_. _ ...-
<br />83-A-REAL EST
<br />T
<br />A
<br />E
<br />MORTGAGE-With Tax Clause (Revived 7962) The 7taaaeso ceerel sat,Wy Howe, 7.iowln, Nebr.
<br />~
<br />r
<br />-
<br />x
<br />Daniel A. Wenzl and Judy K. Wenzi, Nusband and Wife,
<br /> (Mortgago3`S y ?
<br />- - of Nall County, and State of Nebraska , in consr'eration of the sum of ;. -
<br /> Twenty-Nine Thousand ($29,000,00) noTa.ARS i
<br />.. ~ in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto
<br />Francis B. Kalin and A. Arnette Kalin as joint tenants with rigfit of survivorship
<br /> (Mortgagee } !
<br />of Hall
<br />County, and state of Nebraska the tollowiag described pxemises
<br />situated in Hall County, and State of NebrdS ka to-wit:
<br />'mot One (i) in Block Three (3) Colonial Estates
<br />Subdivision, City of brand Island, Nall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />The igteniion being to Convey hereby sn absolute title in fee simple including alt the tights of homestead and aowet.
<br />TO HAI~'E AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with ail the appurtenances thereunto belottgfng unio the
<br />said mortgagee and to Their heirs and assigns, forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the ezpreae
<br />ttrnaition that if the aforesaid mortgagor thei r heirs, executors, adettinistrators or assigns shall pay or cause W be
<br />paid Lo the said moN, ages heirs, eseeutorc, administrators or assigns, the sum of
<br />TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND (:24,000.00) Ikdlars. payable sa foUaws, to-wit:
<br />~3DO. D0 nauarx as the 15th say of Apri 1 , is ~}
<br />530C.00 Ehrllars an ts,e 15 say ~,r Each subset)uent month Fs
<br />Dollars. on the da,r at until Dri RCi pdi and 19
<br />Ik>llars on the tta;h- .:d interest are ~ aid in tS
<br />I)talars an the da,~ c,F full . E8
<br />xith inte:est *,heretst at ~~ per Berri per arrrtum, 4aYatriv ~ alt a.cording tc t:ro tenor and ~$¢c--t of
<br />a ~rtaps Ptara:sa,rY ncYe ~:f saes `~4nttlly
<br />- I~arFng given iatC with tPx pr~t~, t~a+? s~`~ati t~¥ ~t[i fast"' x.~ n~e~l:ts Fevv~t use, re~F ex~k~, a=x€ sFF cih.€# fas~,
<br />- Fevc= anti ~ve~ment?4 4_=ritxt uP~-vi-t6s, a~xt~age pr tkt:~ teat-_ whtrh.thia m.7rtgeye ea gives-~ ~rrr-- t~t~ ~ru tws??:ee=~ -
<br />- delinquent, and keep the twildings on said Pretttixes irewured far the sun, a(3 lose, if anY, PvYable to
<br />tlut soul rrutrtgagee, then these Ptewnts to br vaid. athrrwiae to bo oral retrrain in full farce.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (t) 'That it the saW mortgagor s)urU [aft to pay such taxes or PracWre such itrsurartc~u, the
<br />solo mortgagee maY PeY such taxes amt ProCte~ xuch insurance; and the sum so advanctd. with inter wt at per cent
<br />_. shalt be paid by said mortgagor, and this martgagr shall staid as security for thx ranee. {2} That a failure u~ DaY any of raid
<br />ntaneY, either Principal or interest when eha same becomes due, or a failure to cnraP1Y with areY of the foregoing agxxemenbr,
<br />abaft eauec the whole sum o[ moncry herein see:ured to become due and rnllecti6le at once at the ePt1aA of the mortgagee.
<br />Signed thu I2th daY at Pgarch 29 &D .
<br />In presence a[ <, -~.-_:... Cy.R-:.ts,:s.. ~ ~ ~,.~......1...C„_..-....5.., t e..~~ .:
<br />,~ ~
<br />e
<br />' e ~ .
<br />.. '-t("
<br />>~r4_t~- Nebraska , t ~at~ ~ !{all.
<br />BeLmirt tug,- a twEac~_ptt6tu quati6ad fur said eattatY, Peesonalty coma RQMALD S-bECUE
<br />Oaniel A, Wf3fu1 and Judy K. Wenz1 Gz'fvEnAt, f,0"±a~ At,
<br />kaowrt Es a~ to he t~ Wertt~at Pamen or parvana who aiRnad tha fvreguixig itsrtrurriettt and rtr $RAL
<br />-- ~ thexeol ~ Mr- his. her of tbefz vrdunkarY act and deed. ~~
<br />Crl?LiaxSAeit $igtN
<br />h~dT4h_.~2,, ~._ , ~ 80 . f saPtatnwr te, -sM~t
<br />wimas my hand and natarut ant an
<br />ftfY canamtsaintx ezP~ee: --~f.R~i'~..t:C' .~.~?. . Fti $~ . ~~Lr ,d s:rx . ~. „,.:_ '~' . ~ ~.,~:..~.... NctarY Irublir.
<br />BTAT@ OB'_ ......................................_............_.. ........-, } Entered oo nunteriwd intlox and filed for racura
<br />-, ~,pe,ty -- j eL is ttm Regisdn of E)exrfs 081ce of vaid f:ounty tha
<br />........................defy oL........,...__........._..._...__......... f9_...._......, aL.._....._.._.._........._.a'elock am3.-......__..... .....rxtittUtas . -........hf.. -
<br />snd_ reearde_d in pm4__ --°--•...- -..._-. Qf.. ___~_..- °...-._._at fnaSa,,-...... _"-
<br />......__......-.....-..--..-...__ .............. _ .- _.... ...... Roar. of treods
<br />f3y,.._.. _._........_ ................_ -._.. -. -.. _..-.._...,. Dsvulr
<br />