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~~_,, ~ EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE <br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan No. 52236_7 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Monty }1. Wooster and Karen J. Wooster, hr:sband and wife. <br />(herein~iter called the Mortgagors) in consideration of fhe sum of <br />Thirty Seven thousand five hundred dollars and No 100------------Dollars (S%YA37 500.00%YA} <br />loaned to Mortgagors, do herebyy grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha, <br />Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commerc!al°}, its successors and assigns, the fohowmg described real estate, situated in the County of, <br />HALL State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />---The Westerly Sixty-One Feet (W 61') of the Easterly Eighty-Two Feet (~ 82') of <br />Lot Four (4), in filock One (1), in Westerhoff's First Subdivision in the City of Grand <br />Island, Nall County, Nebraska.--- <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, w!th the appurtenances thereunto bzlonging, unto Commercal. its successors antl assigns, forever. <br />Said Mortgagors hereby covenant with said Commercial, its successors antl assigns, that Mortgagors are lawfully seized of Bald premises. that <br />They are free from encumbrances, and that they w!II forever warrant antl defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims o! all persons <br />whomsoever. <br />Provided. nevertheless, these presents are upon the following conditions: <br />That whereas the said Mortgagors as !nembers of Commercial have Phis date executetl a note evidenadg such lean antl agreeing to repay said <br />sum of money, with interest, in payments as set forth in Bald nrtz antl have agroetl to ab!de by the terms of Bald note antl Charter and By-Laws at <br />Commercal. <br />That whereas th[s mortgage shall secure any addrtionai advances, with ,merest, which may at the optmn of Commercal. be made by Com- <br />mercial to the unders!gnetl Mortgagors or them successors :n title far any purpose. at any bore before the release and cancellation of th[s mortgage, <br />txrt PROVIDED. HOWEVER, al ne bmz shah the aggregate pnnci pal amount secured by this rortgage, t>emg the amount doe at any Wore on Bald <br />original pate and any additional advances made, exceed an a^ount equal io t10 percent of thz amount of me urigmat not=. but in no event shall <br />said Hate exceeC the °ax!mu~„ r. t permlttdd br 'aw. anu PROVtCE .HOW EVER. Mat ,, thing h2rarn canalneG shah ~ c„nsrd2r2d a -rt!ag <br />GIe amount that shall he secured~4ereby when advanced to protect the severity or m accordance with covenants conta[nztl in the mortgage. <br />Nary. if the Bald Mortgagors shall pay or cause to be pa[d the sa~9 Burns of money When due, as set forth in said note. and 2ny other note for <br />additrun~l advances made uoUi Bald debt ~s fuiSy paid veldt interest. then these presents shall he void; otherwise, to be ono rema!n .n lull farce and <br />~.effed; h~t rf default should be imaCg: <br />tor)' Yn any of the oaysnents doe on card Hate. and any other note for additlanal advances made. as therein agreed to bernade for three ,nonths, ar <br />bk ~ In izzp[ng the r;^.pm+remer.ts on said premises Insured against loss by reason of tire, lightning, ono other haza[ds !nd_; m exter,Ced <br />Coverage insurance m an amount oat less than the unpa!tl oalance of Bald mortgage ~oan..n a company ar con!pames ac.cs~::oiz to Cam- <br />' ~ hrzrc:a'. the nrigi;vai ei such palicv or pohc!zs to be held trY Commercial, and with a mortgage cause attached to Bard c~i~~. cr pollc,es. <br />in favor of Camr.~erciat; ar <br />c! In thr ~ayinent ct axes and assessments Iev:eC upon Bald premises. or on Ih!s mortgage.+~rore they sre delinquent, sr <br />rdl If hers a any change in the ownership at me real esate mortgagzC herein. by sale, either cutnght or ;~ !antl rontract ~~; a; ,!ssgnment of <br />any interest thereon or otherwise; <br />then. m any of iha adave set-forth events. the wrote ,ndzbtedness hereby secured shall, at the option or Commorelat. h~Imetl!ateiy uecamz nl.Ie and <br />payable wrtheut further Hence. and the amaunC due under said note and any other note tar atldrtuma! advances made shall. from the Gate of Iho exe!dlse <br />o! said dphan- hear late st at the :Tailm!r.; Iega! tale pet annum. and this mortgage .may this: he totestnsed ra satisfy r e :m^unt doe ,in saeg ed ~. aha <br />any other note far addrtunat advances, together with all sums paid try Cnn, for ,n~: rancz. fazes, assessments and abstract ztens!c-n charges <br />.with mtelest merean frc,o me Gate cf payment at mz mac!mum iegat ;ate. <br />P°ROVIDEO 'hwt rn cad ewdrt, errher eefare ;r niter de4~:;it, snail tor„ ~n?crest r~s ondcr Bart+ante and tn[s:asugage and wry ether note'ee ad- <br />.;,t!en,al a~~vancez ~nrde „-___-d the n.asra;, lace' ~! „tterest rate- <br />G40V G, L. uru~; n;; w:. r, „ .,.e ,.-En:, a „ -,c <br />., . , ,.,a. ivy o. 7 ~ ..,e <br />.luvall~es. ,.s ~e!rnn agree - _u by .s[.c. bt ..t ~k ~~ ~, ~[n, ~~~ !n'>4[e[I. es anavn + ^^C.~^[ r e =d.t'a~ are n ;rte naym nt n ~'ne 1.:25 <br />ar asl5cssmunh !evuad -~ ,r the uro ~ ses 4~ue devt,u! 1 a ~b.r hrs ¢tmrg_~e~ min! !* _ a,e ?y - w ->e rne,Nnr _ 1„=rate _-chi f ,~ t ip_.r,~,r <br />,nt, i~cma,~ r>i,~s,eas!an of Nc'-irc'Nir3C~ 3trve-r~>firi7dd~ together rv,M ail rcnB. ,•~r~r~e~ and ,s;nes iris nK gut ~~i fie rremads. end r:av <br />.-~ its di5~ eii~[~ ;;>e ':^e rifts >~ =ar as i deep >- ,e.e>sary ~nr-fie ;:urpu~e ,rr -r:aKrn ~Ef e,., upon r~i t~ cmise5 ~! - - .~ , s. t,,, ~.-r r5 ;r:~`e <br />idnn ultl5, taxes antl aSSe55rren is upon Sucb Wem!SPS. and tat rIECeSSdty +!xpeflS85 inCUtretl ,;t :671fIng Bald olRwin Se5 JfIU callectrng lent (hetetra;> ;2nd <br />t> apply same on sa,d note arnt any notes evuierrc~ng -`utdre advances hereunder unul me rndzbteaness secured s ?uHV pa,tl: arc for such ccm=lses- <br />Ihe undersigned does herelry ;ell. ,[sign set aver and transfer unto Cammerciai ail cif sa!rr rents, proceeds and :nccxnes maudtng any sand cratrott <br />payments due mortgage owners m any other ;ncomes al any type whatsoever irnd! card progeny in he appi[zd 6a the cotes above-dzsceped, ha sa,q <br />DonlinerQal snail ill no Case ,-~- IlaCle fa! thf 13, It:re la pln2d[6 tellamS, Ia LU!lect igrit5, or to ptasecute aeb6n5 f0 fRCOVe[ k~055e$)Idn bt Sa+d ;riHrti zi-`S. <br />The Mortgagors tunhar appoint Commercial at Omaha, Nebraska, the[r alfemey m fact, giving said attorney unwel ,rrevocably, either an ,r•, own <br />Hama or Mortgagors' games to take vu necessary steps for eroceedings !n %aurt nr otherw!se- td cause said premazs to be vacated, 'o ;ahaa contorts <br />m olhi~r incomes due, and when vacan 1, to- [elzt the samz. to :Hake all reasdnabiz repass ono pay taxes out of saitl rents, urnirts. contract pay,n!'nts ~-~ <br />ureornes and to do all such thutgs rater br as awn atfrrers cr 47 other aaHies dory authenzzd and aprmrr!teC Gy rt, s Its agent tut said cures„se. ar,. <br />to charge or pay a reasanabic~ tze fur Such serwtces. aft rvt the dtmve to L>e de!re at such h>?ies and ..; sorb niannes end _ o- sadr lei _s s to the : ,ar; <br />8ftn(rley Indy 52e1n best, wiftl 'll~i pawal nt Su L'sL tali en. <br />fhe Mortgagors Hereby agree Lhat n Comr.,n,! e Iner wa!untir ., ~; -rwo~aoauty Decinres s[ ,s .,:ode o ;aony'o ~!ny suitor ~n.eeda,p e _;~,~ <br />to the holemheia!z descrbed ieai nstate ei to Chi mortgage o~ Bind irate ;r nu[es. otne; than a lu!eGosurz mshtutert M Cos.rnzic,a~ " K <br />rauntnrrs€ ~ani..ere;ai to a ; ua,m,vu d _.~t_ .tea ,eat ~~ ~:,,r~e.c.a: -,. was su., t ,Fifr~tr~;y. ;*,e f#. ,aabvr= -it!'sar Arta rgat ~ ~, <br />described leaf LStatF :Jr 3ry ,.d[t f9~`r jf ;~ ~:YFv°Pe re~1 _tlttia, h. ~'e, d 1,ra,R[if :~rl a,n, :' is @h74r$!eG .4.urirr, -a nblt LpC y <br />awarded, tlid titufeeds fat tl. a,s~nf~ and fpr ink ::ki$1 `{~Fa GdM7 fort j(,:.^ ace;,r a,tiyki 1-, tigd E tPlti ,!! .t1e' I ai-."fjnnt, f ,t e e:'?i-t . ~ ",i-ate ~ tCo-u`,tNst~ <br />rasa secured t+y ',his mortgage tk, and shay hrrehy vie assrgped ;u Cmnmere,ar add rshdll L+c ,-.trQ rarkhprfe r,r c,ar!tn;zr , ,_a ee a;r ! d [, ar--r,nt -;r <br />lha last i'!oWuug ut5talla,enls ut sucn veie6t~+r <br />,,. _~ <br />- ;y <br />} `/ <br />iN 7NE PRFCENCE Gtr t %!, ~ Xa` ,'..,rF '_£t ~,- ~ s~%~ ~=n,l <br />r <br />~.~~.c <br />.t ~. ~„ ~~_„ ~ - ~, <br />- _ _ _ <br />STAIE LtF YF3Hp;;n,'a <br />SS <br />COUNTY ~'F NnLL _..._ _... - ._.. - - <br />Jn th,s ~'~r`~ day n! ziarc:h I<, ftv t~tn ~ ., to:. z. , ,. , .,, > ~. , <br />._.. _ -. .~.r--. __ <br />meetµivenamed Nonty N, Wooster and Karen J. Wooster, husb:~nu arru w+iie. <br />4> Lie Wz'_ :;lurin [i~ fy:, 1r ,dkf,tll?- ;~er34n 4f pkr s(uls wn+?Se (.a:rlQ 4Y ru tl. r 31( A -t tf r ~ -, .._s _ ~ = i ,"~i/~~._~ <br />the st w e?~cMyw-i,.,~ ;hk ~•as -nitro^ant ; _, ,he ceer,a.trtr .-rtr'c~-. . '~ rhea- v , r - .. rf <br />i <br />wt~w trs~r «fr+r a err~rr <br />rf(~E~~l~^"' kh ~ daY "tn[f y -r- -9&t ntr?4 ~- .~i~tCe;, ~ - , <br />/` ,.~ ~ . <br />rw ._,. r - -, Ibis r >E "`.~~"S ,.. ~• } t j -71 - '-; { , . .. ~ :., .. <br />