y ; ,ry TRUST DEED
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<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into thie?lst _ day of March _ 1y80
<br />by and betweertGARY E. BROWN ANU RUBY A. BROWN Trustor, andCommonwealth Land & Title Inaurane~•rustee,
<br />Husband and Wife
<br />and Postal Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation, Beneficiary.
<br />WITNESSETH: That [he Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale
<br />unto the Trustee the following described 12ea1 Es[ate incauding all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every k;nd now
<br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in Hall County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot Two Hundred Fourteen (214) and Lot Two Hundred Fifteen (215) in Belmont, an addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraksa.
<br />and possession of said premises now delivered unto said Trustee:
<br />TO HAVE AND `fO HOLD the same, with ail rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee,
<br />his executgrs, administrators, heirs, and assigns forever. And the Tnrstor hereby expressly waives, releases, and relinquishes
<br />unto the Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, henetit,,and estate whatever, in and to the above-described premises and
<br />each and e}-ery part thereof, which is eivett by or results tram al! laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption
<br />of homestead. And the Trustor convenants with the Trustee that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same
<br />against thel,lawful clahns of adl persons whomsoever.
<br />IN TRUST HOWEVER, for the following described purposes: WHEREAS. the Trustor did on this date execute a
<br />promissory note evidencing a loan for the principal amount of S~qg_S.Z___-____________._____.___.._____ and interest
<br />thereon according to the terms of the note: said note being payable in eoual monthly instathnents at the afticr of the
<br />beneficiary: and (5na1 payment bring due un March 26.E 14tt4--- _ _. _. _.__ --- t ~___
<br />It is agreed by and between parties hereto that tmti! filing of Notice of ilefautt, the Tnrs[or shad: { t }pay alt present
<br />-and future taxes and assessments, genera and special, against said property betorc the same t±ecomes clelinquetrt ar
<br />- actionah!e; tcl ktc}; .rtt impraozment> erected an the land insurzd as msf hr refTieircd frczgr timE- €c~ linty by bcnttscia~.-
<br />__ ,against less by fixe attd other hazards, casuattf,'s and ~~ontingertcies, in such unounts :trtcl ter such perieuls as:arz trascrnaF_rie
<br />acrd may be required by be~neticiary, :tnd to keep alt polie:ies of sul:h insurance in force or rtt'net upon the property Itetein
<br />- _ - _ _ _
<br />deuribrd constantly assigned and delivered to hrnatieiary, (3} pay and comply with aU tha tentts and ~enditiotts t?f any
<br />lien, claim or indebtedness, that may he senror to ar take peecedence of this Trust kk~ed as soon as any each payotrnt un or
<br />of such lien, claim or indebtedness shall hreome due; and upon failure of Trustor to keep any said a~ertnents, heneliciary
<br />may pay such tax, pay for such insurrrrie or pay ot`f such liens or claims or htdabtedness as the rase may he, and the
<br />money so expended with interest st !?`%i par annum shalt br secured by this'1'rust Deed, and the "1'nrstur agrees to repay the
<br />same upon demand, and upon failure ro do xt the balance of the attached note shall become irnmediatety dun and payatzle
<br />_ at thz option of [he beneficiary; i'tl specifitially ~onter upon ilia Tntstre the puwrr of sale as provtded in \ebraska taw;
<br />t5}retain possession of the premisrs and collect the rtnts and revenues therefrom.
<br />Upon payment of alt the sums secured by this 't rust Geed, the Beneficiary shall rellurst the "frustrr to reevuvey the
<br />property and shall surrender this "{"rust lkad and all notes evidencing indebtedness srcurrd by this 'Trust lXrd ut .he
<br />`frustee, Trustee shall- reycrnvey the property without warranty to the person or pcnnns fegalty ruuttrd t)trreto; but it
<br />dzfault be made in the payment of said note or arty part ttureof or any of tha intrrest ttteretut when E{rte or in the faithful
<br />perfomtance of any or either of ,aid axrezments as aforesaid, tktan the whole of said note shall bazome due and be paid as
<br />- hereinat'ter provided, and this duct shalt relearn in force; the tnrster or his attorney may prolard try sett the pmprrty in
<br />__ __its culinary or in parpcl at th_z-optton e_€ ittr truvtgp haratnhgierre tla+~rih~cl at puhisc -tut•EiGn, ts? the t rtie->t hrdd~c, !!?r
<br />cash. t~lowe-ver, th< iwwer of sale herrtn eanfrr€rd upon the truster. shall no[ t+e exr-rci3rd unlit t 1 }the tru3t4v shall t;rst
<br />file foe record, in the t.f~;r,r of the register of r{eeds of each county wherein tltr tnrst property or some part or parcEt
<br />_ thereof 1S StFUat:~d,.a rlotiC~' [1f-/t01"$Utt, id6tttEfyin~ thy" trUStC bV S[dting tho' Waco@5 Of tll@ CrU~tUr atilt tta[pN5 th4-r~~I anE{.
<br />giving the hook and page where the sarnrf is recorded, a description of the trust property, and containing a statemrttt that
<br />a breach of an obligation far which the trust property was conveyed as security has caccurred, and setting t`urth the nature
<br />of such breach and of-his eteee{on to self nr cause ro be sold such property to satisfy the obligation; and f? }attar the lapse
<br />of not less than one month, the trustee shall give notice of sate as provided by Nebraska law. After Holier of dct:udt and
<br />~_ lapse of not less than one. tnonth, the trustee shall give written notice of the lima and place of sate particularly describing
<br />the property to he sold by publication of such notice, at (east t7ve times, once a week far five consecutive weeks, the fast
<br />_ ptihlication to be at least 1Q days bu[ troC tnora than 30 days prioe to tha sah~,tn some nywspapl=r havutg a gcnerd
<br />c;rcutation in each county in which the property to bz sold, ar some part thareol', is situated. upon surtt sair, the truster
<br />steal{ execute and deliver a died of conveyance of the property sold to the purchaser or ptu'chaun tltereuf :urd any
<br />statement or recital of fact in such deed in retatian to-the exerGisa of the power ot'salz and sale of tMte prape•rty des; ribad
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