n the +ams. Said amrgattor ~.._... `nereby rvvcnant _.___ with mid <br />_-___mne[gq#ea trier _... thn tit- - gl•g , at [be dtih.?rr hetreF. ~ laxF.d aw•axr .g.... nF the promises above convwad awl dtyserilxd, <br />amt _. _ _._.d,: ~' srxsd rd a quad and cndeteaa[~le estate of mhuritance charein. (:ee and clear of all encumbrances, and that _L.he~ wriS <br />warrant nisi defend the title thereto Fumver aR+mat Lfx claims and dernswis of all psraana wifumeoever. <br />PgOt €i)EU AL4S.aX5, and thin instnuneoc ra e:acutad and daiivmed to iecure the payment of the sum of .._..____.._____.._._._______._ <br />TkCQ1Y~ T;ulusttAtl_i'~an Slnn.irnrl _Thlrt7t.. Pi-__~,__h _l:ttl.:ars_:utd.. 31[1-1DDaFiern i3 _L~:..1~F1 3t+.-~-.-----.__..._,._._~. <br />will[ intana:t. chewers. togetlfer with such ehargea and adva>izes ae ray !>a due and pa}nbie to said mortgages under the. trrme and conditions <br />of the prnmirmury nma of avers deco hercwath and sxwai Favehr, executed by sa[d mortttegar ~... to awd mortgagee. lfayahia as a:p:exsnl <br />~ ~ rota, std to aenfro the perforrnenra d aA the tstma earl coaditkrns cpntainnd therein. The carton of said note are harohy incwgfratad <br />heaHn by tkia rofiareffca. <br />it is i$F intafHmn sad agreenfmt uF the parties irfeto cbst thin mortgage shwl also aacuro any future advances mods w awd m~rtgagors.,- <br />bY acid mortgages. alai any and all ituleb[.ealrtase madditi~n to the amount above stated which said mortgagor«, or any at them. may awe to <br />said mostgegea. however evidmmad. wht;rher nX note, book account err atherwix. T2firr :raMW6'aife shall remain in full Farce and sfiect hetwcrn <br />thtl Raftres hereb and tl8ir tfaua, pefmna! rspresenta[ivsa, su~.:aaaara and asa[gna. until alt smounfa aetYfrod haxc-undtu, includiry[ future <br />rloancna, are pond in Full wrt9 uiterees. <br />"Phe moregagor~_._ hereby asregft __ [o said mortgrgen aU rents and [>wvma aruring ac any awl uU times irom mid property and <br />haehY +taihotitr slid fnungagsa ar eta sgerft, at its olftion. upon default, W tales charge u{ saui ptopeety noel collnet all rcncs and uxema <br />- Cha»faom tad apply the uaaa to rife parymntt of inttaut, ptocipal. ittauraeee promlunfe, taxes, aaeaeamenta, repairs rH i[nprevssmrfta <br />natesaarY to keep acid paoputy in tmrwtab4 roodltion, w w other ciurfFta or paymenca provided for hetmn cY in the note hcxebr ._ursvl. 'I'bis <br />r!wri aau~vama sitaii+x atifaw in fotxe uarfY tna uepak7lfslaret'a of seal riots is fully {wsl- "fhn ta{dng aF hseeuatder shaft rn ma manner <br />.._.~f~ro[.9[:n9ata.atiQitis.iff the mitc~iOa-e[-said.tity-Feeeeineuta w-~x.. <br />~F'he fiihuv of the mertgaSas ur assert. any of tta rtrlfta hetandmr st any Circa shall mK ?re ronatraed as a wwver ul ns right co assert the <br />same nt spy Aims; sad tp :tssiat upon sad eaStrrce strict compkianca xfth ail the rxrans pmviaiona uF acid ncwf amt of this frmrigagp. <br />if said murt0{aq e a shall cynaa co he paid eo said mprcgagea the enttrs amtwac due at haesnm3nr. apd uadsr thn tarma and provfaiun+ <br />U4 win! seta hetatsy eetatead, inch>diffq 41tff1te ath.atraw, anti any sxteawufsl or rcrnwds ctweeof in sctronlaoea with the tsrma and pfmfsiuns <br />tllefsed, and liamif#~._>f.._. s$aB rmyspdy frnh ail the provfaftms al sA+d :fora atuf vi thin mortpags, then these preaearts shaft iaH vvat: <br />tnlfxewiae to ruaalo lr1 fu#ltasce abd eFfwd, abd said mat;rlCeaahail tw enkuled w .ha punsewaauf of all of aakl PevpercX, anti mqv. at eta rgrtnm, <br />dst4ua ape witola at nerd oats arnd eq iadahiadaaat rsptasepted tifaw4y to be lromsd3ateiy due and paysbla, and maY Mrn:ine« thin mursgsge <br />ae any attrr-lapel action to pra4eA its rigFet. Appraieeinrtft waved. <br />'Ylfv trgrtlFa~ ahali-he ErmliagC+Maa rati ehaII esf-ea.w the hsrrfit at the ltadfs, axeentoss,, admmietsatpra; auccxwsors amt aas+tnw ut the <br />rive paeiiaw ameanx. r "~, - <br />l~i 441tr'Nsr_.°.ier Wl;~~.:M.)k', adrl ~ ~ o fi <br />~ ~'f[A- "et3suf ~~~sr~, - ,t;~p~ Y{a.1bf~,, tlry daY ami yesr First ab[rvo <br />.,-eaa~.i, - - - { <br />i~ 4 ° w'.M..., n ap p <br />,._ __ _. _..,_..._ L: .~ tn.NI .u a-r,~~~a^-Frts>..~ <br />.f JS'l+.t{(t ,i1v 17[13:.. <br />