<br />1. The City of Grand Island, ebraska, by action ^f its
<br />city council an February 4, 1984, enacte~' trdinance TSo. F,557
<br />which dir€:cted the conveyance of the rear estate descried below
<br />and tine manner Grid tert~, 5- titerevT.
<br />L. Ordinance No. 6557 was published in the Grand island
<br />Daily Independent, a legal newspaper published in and of general
<br />circulation in such City, on February I1, 1984, and immediately
<br />thereafter, notice of such sale and the terms thereof were pub-
<br />lished 'fin the Grand island Daily Indeperdent for three consecut-
<br />ive weeks, on February li, Februa^r 18, and February 25, 1984,
<br />all as required by Section I6-242, R.R.S. 2943.
<br />3. Yo remonstrance against such sale was filed with the
<br />city council of the Cit;r of Grand Island, Nebraska, within thirty
<br />days of the passage and publication cif such Ordinance No. 6557.
<br />!~. Section 5 c>f Ordinance too. 6557 provides that if no
<br />re€ttonstrance be filed against such conveyance, the mayor and city
<br />clerk-finance director shall make, execute, and deliver to the
<br />£=rantees a quitclaim deed for said real estate, and the execution
<br />t5f such e~uitcLaim Seed is h reby authorized without further
<br />action on 'trehaif of the city council.
<br />Ir'OW, 'i'HY:REFORE, the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, a
<br />tr-utticipal corporation in Hai' County, ~iebraska, as Grantor, in
<br />consideration cf One Dollar ($1.00}, does hereby quitclaim,
<br />grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm +.xnta
<br />~'ILSdhd COC:Ckr, LE v0i'3r'.`iY
<br />of Grand isl<~atct, tebraska, herein called the :-rantee, she follow-
<br />uag described real property ir. ifall Ca,.ax:ty, Nebr.ask:~
<br />a`hat part of r3ac?:a,an Street from t:^.e =h+est ...,s
<br />of Lot i7. i~achman anti i.ester Subdivision; east
<br />+. ~~ chi c 1' - i}f i-;~-t i5 ~u+~h ?3~d?LPiyi _,IZ,
<br />as uacated~bcjOrdi.nanc~ `;o.^F.5S7 ~t vhe Cit~• ,~f
<br />Grand island, Nebraska.
<br />To have and to hold the above described premises, together
<br />with all tenes.7ents, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto
<br />belonging unto the tarantee and to Grantee's successors and assigns
<br />forever.
<br />Dated ,/2 r~/~l~ c~fl
<br />Sr~wi~r, ~~ ~ ~ .
<br />MAR. k : ~ ~~,4~:~R'v~ B y
<br />~~Y'~~~~~~( ~ Attest
<br />CITY c1F c;P.f1,iD ISLAND, NE3RA5K_a
<br />ri nic ipal C;crporat ion
<br />_.~ _ -._._.u-_
<br />er_ ~. ::r~z rr
<br />i?~etal-iirTc t t~~ ~'~er~.._ _.
<br />~TA`fE OF' ~~T.EB'~E 1SL~.~ i
<br />S3
<br />GQL':v`i"~ OF HALL, )
<br />Befa~e me, a notary public qualified for Said county, pe'"-
<br />sonally c ?tober* L. Tsriz, ~.ayor of the ty ;;i Grand is Land,
<br />Tcncaum to tray t<, be such t*iayor and the identical otrs,~n +ho signed
<br />the £+~re~pirg Quitclaim Deed and acknowledged tae ?orercing
<br />si,gnaTure to be hf.s voluntary r~,Ct and deed pursuant eo Ordinance
<br />Ntr. 6557.
<br />CdZT.~k~-r Tutid iind notarial sea` rnis 5 .rt~_,~. __f`'1 4 +"- '~*,t
<br />t ~"~i1it "°~ ~ ,.
<br />-.» if~Eq~ '~ ~ ?aria xs _;T
<br />~. F3 e.
<br />