~i~--- 'rr~{.t~3
<br />tatritrc,re ~- _ --
<br />Mt»ircnca t,6AN Ne. 23,698
<br />x'to~eAU-MFaasvni~se~xs~vzs: treat Ronald 0. Coonts and Lnis Coonts, each in his and
<br />her omn right, and as spouse of each outer
<br />MoR~r, tvitettter tine or mole. sn caasidetstism d the snm of
<br />~arilC_Siv~IftsYU53nd.artd Not100-_--------------------------------°---------°-----no[.[.Atis
<br />toarcert to stud nrotigapr by "17te Equitable 6mldin6 and Iwna Aaoaation of Gnad Islvul, Nebradn, MttrtyaEat, upon 450 doves of stock of
<br />ad AssoclATtCW. (.eniriczte Nn. L 23,698 . do ttercby ptant. convey ana mortgge unto the aid aSSOC1A17oN the fa8arirgl
<br />tiesLxiced seat earate, atteatad in iiatk C;twaty, Dkbrasin-
<br />togstlrt[ with a8 tax tixecnxertts, bsttxtitvttants oral appxustnatuxs thereunto hehtnRnsg, itte}udietg attached ibor cosetings, all witdow settees,
<br />wiadaw sindes, bond:, stucco winxtowx, awmtt@s, htatix[g, air ttnnditanttng, anti pltttrthuty, and water squipmetxt and aeeesaorias [herein, pumpa,xttms,
<br />rtitigaratura, std .nhrr fisturas anA egtupmcnt now or hereaticr attstfttd to tx !rsrd ur canttcction with sad re9i nstxts.
<br />Arai whereas tin mid rnwlq}g!xr has agrasrf oral dues frersbp a{trts that the ttwrtpphat shalt and wilt lay all taxd and assesnxen4 levied o:
<br />assessed upon vd prsmurs a[d upon this murtgags and the bond secuml therchy hefnrc the arrc shalt txetome delingmnt: to furnish approved
<br />rnsurartce ttixm ifu huddintss an card prsm.sea situated in ^ts ruin of S 46 ,000.00 tatysbk to said ASSO('IATT()N sad to de0ver to said
<br />.sS.sC)CiATttihi tfre potitues far sad trutera[ta; and not to trc:r!xmyt nr permit anY waste •m nr oboe[ :aid premitea;
<br />la ~xs u[ dsfautt in [fie perfnrnnntx aI any of Inc ttrtna and nmditxevts u( tttis rttwt3a~e ur the Wnd steured tureby, the mnnpRet shall,
<br />an dn[tsrd, hs .-ntetisd to tmnaedutt int~tan of the r[tweRatt i pretn,scs snd the txwrrtgastsr herctxy aaaigtxs, [tanafers and sets over to the
<br />xxxrtgapet alt IIm rents, revrrttrsa and :scone to i,e tleri,xtt Crom the mnrtt7yted pttmaca durtrrR su to time ax the nturtgage i[tdebtadttraa shalt certain
<br />tuysd: Kati She rtxort~a lava the p:xw_r to apg[nnt any s~-tt iz awn€: a any ttestte Cat aft ttozpS,se uF sep~urrt aid ptemi>zs std ranting
<br />-tire satire and aslkctirtg the [tints, rsvrnt~s and ieteav~, amt it [nay pay tttit [tk soot incasrte a@ ^~ of =€pairing snot prettuaea std ttecessuy
<br />e,,.m,.~.ru =3 =_~ ~a ~c~us=ed an atnt~ arW nxr..~tt~ at:e =awe ~l of €:.xldkri:-tq :t-tah t`.ts_x_atra=u_ ,~ 'as~--s~ rt~aining. it any, io 8s
<br />appiird tzword tits Jrvtntgs of raid xnur[g~e trtrt~$Ladnasx: [hest. rights ui i tie mesr@tagse tiny tx exertaasd at vty ; tine ;ituatg tha existsmre vC sttdi
<br />datasit,':s»wp<etsve u( ~.., ten~xasy w;,4zs t=f'st~ sr~.
<br />__ _ _ _ "These Presents, !rrirsvtr, arc upi,!! Itta {'^tZSi.xIR_ l'lu{ t(2F_tc: wd. Mcut~tz. ~ e_e~- sue. si t~aa at ~ twi~t~ `tom maturaty of :ard sitarxs Py_
<br />- tnyrrKnt: try trauuhfy to ant AsSOt't A:Yt3.'f ;+f the sera sryeetnad m the tltrnd ar.-veti ttareby sa etrtarsst and ptmtapal un said loot[, on or before
<br />tie Twentkth dsy of rack scot curry tnrxt<h, until zt[d fuzee ix fully pad: pay d1 toad and ascsvrents kved agaimt said ptentrxes and [m Lhis Mortgage
<br />etd aha Hrtnd sroctuaJ tltatef>y, hafarc dtlhtquamy: tinntxh apprnvW i[wiranir upon [IM butldiny thereon rn tie sum of 3 45 , 000.00 payable
<br />to std ASSLY:tA'Ctt~"t; repay to said A,SSt)C'.ATt{7N uputt dttxnrtct all rtrieey by tt t~ ter such taxsa, asaessntcnts and iusurarxte with intmast xt
<br />tlx nnxtmtnn ia6ai me itxtexw from bate •.tf paynenl all of whuh Mortgag[n hereby agrees to pay;ptrnw trx waste ar[aid prenLwa;keap and rrampty
<br />wpb all the a~RsmeMS std rxtttditrsusx of !lam thtxvl tot S 45 , 000.00 Stets day gluon by rite aid Mtxig~r to s>A: raSStlC1ATItTN, attd txxtn{+fy
<br />with aA the reyuueuentx uC the f'tmsinutian and gY-tarn of soot AS50C7A'CI(7N; then thpc prsserua shall heatm. nutl and void, alheswife they
<br />aialf tannin {n tuff ±'snce atrt may be Ciuecfaxd at [hs uptnm a( the std ASS(lt:lAriO*! afttr fadute (or Ihres rt[attths tU [[ales any of sad
<br />paytmnix ur be tltrse e[rtrnhx in vrttirrs is xtsaitixtg sW rmmthly payrnsnix. ut to licep and ccxrnpfy with tits sgteamenls aced eottiiitians of sad !)rind;
<br />and Mortgagor agrtxs to hax a estaticet appuuttsd forthwith in su,~h finechsuue proreettittRS,
<br />iC [hero ix soy cttaaige in ownership ut the roof estate mttrigt~grai heaeih, by oak a attetitnae, tlen the eotus rremai[titig indeMedms lteroby
<br />xscwaai :haft. at ire ofttiatt af't'he 4rgtusatsic sduildiag, and [sine Assadatian at Citartd tskaad, Nc6taaira.txasatoo immediately due and payabbe wsttwut
<br />€urthm rrotice, utd the atmwnt rdoainutK due ttitdar aid Ixsrni, and any uzltcr itatd fist nay atiditinaai tdvatxcea made fhetataadez, s{uli. from the
<br />dale ut uacaac id sod aptit», Fxnt intsetni at tlve rttasimum kgd rate, and this ntrirtytgs may Urea be foeesJoaad to at1dY the aaaamt flue on said
<br />ttotd, and nay tdiwr !xr[u1 lira atftiitiuual advaimmt, tr>Retfeer with at[ soma paid by utid The Equitaide tht3ditgC amt l.aao Anotdtttiwt of Gtttrtd lsiard,
<br />TNr6tstka Cw insuranee, roans amt awessntents, attd abstraexirg a atattriws td+atgss, with iatarev thers<,n, faun date aC payment at the tmaitt[uve
<br />ietyat rata.
<br />Aa pnnidwf m the lltiitd sa vied 3ta:airy, while the ttxnt~c rematnx is etYesa the tswrtaa}en tray htneatkss advance addititutal aztm to rite
<br />teakarx cat' said Ftr,rd, ilxir asaigna txt auaxxsstsrs ut iataren, wttisti aims strati !M within {la secueity.ot thin mortga~o the soma a the funds otigitatly
<br />nctnud ttereiry, tlse total atrtaunt ut gritttipal dsM [tat to eatscd at any rims iha trriginal amount at thu teautgaga,
<br />~'~?lc~~- .~ syyr March A. n:,av fi0
<br />~ ~` N=
<br />.~
<br />_..,_~-~ , .r~ _...... ~--
<br />'""LIYis C~oants _..._.._...
<br />-STATE Gtr tiki~tAa1GA, t, a. CYt[ thu 2 iLh ~Y d March IY 80 . fefwa ne,
<br />C{3tih"'IY UP iiALt_
<br />tits tsudaribued, a Notary Public iu and foe said t;twnty, pe[s,walty tamp
<br />Ronald U. Conn LS and Legit ~yeat:h in his and her own right, w~ as spouse of pach
<br />- - 3tY' ~ ~,,, ar@ petwttaNy Ytwwa to
<br />!aa tar lax the idat~isai par'rtp 5 ~+ilB7ti attssai ~`'d at7iaed to zps above ;luurtm[mct as t[iixlgapui 5 acrd Lh~y seaeoily
<br />~:.
<br />atA~ruwtarlgasl the ~ mstr.t[_ t„i ~18i.r ; _ , ~ a~ +~
<br />9lCCAt:S ~tss!als~~-a~~ tn:
<br />t ~. ., .
<br />*,ai~ry t'nblic
<br />raaitaa ns l~
<br />~t~~:.. .. ... f
<br />