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THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENAhJ'15 AND AGREE~~ gy, ~•,_--_f. <br />+Y..t.. _d`. <br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinbefore provided. <br />That the Mortgagoz is the owner of said property in fee simple and hoc grrtul right and lawful aathvrity to sell and <br />n~vey [he same-and titaf the same is free and clear of any lien or encumbrance: and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the <br />' Litie to said premises against the claims of all personv whornsnever- <br />To pay immediately when clue slid payable all general taxes, special taxes, special ass.•ssments, water charges, sewer serv- <br />ice charges, and other taxes and charges against air: property, sort a)I taxPfi levied on the debt sera red hereby. ant Eo furnish the <br />Mortgagee, open request, with the origins! ar duplicate rece•ipfs rhr-rt•for. The i-tnrtgagnr ag rPes that there shah he added to <br />each monthly payment required hereunder nr under the evidence• t,f doter ver•rued Pn>rrhy an amount extimated by r.Fre Mortgagee <br />to 6P sutiicient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as they }tecnme clue- al! fax ~, rise>s.sments, and similar charges u}Mn the prem- <br />ides subject thereto; any deficiency because oC the :r. ttiu ti of ,uch additomal pr n -ats +halt hr- forthwith deposit-d by the <br />Mortgagor th the Mo lgngee upon dPman.-i h4- t1 - tiT r± ogre Any de to ill uncle t paragraph .ahaa be deemP i i tuult in <br />payment of taxes, assc~sments, nr similar charges require( hen>un(ier <br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also br added to each mnathly paynirnt •» pn ncipal and inters-sf required bere- <br />under an auu.uni e.tim lt,d bs> the '44ore_gagee Ur he sutfie Pra t., hl' ih( \f t _ - ~ { t3V- a,v it becomes due, the insurance <br />premium on any murrance polls} delivered to the Murtgager ,t ~ i he i,:n(_ I - •,. -,f fh t ~utficiPncy nt -such additional pay- <br />rents sha[I he tnrthw•it.h rlepnsited by the Mortgagor with th.- .`Snrtgu>'r,~ uprm demand by the Mortgagee. Any data tdt under this <br />pn ragraph shall he rlremed a defmlll in the paym.•nt oI irsu ranee :mroiinms f( the policy nr polirios drposrted are-5ueh as trodre- <br />owners ur all risk Ixiliries. avd rhr riepoaiis are insuLricii•nt to pen- rte,- .• ,_,. ,=r;°mutnt the ~#nrigagce mar apply the deposit to <br />pay prrmiu;ns on risks requirefl to be insu atil by this moN.gag._• <br />Payments mane by the DtnrG:agnr under the ahoe.~ paragraphs maq at t'u~ option of the Mortgagee. be he(r1~h}• it and <br />cnmmtagtrd with other ;uch OuirL" nr its own funds Fur the p;lcm.~nt nt Luc}: =ir•m~ sod +rltil wt applied, such faymeets are hereby <br />ph><lg~l cis deco my Cr.r the unpaid balance of the mertpz.3gr indetrtrdnes.. <br />9b pmcurr. dPlivr-r tu_ mid mni elate for th.• h.=netit nt rhr >Icrrtga;;(•+= durin4 the lice of this mortgage oriKinal pofirirs and <br />renewals Ehrm~f, delivvnal at least ten daiys before the exPn'atio r. of any sorb polirn•>, insurin(; against tier and ether insu ratite <br />haZ+lyda~ rax\lalftrx, and c'tintlTigrnrleq as the MOYtgap'ee nra4' rrglllPe, tri :3ri amViSTtt weal to the indehteclnPa4 sPl'V red by this <br />3~Iartgage, asst in wm,.~arsi_s aa:~;,r~,t,te to the Mcrigae, (.. .th .., f±a.~abl c tau se in .a: it .,t and in fr,rm acceptable t( rh•~ `.lortga- ' <br />gee. In the event an- i. '. ucy a n-.t renewed nn =.r before tr-tl doe, of rt_ l.:p:rutiul,. t»c t5nrtear'rr may pro"zre losers-•~.: ..n the <br />im{araa•ements, pay t! p'r~-.,...., >!:ercfar and .ue3i -um fin-.~~r ,e in,mc,iatela <tr•r Sod oa. Stile a;th :., a .,.- .a_c .t. <br />forth in Said note mi -- ;,+aid and ,rail tw vew-u red bp~ +hi> mortragej" Failure on the pars of the 1lortgagnr a furnish _uc , renewals <br />" 'as are hareia requin•c' ,r fa.ilurn h> ;~~av any sum- advanced ht•r~under .haL, at llhr aptirm ut the Mortgag >e- cnnstirinr ,3 !efault <br />undo-r thz terms of ~3u~ m(zrtr;age. The r1Hti _ y ,f .;ri, n I. Ii ^(~a shall, s~ the »vc•nt .,f .Io-Eauil ronsti lute a :~ierunrnt -~` ihv uro- <br />', earned premium. <br />•4ny sums rPCeived by the S-1,>rtgage.- F- reason of i,iss n: r}amage lass r•'d against ma. ha retained M- tl+.~ >iortgagee <br />and applied toward the payment of the debt 6erebq~ s:•curod. „~- at the option of the AIurtgagee. Such sum, erthrr ,v-belly ~•r in <br />part may be paid ever to the Sortgagor to E>E-us('ti to rr--pair such buildings nr ice build new buildings m thee place ar fur anv - <br />other purpose nr nbje(a utisfucturc to the 'ti4ort gager without affPCling EbP lien u^ the mortgage for the full amumu ,era red here <br />by before such payment ewer kwk place. <br />"I`o pmmptiy repair, restore ur rehuiki any budding =~r irnprm~cvnrrts now c=r hrreaR(~r nn the premises •wturh mat' ++o- <br />came damaged or destrn}•e(l: to keep said premises in g ~d rnnditiun and repair anti tree from any mechanic's hr=n or ether Iirn ur <br />r'mim of lien not expressly subordinated to the lien hereof: +tut io cutler or pormii an}' ~-lulawfid use of err an} nui~suv^-r tr= ~•xist nn <br />Faicf property n -r to permit waste nn said pn-micas, ncr vt do auy" other art uhrmhr rhr pn,nerfy h.•red>y coin=eve=ri sha8t be.nme <br />~. lru valuabl?• our to diminish cr impair its valor by a _ r.-f .,r r+tu_,,=urn t=> rue ,•, _c _,1._ .."nth all repot remrntF ~ f trrw with retipPrt <br />nth., mnrtuaXert prPmis,^.c and th.• us,• th(=r••o( <br />Thdt' should rhr preriiF.PC or •.n>= part ttu•rer I [ f. ,ken ... 3.,nafi• i k _ a_o .r ac•• shl„-_ in•t,:,--ems=nE ., - 13. nauat:(ue <br />~,preaeeding, (rr uadrr th(• right uC ,mment ioma.o- .. n ar.} :,.,, -r m:.aaer t.u -, r.rthusc: ;hail h. . r,tithc. to :vtt <omt=i o,atinn<. <br />~'~ -a4yards, and any other payment or relict tt=. retJr, a.. shall :x rntitle:t. at :ts •{itiori. .. ~:( .~riinem~r.- ap{iear in -anzt-;arr~ee~tte-iir- its <br />.. _' -(nun- lramr' trey sells:n ,:r prc~°ruitag, •*r it mars _,; , r.r.3pr~~e r.r ;etdc rs3er=+ :•, -••3rnr ut-i n.•=v-xth -uc.h_tak €.,, -. - =um.rau. ,111.xte-h <br />compensation, avrarcte, darnagr•x, right of actimt and pnx~er+is an• hereby a-eignrd to the Murtgager, who may, aftet de(lvctmg "t'-" <br />therefrom all its expenses, release any money: so reserved by it ur apply the same un any indebte.dne"".s st.~eured hereby.. -I'he Mo: t- <br />gagor agrees to execute such further assignments of any c•nmpensatiun. awan}s, darmlgrs, and nghts of action and pmce•rds as [hr <br />Mortgagee may require. <br />wp - <br />That in case of failure to {u¢fnrxn any of the covenant.. harem, tht• \4urtgagee• :nay =4+ on the Mortgagor s behalf everything <br />so covennnted; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem nerr•ssary c., protect the Iirn thereof; that the Mortgagor will "w' <br />repay upon demand say moneys paid or disbursed by rho Mortgagee for any of iha atwve purp(ses, amt sorb moneyx together with <br />intetast thereon nt Lhe rate provided in said note shall Fmconte vl much additional in<Irbtrdness hereb}• secureai and may tw in- <br />cluded in any decree foreclosiug Lhis tnurtgage and M~ pnid uui of the rents or pros-Pr•ds u( utte at said premises it nuF otherwise <br />paid; that it shall not he oh{igutory u{xm the Mortgagee U.. mgoire into the validity r•f any hen, .-ncumhrances, ur claim in ad- <br />vancing moneys rsv above authorized, but nothing herein runtainad shall Fte construed as requiring rhr Mortgagee to tutvance any <br />moneys for any such put'puse nor W da any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shat) not incur any personal liability because of any- <br />thing it may do or omit to <Io herrunde-r" <br />In the euoni of the dctauit by Murtgager in the paymenr ut any installment, as rcquirvd by the hole ,.>rured hereby, or <br />in the performanar of the obligation in this mortgage or in rhr note deco reel thereby, the Mortl~agee shall he entitle<I to declare the <br />debt aecurad horeby due and payable without notice, and the Mortgagee shall be ,=rNilled at dx option, without notice, either by itself <br />or 1!v-a r€•ceiver to he at_icittteri by the court thereclf- and without regarei to thc• adequacy of a y sacuriti for flip indebtedness sr=- <br />cureci hereby, to enter +1{n+n and take poshesbron' cif the nutrtgaged premiyrs, and to collect and receive the amts, issues and prottts <br />thereof, and appiY khesame,.trss costs of operation and ni}kmiion, the indetiiuciness xr.=oared by thin mortgage; tatiri rants, <br />issues and profik4 being-hereby assigcredto khe Mortgagoa as further security-for the payment of all indebtedness srcurrr! hereby. <br />- The Mortgagee shall have the 1>uvrer to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of r. purring said prrm- <br />ises; renting the same;-alilecting the rents, ;rvenurs and ina3nle, and it may pay out of said income all expenses mi•urrtKl m rent• <br />ing and managing the-same artd of coili>Eting-the rentals then<>tront. The balance remaining, if any, shat) he applied towar» rhr <br />discharge of the mortgage indebtedness- Thia assignment is to terrninatr and become null and void upon release o[ this mortgage. <br /> <br />