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t- <br />`"~J,§t~ra~~ TRUs'T DEED <br />THd5 DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this 10th ~ day of ><rpYrt, ___~, 19.:St1=_;. <br />by a_nd between DAVID C. POWERS A_t?D ROS attY PQWFJttktor, and COMMONWEALTH LAND AND TZTLE INSUR/tee; <br />HUSBAND AND WIFE COMPANY <br />and Posts! Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation, Beneficiary. <br />WITNESSF.TH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm-with Power of Sale <br />unto [he Trustee the following described Real Fstate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now <br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in Hall County, in the State of Nebraska: <br />Lot Five (5), Block Eight (8), in Morris Fifth Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br />and possession of said premises now delivered unto said Trustee; <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLll the same, with all rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging tmto the 1'rusiee, <br />his executors, administrator. heirs, and assigns forever. And thz Trustor hereby expressly waives, releases. and relinquishes <br />unto the Truster all right. title, cfaifn, interest- benefit, and estate whatever, in and to the above-described premises and <br />each and every p.ut ihereef, which is given by or results from al! laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption <br />or homestead. And the Trustor convenants with the 'trustee that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same <br />against the lawful claims of alt persons whomsoever. <br />IN TRUST HOWEVLR. for the following described purposes: WHEREAS, the Trustor ciid on this dace execute a <br />promissory note evidencing a 3oart for the principal amount of 5-X4451.14_ _____--____-__- __-- -____._._.___-_ and interest <br />thereon according to [he terms of the note; said note being payable in coast monthly installments ut the otlice of dte <br />beneficiary; and final payment hehtk due on --,-_--__._. ___ Mwrrh t 4 _ IQA6 -__-----_---__-- --- ._--_~-__--- t `L_____ . <br />It is agreed by and between parties hereto that until tiling rrS Notice or iyafiuit, tltr f~rtt _tc_ __isi?~ t i i p=y xii ,~rescau <br />and futttm taxes ind assssrteatts, ~•cirerrl .,tci ,pectal. again[ ;tell} property betuee thc• sa[uc bc~omas delinquent ~zr <br />actionable; t:) keep all intprovamartts t°rr.t.~ on the ian[i insured ;is ntay he reyutreci treim time tc tiutz+ i,~ ~rnrti~;.u: <br />against ittss by fire and other hazards, casua ties and iorttingeuctes, in such a[noun[s :end for su~.s t-e ~_rts ,x .are rea -r ,,..:.= <br />and may he required by hrttrtt.-iary, and to keep ai policies of stteh irittrance in fierce ar zffecf upott fha t`om'party har~fct <br />described constantly tusi~nrd and delivered to beneficiary, i3) pay- and comply with all the terms :uttl :audition, .rf arc <br />lien, maim or indebtedness that may be srnror [o ur take precedent=r of this l'rust [lard as soon us any loch payntrne on or <br />of such lien, claim or iudeb[edness shall t,ecume due; and upon failtue of fr[utur to keep soy' said agrrrmrttts, henrtS.';ar} <br />may pay such tax, pay ictr such insurance or pxv off such }inns or iiaim, of utdetrredttas as the ease tray be. and the <br />money so expended with tn[eresC at `~t``% per annum shall be srtitrrd bp~ this i`rust Deed, and the fruator;;grers tie spay the <br />same upon demand, and upon failure Co do so the balance of the attached note shat) hecmrtr uumedtately due .uui payable <br />at the option of the bencfiriary; (Ji specifstally turtle upon tltr 1'rustrr the power of sale ai {avtulyd in tiel.raska law. <br />(5) retain possession of the premises and toltcrt the rents and revenue: tharrfrom- <br />Upon payment of all the sum. xxund by the ~lrt[st Uerd, the Banrlictary shall royuest the Truaee ter retwnaay the <br />property attts shall surrender rhea :'eclat Il>;rai and alt rtittes rvtdanung mdehtaclncss +ecured by thw trust l.leeti ter the <br />T`r'ustet. Trustee shall recunvey the property without warranty ter the person or persons leg:ltty :~ntt[tcd tharr[o, but i± <br />default be made in the payntrnt of said na[v or any part there«f or any of the uttrrzst thereon when .iu,~ srr rn the fatthfut <br />perforrnanca of arty ur either of ,aid agrremants ;u aforesaid, then the whole irfsatd nuts stroll hecr?ma due and be paid ns <br />hereinafter provulad, and this deed shalt certain in farce; the [roster or his at[ernay may proceed to sett ttfr prerpar[y to <br />its entirety car tit panels of the option of €he [rustaa harainbetore described at public suction, to the hrghes: bidder. tier <br />cash, lluwever, tfie power of sate herein conferred it pCrri the lets>tec sh.iii not he e. trti;ru oriel t 1 ;the rrttste~~ c„ail hrct <br />t1)e for record, in the oftne of the registee ttf deeds of each county whereht the trust property or some part or' parcel <br />thert±of is situated, a notice of default, identifying the truster by stating lhr names of [rte trustur and uamrs tltareirt and <br />giving the hook and page where the same is recorded, a description of the trust pruparty, and containing a statement that <br />a breach of an ohs~at*on for which the trust pre~rty waS conveyed as security h:ts ocrurn•d, ,uttl sctuni; iotth the nattu~e <br />of such breach and of his election to yell or cause tts be sold such property tv satisfy ttte obligation; acrd t.:1 attar ttta tai+sr <br />of not less than one month, the trustee shalt y*ive notice of ,ate as provided by Nebraska taw. AtRs nuucr of default amt <br />laps of nUt lass than one ntnnth, the tntstee shall give written notice of [he time and place t?I sate: particularly drscnhutg <br />the property to 6e sold by publication u[ such notice, at least tier times, once a work for live tonsatuttve weeks, the Is.t <br />publscation to be at leas[ lU days but not ntoee than 3t) days prior to the sale. to srntr uewspapcr turwing a keurrai <br />circulation in each county in which the property to be st71d, or sontn part thereof, is situated- tpon such date, the truster <br />,1ta11 execute anti deliver a deed of conveyance of the prcparty sold tt> the purchaser oe trurthasets thereof and any <br />statement or recital of fact in such decd in retation to Fhe exercise oC the power of ,vote and ssi.: of the property described <br /> <br />