<br />~~-.~f~S 6V1©RTGAGE
<br />TrrI23- INDENTI7RE, made this_?4_th _- day of March ._ ~, , 19.21Q._, by and between
<br />Niel M. Kasten and` Judith J. Kasten, husband and- wife, each _in his a_nd_ her- o*,m risrtit
<br />of Hat 7 Calmly, Nebraska, as mortgagor _!i_, and Grand Island Trust Company of Grand !stand, a corpotatioa
<br />argani2ed and existing under the lawn of Nebraska with its principal office end plats of business at Grand Island,. Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />\NITNESSETFF: That said mortgagor-S. , for and in consederation of the sum of
<br />&*w `***.....~.e..,..
<br />Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Ten dollars and 00 100 .~,,~~~,j~~j~~-"" ' t,
<br />l
<br />the receipt of which is hereby arknow[edged, do ._..__ by these presents mortgage and warrant i[nt;P smd morfge~eet~s sptxgsaorr and assigns,
<br />forever, aiI the tolloweng described real estate, situated in the County of ______..._.____~a~.l • - --~ - - _
<br />and State of Nebraska, W-wit:
<br />Lot Eight (8) in Block Three (3), Normand Estates, and Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, I1a11 County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with elf boating. air txndiuoning. lighci[rg, and piumhing equipment and fix[ures, including screens, awnings, storm wiaciows and
<br />d[sers, and window shades ar bi;nds, usnti on ar in conm rtion with said progeny. whether the name are now located on said pmperty or hetvfafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />'C'Cl f{AY£ APS U'!Y3 HGLL 'tNE: SA,4tE:, taigetiw with all az[d singular the tenements, hersditareents and appurtena»caa thartunW ha
<br />loaginit. ar in anvwiaa aPPartainiteg. fotovar. and warrant the tilts tc+ the same. Said morgagar ~__-. hereby rnvsnnnt.__witb seed
<br />_ murtgati~.re that .... t hn Y - ~ --. _~~... , at the delivery hereof, chn lawful owner @ _ of the premisna above convaY~ and deacribnd,
<br />and _..._a~'t.. seized of a good and inch€nasibfe natatn of inheritance therein, tree and clear of ail nneumbrantrs, and that ._t. he ___SL wi(t
<br />_- warrant and de€end tlxr alts t[wwto forever against the cleans and demands of dl parsons whomsoever.
<br />PNGYtUEll ALW AYS, and thin inatrumnnt es n:a:utcd and delivered to astute the payn[ent of the sum of .___ ___. _ ._.._.._.___.._______
<br />Seventeen Thousand- Ftye_.Hundred Ten_3o11acs,._and_OOj1~0_****}yollaratt.__~7•S10,Op__ __ -___,_.__ !,
<br />with interest thereon, wgnther with such charges and advances as may be due end payable W aaed mottgegan utuier Itre terms +ud wnditions
<br />of chn pmmiasory noon oC even date herewith aml sw:urntl hereby, execuuxi by snid mongagvr S_.._. tv said mottgairoe, fwyable as ezprenaecf
<br />in said rartn, and W secure the performance of aU the terms and cocdifeone contained therein. '1'hn Wrms of said ntKn are hereby incorporated
<br />herein by this refarsnce.
<br />Ic ie the inten4ion and agtesment of the Parties harnW that this mortgage shelf alga nature any future advances made W acid mongagors _. _
<br />by atilt martgngee, and any and eU indnba,ndnens in addition w the amounE above seatcv! which said martgngurrs• ar any of then[, nwy owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however avitfeacetl, whether by min, lxxtk account ar nthnrwiaa. 'S'hin mortgage shall rvn[aett in full €tsc~ and etfart between
<br />the Parties heww and their hairs, pnrsanel raptaastttativea, sucessaars and usigns, until all wnourua sw:uwd hewunder, enetuding futurr
<br />' advnntwe, aro paid in full with internat.
<br />~. The mortgagor .~... hereby assign ... W said mortgagee aU rants and income arising at any and alt timaa from nnid Pn?p.x[y arnl
<br />hereby eutharuw said tnurtgagae or its agent, ee its option, upon dnf4att, to cake charge of sad pre{wRY and cdfect elf rnnis std income
<br />_ -tfatahnrt std apply Ehn acme W the payrnant of inWrast, priacepal, utauram:a premiums, texas, aeseaemwtta, re;+aire or improvmt[wtta
<br />netwsaary W keep sad pwpany a wauetabla errnditeon, or to other charges nr payments provided for hnreen ar in the rwte hereby notated. Thi-+
<br />twit aneignmont shall ooatfatw ib 4stve until tlw unpaid baktnoe of aed tints es tally paid. `Pha taksag ni lsaaseasfoa hereunder hail in no mrnmv
<br />~ut€ta€d_~i- - ~:'~~u"-°~=°sttat;E~f~~+.ih~v;~
<br />'Pha failttrs of thn» W anaert aeay of its riglus t~aundar at any time abet! nee ba canatrutaf ea a waiver of its right to aaartrt the
<br />aams at any 4tsr time, and w vtsiat upon and anktrm atrete wmptianpa with ell the terms and pmviniotw of said neW attd of they e[nelttage.
<br />Cf said neongagor s ehaJ cause W tw paid W avid tnan,gallae the an4iw atntxent dun it leetuwndw, oral utxler tiw ttrmta aid provisions
<br />of said twfw Msoby aa'urad, includfng Eutaw advenoes, and any natenseoaa w renewals Glwreo€ its anwrdance with the tnrnen ahd provisions
<br />Gltataof, ewf tt nail! taxegltgrxt ~ ~_ ahtztlcomply withal! the proviaioax of acid aata ant! of this rmutgaga, ttaut thane 4urssnta step, tw utud:
<br />otharwiae to reutain in Rarf form sad etfact„ sad sad moA,gagea shat! be entitled W tba P+tawsaioa of all at anid Property. xtaf nuty, a4 eta option.
<br />tieClare the whole of acid ante sad alI endebtadttixta repreaanWd thereby W 6a imotedtatnly dun acid yyyabk, and may fartxloan this mungage
<br />or take any o6Mr kgai action W prW.ect its right. APpneiaataent waived.
<br />Thin mangsge shall be bintiia8 upon sad shall aottw W the haanCM at the hairs, nr<ae:uWrs, adminiatraWre. eutM.assora atal aaaigna of Iha
<br />reallactive parties hereto,
<br />IN WI'PtVk~Sti W Ff$ttltiPi~, said Idart~l{tytos~.__.. tm .se.. hnwunW nat. -CktelY- _ - _._ hfmd r.5t._ _ the dny aed ynai` Ctre4 afwve
<br />written. - r ~ .. } ~ ~ 1 `"~ .__.....
<br />dell);-}i. t(xsteit= -~
<br />i _. _..._.._.... __.....,, _ _ `tn. <.~ ~*i` __'` fly l ~,. _--
<br />.Ittdith J. K.vstett
<br />