<br />MQRTGAGE LOAN N'J. L 23', 696
<br />fOVOWALLMENBVT11ESf?PRFSEN3'S.That Fred L. Carlgren, a single person
<br />Forty-eight Thousand and No/100--------------------Mortgagor,whetherone or mote, inmssi~ipatiosoftltesmtof
<br />loaned to aid tnarigagor by Tha Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgages, upon 4$O shares of rtat
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23,696 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the tad ASSOCIATION the fopaafas
<br />described real estate, si[tnied in Mali County, Nebraska-
<br />together with all the tcncmrnts, M:realitamenr and sppurtenancrs thereunto belonging, inc{udinR attached tiasy :nvettttgs, aB witdow saints,
<br />window shaJrz, blinds, storm winJaws. axrnrrrgs, hiaung, aer conditioning, and piumbirrg and water equipment and sccssaortes [lxreta, pampa, stows,
<br />refrigerators, and athee f ixtwcs and egwprnent m+w or {rcrcaf[rr attached tour used in cunnrcUOn wuh ~atd real csuta.
<br />.And whereas chc said mortgagor hu atgeed and Bars l!errhy agree [hat the rnurtgagor shad and wiB pay a8 taxes and a~~•^ts Itvied or
<br />assessed apse card premises and upo¢ this msxtgarge a=d the land secweJ tharcbv `are the sarrte shalt bes-ume Jeliaytteftt; to fwnistt appn:va3
<br />insurance uprm the hudd:ngs on sail prrmtsas situated rr. tlx sum of $ 0.$,000.00 payable w sail ASSO(IATION and to Jehver to sad
<br />ASSCX'IATION thr psrlicirs fur said mswamx; aaJ oral ta,ammit sir necmit any waste sin or about sand prunrses;
<br />In rasa ul Jcfauh in the perfarrnan t at soy of the terms anJ conditions ul the mrxtpagr or t}ie bond sicurcd hereby, the rtairtgagee shall,
<br />sin drntand, Ge entitled to rmmediati p.issessron of the mortgaged Prrutises and the nntrtgagur hereby assigns, traerstzrs ar+J sets crust to the
<br />mortgagee aU the rents, rrrrnucs and tnmrtx [u lx derivrJ Crum tttc nxutgaged prentiszs During such tints as the rrwrtgagr im{ebteJness shah remain
<br />unpaid: and the mtutg,~rge-2 smolt Irav~ the ,~. rvpv ns :tp~s~-it an~a man[ sir agnits i€ may disrre €o. the prtt of rrpauing said premiers std ranting
<br />tlx sane and cvikning the rants, raventris and vtcarnc. and it rosy pay out ai soul incarur ail expenses of repairing said prtm+ses std tteeesncy
<br />conintr.~niurts and expenses incwtit] w tanttog attef nianagettg the rarrte and of cdketutg rentals therefrom: the baianw rctrrairting, if anY. to be
<br />applirJ leeward for discharge of saki nxntgagr udibtrdrtiss, cruse trghis.rl' {tti €tlortgagrr ;:•.ay tiz rxet; iced at ar.F ttrmt: 3itrrng the ixistertei of suet[
<br />default. it respes4ivi of aitp tampcum-y wa,rar ¢f chi same.
<br />''hest _t-'€z~nt=, iwnev~- ,are uprrs r^ oui::: ~ wt -f Ure sazJ ~iiur?~ag..r shore! repay suJ lave o¢ ua actors the nuttu[ity of sea{ shares by
<br />paYmertt; p-ay monthly to card RSSfIIiATtf)N :t th urn prrdtad to thz &nrJ sacur2J hcrebv as tntcrrst anu pr_iacpal on surd l.,an, nit or IxCari
<br />rite -fwen[iet}t day of eaet: ~ ryer :rx, r .,, .,ors ~.. ~ f-,,;}y t~.u: ~y ai{ taxes artd'asxassrrrents iavxal agarrrst ;aid prar+tisis: amt oa this Mortgage
<br />and ihz 13and sr nerd ttictaoy, hr:uri drtiitqumtcy; Cwmsh approved insurauee trprm [he buildings :hcrcon in the sura of S ¢$ ,OOD.-00 payable
<br />to said ASSO('IATtON; repay m saW ASS(ICin'f10'v opus Je nurtJ all rnunry by tt pa1J fur such texas. nxsrssntaots end instuanax with interest aY
<br />' the maximum legal rpti thrrrurt from date sit' psyntent all of which Mortgagor hrrcby ageirs to pay; prnnu tai svssta an said premises; keep and wur~!;
<br />with ail the agreenunts and conditions sit the BtittJ for & 4$,DOO, OO tins day givaa by the ;3rd Alcxt~gur w sad RSSCXtAT1UN, and comply
<br />with all the requircrrtints of the CmWn€uuiu anJ By•l.aws of card ASS0.1,'t7'IGN; then these presents shall benintr ntd] w+G vujJ, utherwue thin
<br />shall rottuin in Cull force arrJ may be {orrckrsed at the uptron of the sou] A.SStk:1R tIUUN after tailwc for throe months to retake arty o1 said
<br />paYtttiats sir ha three months w arrears rn making sad nranthiy t~yrtunts, u+ to krep mtJ wmp{y with the agraarnrnts and ttmtlitiuns of wed Bunt;
<br />anJ Mortgagor agraas to hnva a receiver appuintnl Inrthwtth sir such Currcte.swe pnxx2Jings.
<br />Il there is auy ciratrge io s.wnirship of the coral estate ax+rtgtlgcxt t+arriu, by Bali sir otherwise, thin the emue ramautvtg in(kblatttiess heroby
<br />toured shall, et ttu option oC The Equi[abk Buiidiag and fawn Asaucatron uE (;road Island. Nebraska, baaune im€rredta[ely dtx std Eatyabk withtmt.
<br />fuRtiar notice, attJ the amriuut rentauting Jac trtrtkr said bwui, sad any other bond Cut any additional advances made thateurader, shale, Crum the
<br />data of axeritse sit said opliou, bear interest a! the nraxinruai legal rata, end this rrtottguuga ataY thr:t ba EuraluseJ to sairsfy the attxwnt duo sin srsid
<br />bond,rtad any othe .md fur addUitusnl aJvarrctrs, together with all swrts paid by said 'tla tiyuitable Buildiryt awe Loan Asssxiatiutt +st Gtagct Island,
<br />Nebraska fur insuranax, texas and asxssr+wnts,and abseraitbtg exrertsiun charges, with intarasl thereon, Pram data of paymaw at the tnaxtmunt
<br />bgal rata.
<br />Au provided in the [land secured ltatehy, while this ttwrtgagi rimaias in rffact the nwttgagr•a Wray haraattar advance additWtta- soars to the
<br />makers of saki Btrnd. ttrrir a~igtts or sw:easacus sir mtirast, witKtt stints shag ba witturr ttxt s~wity of this uwrtp~n the sins as thn fitrtds utigiosltY
<br />serttted thereby, the total attluwtt oC psutcilni debt eta! w ezt~id a[ any tiara the original attmwn of this nuutggge.
<br />Ihted this 2h h Jay of March A. n., {v
<br />L-c-z ffii $O
<br />ed Lear g ~ n~ _.____._. _.--
<br />STATF: OP NEBRA.S!(A, ~ # (ht this 24th Jay cif t`idrCh lv $Q , betwe tree,
<br />COUNTY Ole' tfAt.t
<br />rho undersigtud, a No[ary Public in atld fur sad Cowuy, parscuwtly catua
<br />Fred L, Carlgran, a single person who jS petuu+tallykrtownw
<br />rue to be the ideatit;al Petauu whore create i S a(fixcd to the atwva tast~itiut xs u~tgago+ and he
<br />ackrnrwbdgad the said inatrtttuettt to be hi S valuntaty act sad dead, i ~a-~ -~7 /~ )
<br />WITNi•SS ray head and NMarial Seal tbi date afwasaid. ` / f j` ~ ~ ~ , 1
<br />MyCsitnrnisaianacPires {,/~ ~•_ tom,-.i~'0'~~. f"r, ~' ~,..'~'"j
<br />C'_- _ .__ _ ..
<br />weave nt / y r ~ ~•~ "' r-~--------.-._._____._._......___ y l'abile'--
<br />! ~j GENEBAt HOTAtiY State n{ Nebraska
<br />JAA1C5 W'. i2i.SON
<br />~kty Gtv`nm. lsp
<br />