<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinbefore provided. - ~~~~
<br />rr~~t
<br />Vt
<br />F'
<br />That the "Mortgagor is the owner':of said {iroperty itt -Pee gitnpj@:,,apd has good„ right slut- lawful" aUthrrrity. fn snit and' ' -~ °- -
<br />rnnvey the sar:re bird that"the eairre is free aria clear bfany lien'or ene'ttmb_ienc~;'and that Mortgagor wilt •-•artant and defend'the
<br />title to said premises againsC ttrtt..rlaims of all persons whomsoever. ~ - -
<br />To pay- immediately when doe tiiiid' peyalile all general--razes, special` taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer ser.~-
<br />ice charges„ and other taxes and charges -against said-property; aitd ail taxep levied on the debt secured hereby, and- to iurnisli-tlie ~.
<br />Mortgagee, upon regiteai, with--the origiriat''or dTtpTicate reeeipts•:.tberafoc: The:lNartgagor. agrees that there shall be-added to -
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby ar,-: amount estimated by the Mortgagee "
<br />to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as they Fx>come due. "alt taxes, assessments-, and similar charges upon the prem~ -
<br />ises subject CFreretq;,.any defciency. because of the insuRciency u(, syctr. additional payments shall Ile torthwith deposited by the, ,_,.
<br />Mortgagor with the Mortgagee-upon demand 6y the hlortgaRre. Aay default under this paragraph shall be- demmad a~ilefault in ; -
<br />or similar cha q ... .. .. : ".. '.-.. _.. -
<br />payment of taxes, assessments, gas re aired hemunner. - ~ " --
<br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also hr~ added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required here•
<br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee t be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee trs pay, as it betromes-due, the' Fnsu ranee
<br />premium on any insurance policy delivered to the Martgngze. Any deficiency becau!te of ~tha insuffeciency of.such additional-pay
<br />meats shall ire forthwith drprmited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this --
<br />paragraph shall Fee deemed a defaulf in the payment of inwrrmtcr pmmiums. If the policy oc policies deposited are such as hume~
<br />owners or all risk policies, and the drpasits are insufficient to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply the depnsh to
<br />pay premiums on risks required to ire insured by this mortgage. - - - -
<br />Payments made by the MortgaKar under the above paragraphs may, at [he option nt the hiortgaKrr, 6r held by it and
<br />commingled with other such fund, ar :ts r>wn f:rrxL fn: the; esayment r>f .such items, and until so applied, such payments are hereby -
<br />pledgerl as security fur th.• onpa ul balance of the mortgage indrbtedness-
<br />To prrrure, drhver tu, sort maintain Gx the benefit of thr Alnrtgager during the hfe of this mortgage arieinal Policies and
<br />renewals thereat, delivered at b=ast ten days F>efore the expirattun of any such policies, insuring against firn sort other insurable -
<br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount equal to the ittdebted:Teaa secured by this
<br />Mortgage, and m companies accrptabke to the Mortgagee, with loss payable clause in favor of and In form acceptable to the Mortga-
<br />gee. In the event any lmlioy ix not renewrrt on or before ten days of itc rzpirahnn, the Mortgagee may prxum insurance on the
<br />improvements, pay the premium therelor, and such sum shell became immediately due and payable with interest at the rate 'set
<br />forth in said note until pain snot shut{ br• .•rcured by this mortgage. Farlurn on the part of the Sortgagor m Furnish such renrw•als
<br />as are herein required or failure to pay any st}ms advanced hereunner ,bath at the option of the Sltrrtgager, ronstihrte a <Yefautt
<br />under the terms of this mortgage. The delivery o[ such Fmliries shall. m the event of default, rnnsutute an as_Rignment nt the un~
<br />earned premium.
<br />AnY sums re•ceivrd by the Morgagee by reason of lass ur damaE,- insured against may Fx retained by the Mortgagee
<br />and applied towant the paymrn4 .d the debt. hereby secured, ar, st the opuen of lire Mortgagee, such -sums either wholly ru in
<br />part may hr paid over t,r Ihr Mortgagor ter be used to repair such buildings ur to butld'+uw brtildinKs in their platen or far any
<br />other purpose nr ohjrxt satistactary W the hiurtgagre without aNrceurg the lien on the moo gage fur the full amount secured here
<br />by before sorb payment ever trxik place.
<br />To pnanptlY repair restore- ~. rebuild soy building- ,m pr:,a e:n,~uia :. , r hrreait.m =n ,. .• {>rrini,.-, ,. rose Fse.
<br />come damaKra! .,r dr::truyr.i. to ieeE; said premix. ;n Krwl a•*.,udiEUm sn,i r- • and tree Ennn anY mrt'hanic~ tiro or other Yren nr
<br />claim of hen ~t -rzprr=.aa#v ~ utx.rr#inatr~# to the hen ,,.-re::i. n....a ;uNrr ,.- p.`rmrt anv unlawhd usc• of .,- : rrt rnrtxanc-.• to r ist on
<br />said ptutrrrtv nr,F tv t.rrmtt wa5t3' 4~ isid t•rYmi-sr- - a ,;-- 3?t- itlef amt w'hr+Frtay tEYe per+f:ertl tr,: rrirY ~rrRtieyrFt shall Errs-sine
<br />tines -va#uahir• r~or f,., riTrni.nixh or impair tY valor try unY :art ~~r omi+s,,,u t„ ,.r-t to rontP3F urth .rfi rt•quirrments of taw wttFt respect
<br />to the mortxadrd premises nn<I the use thrrr<•!-
<br />That .rss::::r , ~ ..-,:~ ,- - a.: ,- ;,~., ~:-.:- .>r .3R. , :.:.. ..c=-.: .: .Fa<--r.: f , ,:.t,::c .....gyn. .-r.~rh ra o;,nr
<br />.• nutem .r a an iu oar t • u
<br />prvxaea9uK, under the rrdi,t •d :r. -., r, •, .. ., tha•r , the \t„rtgage~• stmt! Ee• ~ uU.:J a. . „unl.vuaeatunw,
<br />awards, and any other E!aYment or wiu•f the-rrfur -o rue sir.+Etvtt<~ en trtled.tratrits option. to n,mmrncr- appear in and pn~ac vrtr in its
<br />own name aM' afTtrol or pn,cer+trnK r to make say romprumts« •, ,r441,•ma+n: m c .roan wnh wuch ta[:inK nr Aamake. Atl wch
<br />c:xnpensahon, awards. damad.-r,_ ndht ut action and pna~aeas are hereby trssignrd rto rthr Mortgagee. -arho may, after
<br />therefrom aR its rxprnsr5, rrlrasc~ any mone•v, s n•s'vrved hp s r .nppty the sanro- ou +uty indebtednrs. ., avrrd henroy "I'he 4Fort..
<br />Rsgor a6 reex ter exw-vtr +.:,•h furttte-r a~sceKrmrnls „f ar:v ,~,:nrtn•nznttun. xwanls. iFamagew, an<t riKbts of .te'ernn anrF preterits a:; the
<br />Mr»tgaRar may tartar ra
<br />That +a cawr erf failure 4. pzrt;.rm any of the :.YSVrnants barrio. the R#ortgagea rosy do on the hlurtgagat'. hrhatt -vrr Ihittd y
<br />M. covenanted-, that the '+t tgagee s- also da any set it retry deem naw•assary Gr pnxteek the lien thereof, that the 41 tgatt- -ill _
<br />repay rrpun demand nny me,nevs twat or dwtw rsed by the hl urtgagar f•v any o[ the above pnrp:,~~+ : nd +uch mnnecs ±r „ether wrkh
<br />intatasL theraun at tha ewer prvn ulr~l vt wed note .,hall ire•e~rrnr so mar-h nddit tonal mdehtrdnr.,;r he rrby ~w<Ytrerl sort rosy ire in~ - -'
<br />eluded Fn any darrgtr f«ea-h~na thie mnNgagw anti Im trairF out .rf the roots or prrMeeds of sale of sard n misaw if nut =~du•n.isr
<br />paid; that it sha,Fl not ttr ot>&iga4vy upon the Murtgagre to mqu:re uuo the .•nlidily nl nny hen, , ceunhrancrs- •: clo,m iu _ui x ,
<br />vancing moneys an atrawe nuthoeierd, but nethurg hereto +~<antaure,l shat! M• construed as reriutrtng tha Me,rtgaKer t. advan.-r :toy
<br />tnattoya far any such Pvrirt-tee parr W du anY ai't hrrrunde+•, and thnt h•lurtgagaa shall nut incur any {rersr,ual etabdrty Fwcau»a• aE atry-
<br />thinr it may du or emit W do hrrauuder.
<br />la the ev.-•nt of tha drfmdt hs hturigaarre to th•• tn'r'ryntrnt of anY rnnlaiime~~nt ~tw reynnrr•! by thv tioia . d tn•re•hY. c
<br />r
<br />;n_l~e~d:,rt?rarTT~ al ~?;~-~y-a~ ~r_s ..>=~ -~~: -f ,; +v .Yale. sa~ur~r! !f~ t !.•• .'-1 ~€t a~tr ete># _ --.-p'_t - E-:~,~cg :rx-
<br />debt aeeurad harahy due seal Vayatde ,xtthuut nottc .acrd tF~ h4nr tgat;re shaft 4,r tell{tlyd at tun ,pLiort. arttu,w n+,tt>r, e+etter try LEarIE
<br />ur by a reu•Pivar lis F>e appuiutrtti by thc• c-<wrl the roof. and -w-ttPsout ngant to the adtluae'y +,f any wecurrty f,it the :txfrhtrrinr•*t: w
<br />euretL hereby, to rntrr.uyun and take pteitk•Mainq of tits murtgagnd prami+ws, oral hr eollr~ct amt rryQivr !h« re+nls, t>r:ur, anti 1+r,.fits
<br />thereof, and apply th+± xaTna. .!tsar r!etpts of <grrrxti•:n and cotlrrtiun. utwn tree nutebtarhrr y 3r - r.•d by th7t rsurfKnK-, „uHi r~rrrs
<br />ib9uaa +ua! VroCrta Firing hcrek+y asnidns•rt (o the. MnrtgaK~r as further sw.urify tan the t.nk enrol ~.+I all indehtrdne3; vw. ure+l Frerehy
<br />-Tb~ MorEdadarE stxakt haa+r-f he irawar-W aptxsinE and- agent ur agettts it ntay rtes;ra €or tFTr l:x.rtn.sre _=E rr-t„r:rrrtg stTrd t+r*•rn
<br />iaaa: renGruf thn Santa, csriirctmd tha rents, revenues anti :nn,nre, and tt raaY tray out of sard tetcome sit rzf.a-n,r+ +ru-urrr4 nr rent
<br />tog and managing tha same oral u( c•slles:ting the rentals tha•ref nsnt "The balann• remarnnnK, tf auy. +hall tx• apVlreal tuw~ard tha
<br />dinchargr of Lha mortdad_• indebtarh.assa.. This uunixnmcnt is to terminate and become nuli amt void ufwm reteasr of thra nxrrtdn¢r
<br />