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t :: <br />Tbis~dortgage made and entered into this dday of <br />19 /by .sad between DCNAID L. SAN>~2 aYfd CARIA D. SP,LaIOER; HUSband ax>Fi Wife <br />(hereinafter referred to u mongagor) and the Administntor of the Small Busineus Admioisentim, an ageoe of-the <br />fovernment of the United States of America {hereinafter referred to u mortgagee), who maintains-an office-and <br />plane of bo.ieer at Ehpise State Building. 19th and E'arnvn, (;<tiaYta, Nekaraska 682:02 <br />Wtrnsastt7rs, that for rJre oonaidentim hereinafter stated, receipt of "which u beeeby ~,, the <br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, sell, gtanfo assigy a~ convey auto the mwtgagx, his saceewwa and: -a11 <br />of the follatring described property situated and being u the County of ~, <br />State of ~~~ <br />.Fractional Ivt Five (5) in Fractiotal Block Ebrty-Six (46) <br />in Padu~r aztci Hars's Seoorrci Addition to the City of <br />'~sCaZ1Cl IS1Bttdr Hall Syr Nel1rr~.^a)C3, atvd the SOtzth-i~lf <br />(S~} Of VdCdtF3d ClaLerlCe 5`tt`eet dd]O1n1t3CJ O[t the NOrth. <br />Togiether with and iacludin ,!1 buildings, alt (irttuees including but uQt liaEitad to aU phemhiag, heating, l~ht- <br />iaq, ventilating, refrigentinq, iarineratiaq, air cwuiltiuninq aplturatus, and elevalore (the morlgaqur hereby <br />deelaritsq that it is intentlad that the items herein enumerated shall be deemed to have been perataue~ntly im <br />K[aI)td as part of the rraity°l, and aif iruprovrmeatx now or haraaitGr nxiatin~ eheremu; the hereaditanroats and <br />appu,rtenanres and sU other rights thereunto belottginq, or in attpwiae appertalaing, and the revetncion and re. <br />vorxious, renwinder and retaaiadet~, nil rights of tedomptian, and the rent,., issues, and proftis ui the above <br />d4xerlhed property (provided, however, that the mortgagor shall be entitled to the possession of said property <br />_ aatlto eo_lleet and reta-n the rrnt~ I~ua~,-au~l p_rolit- ~t11 dai'autlt- hnt~tu)= 7'o have aut# to hold the-name <br />ttato the taurtgatre anti the eueaessoee in Interest of the ntr,rtgagee forever in fee s3»tple or sudt other estate, <br />if any, as is stated herein, <br />-The asoriF6a~ eovepattLs that be is lawfuAy seined-sad pw~essed sd' and had the right to sell and convey said <br />property; thay'tho same is-free from sU encumbraaoa except as hereitulwve recited; and that ha hereby binds <br />hunself atuf hH sueeasan in ioterest,-o warrant sad defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thenaf against <br />the claiaw Q(ap pertwn~ whomsoever. <br />This instrument is given to secure the payment of a promiasory auto dated ~; 18e 1980 <br />is the pt[nEipa- situ at ii 43,QQfi~t}p , sigawlby 1X9rta7.d L..p+dts3ez` atld Car2.a E3, Satx~er <br />iahnhnif„f ~ Ihotrtu' arld ~ 5et:uice <br />-zee ra.. sax ~r-ttt r.~s, rp~.~ .r, oa.i«.. <br />