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~yj~„~t~ TRUST DEED <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this- 20th __~ day o~ March , 19$0 _ <br />by and hetweer:JERRY D. CONROY AND SHARON L. CONt~`ltytstor, anclCo~a1 Land and Title Insyt~f-7~stee, <br />Husband and Wife Company <br />and Postal Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation, Benet7ciary. <br />WiTNESSETH: That the Tnistor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale <br />unto the Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now <br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in Hall County, in the State of Nebraska: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S'~SG9t) of Section <br />Twenty-One (21), Township Ten (lOj, North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska, and more particulary described as follows: Beginning at a, point on the South line of <br />said 51sSW;t; said point being Five Hundred Sixty (560.0) Feet West of the Southwest corner of said <br />5'~y'SWIy; thence running Westerly along the South line of said Said S'~SWIt a distance of Four Hundred <br />Forty-Two (442,0) feeE; thence deflecting right 90°00' and running Northerly a distance of Three <br />Hundred Fifty (350.0) Feet; thence running Easterly,parallel to the South line of Said S',SWIC a dis- <br />tance of Four Hundred Forty-Two (442.0) Fee[; thence deflecting right 40°QCi' and running Southeryl~ <br />a distance of Three Hundred Fifty (35G.0) Feet to the point of 6egirning and containing 3.551 Acrei <br />and possession ot'said premises now delivered unto said Trustee: more or less of which 0.335 Aczes more or le,4s <br />is occupied by public read ri~,hr of way, <br />TO HAVE -\'.VD ~CO HOLD the same, with all ri,<hts, privileges, and appun~nances thereto betonaine tmto the Trustee, <br />his executots, administratgrs, heirs, and assigns forever. And the. Trustor hereh~ expressly waives, raleascs, and retinquishes <br />unto the Trustee all right, title. Maim, interest, benefit, and estate whatever, in and to the above-described premises and <br />each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of the State of tiehraska pertaining to fire exemption <br />of hgmestead. And the Trustor convenants with the -["castes that he will forever warrant and defend the title tq the same <br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />1N TRUST HOWEVER, for dte following described purposes: WHEREAS. the Tnutor did on this date ~~cecu[r a <br />promissory note evidencing a roan t~?r the principal amount qt S 5008.91 and intere,r <br />thereon according to the terms of the note; said note being payable m coast month[} installments ut the gfticr of the <br />beneficiary;and final payment being due on ___ _ __ _ ---March- Z9 Iq g5 <br />tt is agr;ied by sad bciween partial h~ratq that until ftt;itg of _~att~e of;t. Ehe 1 tuator ~h311, ;1 t t_>ay alL pre5~nt <br />anal [ti t:i rt ta~tec -(1 3`(', r+^., r t ! ..:n(1 ` ;'al :i:t:#itt`t w ~ # a~pxrlt ht. t.+:'c, !1=e -aims ..~i:}m~ -_litt(Itte tt `. .tC <br />actionable; t') keep ail itnpravements ra•rted on Mite land in,ureci xs mat he retluired feout tune to tune ii}~ berniiciary~ <br />against icsss by ti re and other hat.ards, casualties anti ~ontingertttes n such :[mounts aft ttr>u~tlt prrods as are reasonahic <br />and tttav be regtiired by beneficiary, and [~_> keel: ill nett ies c f su~lt tnsurani'e rn farce ~'r tti+°tt upon the property ltcrciit <br />described constantly assigtred and delivrreti to hrneticiarq, t±i pay and runipis~ with ,ill the terms and conditions of an>' <br />lien, claim or indebtedness tltat may he senior to or take pre~rdenrr of this trust Deed u. ax±n a. and snch payment on ur <br />of such lien, claim or indebtedness shaft become due: and agars failure frustor to keep any ,aid agreements, hcneficiary <br />ma}^ pay such tax, pay for su<h insurance or ply off such urns or rittims ur tndet±tadnes as the ,asr uiav t.c, antk the <br />motney sc expended with intcrc>t at'>`% per annum shall he sueured by this mist fked, and the Cntstor agrees to repay the <br />same upon demand, and upon failtue to do set tltr hatanee of the attached note ,hall he.anie iotntediately due and payable <br />at the option of the banefi: an+; I~kt spar-cificeily ~antir upon the fruxtee the ltitwer of .ale .is t~mvided in 1~~hraska law: <br />(5) retain pq~session of the prenuses and cotleta the rents ant[ reveiuies therrtrorn, <br />Upgn paytnrnt of all [hr swn±+ecurrd by this 'l'east Uead, the Benehriary .hull reyucat the Il~c„t.•~~ to recumc~ the <br />property and shall surrender tlas Frti54 deed anti alt notes evtdencmg indehteetnass t',krrr:! t t ;l,r- i'rtzt ;~~°cl to the <br />Trustee, 'frtistae shall racgnvty the property without warranty to the psi°s<+n ut pet sons ietulls cttt~tieci thereto taut ~f <br />default ha matte in the paynteut of vfid n<rte or any part thercgf or any of the nacres[ thereon when due or ,u the tuthtul <br />petforntance of any or either of said agreetrtents as al`ore~id, thin the whiffle of saai note shall become due and he paid as <br />hetainai'ter previtted, and this dacd shall remain lit force: the tnrstre or fus :rttnt'nea may nnxreit to sell the nroisert_c in <br />t1s anlirety °r ut paroels a[ the otxuutt of Fhe tntte-e ttereutbefgrc des{nbeJ at puhhc aucnun, to tha highest ~bid~cr, fur <br />a:;h. 1lt~wevrr, ttir power of +air herein sinferrrd u,xtn the trustee :it.rlt not P+r t~xe•rir,r~ri trntii t i i th(~ titist.•~ ,it:ui ter+t <br />tike for record, in the of&ce of the register of deeds °f tech county whereat the trust property or xane gaff to parcel <br />there°f is, situated, a notice elf dafautt, identifying [he trusses 6y sating the names of the !castor anti natncs theteuf anti <br />giving the brxik and page where Che same is recorded, a tlescrtluion of the trust property- anti containing a statement that <br />a breach °f an utJi;;anon for which the [cull luoperty wa_s conveyed as zecutity ha+ occurrsd, ait.t a,ttrng tttrtli ttn~ nature <br />of such F7reah and of his ztaction to sell qr ¢ausc iq oc sold such property to satisfy the obligation: an.i t' 1 after the lapse <br />of nqt lass [hart one month, the trustee shalt eve notice of sale as provided by Nebraska law, Aftci notice of default and <br />lapse of na[ less than one month, the tntstee shall give written notice of the [i»te and glare of sale partt.ulurly disci Thing; <br />dtr property to ba sold by publjeation of such rtotice, at testa five timea_+trn'c: ,i work i+yt the ivnse.utivr weeks. the ins[ <br />publk`ation to be al least 10 slays but not nines than ?U days prior w the sale, in ,utoe ne;espaper h;nuiit s general <br />¢ircttiati°n ht each county in which the property tq be sold qr snore part thereof, is,ituntrti. [;hors such sale, ths~ trusre~ <br />shall execute and deliver a dt~ed of cgnvcyance t>f Ehe t~xopzrn~ sold to the r~utehazer (>i tiarchasrr> tlt~-tor .inr; ,int <br />s.atetncnt <u tet:itat qi fact in such des`d in relation to the exercise of the power of cote arse! .ale ++t the l+n+pcity ,tr.. ethe,l <br />u'l'rR 1 INF: ~ ,... . <br />