<br /> �..�� ._ ;.. _ . .s - -_ " ._____
<br /> �__ -.-- -_ _
<br /> ----- _ . _ - . . - -
<br /> � _._.._._. - - ------.._. ____- --- --� -... -
<br /> -_ - t�T1�LtiiL�L �- _ . . _.. -_- . ...._-
<br /> ' J�w ����
<br /> � 1-4 FAMILY R�DER
<br /> (l1ss:;��:.�.ant of F�snt�)
<br /> THtS t�FAMILY Rli]�H M n+aW Ilu� �isl d�Y a��illW[Y -- 1� . . and I� noapor�t�cf into and •h�Y ba
<br /> d�wrwd to �nwnd�nd sul�pl�n��t Ih�tN�o+tqa��, l�d ol Tru�t or �wCU�Ry p�ec1(t!i• 'S�cwdy Instrun�nl') ol lh• �ar►H ch{�pnai by lhs
<br /> w�rWyn�ct Ith� •Borrow«'1 ta sa�u��row�r s Not�to Ti1� Owrtaitd Ndlond..�.�n�t.Of�►lnSl�� .. . _
<br /> . . �..__._.A ltf►� '4�+u1�t"1 W tha unw d�ta YW CoruMp Ih� -.
<br /> Prc�riy�c�iDed'w,in�e s�cv+dy Ir,aGUmsH�l ana iacnz�d�a- -
<br /> ��-�Q� w �atn s�..o.�d �.�d.t�.��6aeo� - --- -
<br /> �oDuty A1�!'rN�
<br /> 1�{ �/Wll.Y CC1V�t�iAFITf'S. At add�1W�to tt» cCrM►at►ts ind aprwrunta mad� in lh� S�curily Inatrum�nl, 8artcwx snu lrntier -
<br /> huth�r covsntnt md�flrM�s tollows:
<br /> A AODiTIONAi.PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUIIIENY. �n �ddiUon to lh� Rroplwty desC+ibed �n
<br /> the Security Instrum�nl, tM tallow(nfl q�nns are �dd�d la th� F4op�rtY d�scripibn, and shall �lco constitute th� Rop�� cavK�d by th�
<br /> S�curity InsWm�nt: buliding m�t�,rppli�nces and poods d evwy nawn whatsoav�t now or h�rwRer bcated in,on. or usad. or intonded
<br /> to be us�d h c�nn�cvon wqh Ih� Rrop�try,indudiny, Dut not Grnit�d to, those tor th� pwposa ot wpplyk�p o►disLibutinp hwtfny.cooGny.
<br /> o{octridry, gas, water,ilf Nd I�I11. Gf�{3fYYlf1110fl�lIC� �7(W19U�iNM1fl t��WitU9, sscurity and acc�ss control sppuatus. plumbiny. dath tubs,
<br /> water neat�rs. watec closNa, sinks, ran�ee, stoves, r�iqentas, dishwashKS, disposats, washers, Uryers, awnhg�, starm wlndows, storm
<br /> doors. scr�ar►s. binds, shadts, curtaku and curta4�rods, attached mkrors, ubinets, paneWng and attached lioor covwings now or heraRer
<br /> attach�d to th� Prop«ty,dl ot whkh,hcludin� npl�cemanta ond addiUons thsnto,shal!be d�em�d to ba�nd nrr►�in a prt o1 th�Propwty
<br /> covond by tha S�curiry MsVum�►t. AY o1 the tot09oing toyethar with tho Propart)+ dactibed In tha Sppuity Instn�mont (or lhe le4sahold
<br /> estate d ths Ser..�rily Instrument la on �leasehotd)ue nferted to in th� t-4 Famify Fide*ond tha Sacw:.y Instrumtx+t as ihe'Pra�ly'.
<br /> B. USE OF PROPERTY; COYPUANCE WIl'H LAW. Bo+rowa ehatl not seek, ayraa to or m�fce o cl�nge in tha uae ot
<br /> the Ropaty or its za�ing dsssdtcatlon,�nkss Lender has ayned In writng to th�chanqe_ Bortower:tw11 compy with slt Itws, acfii*m!�ces,
<br /> re�ul�Uons and requkM»aits of ony govemmmta!body appYcabte to tho Prop�ty.
<br /> C. S1180AOlNM'E UENS.Excopt as pamitted by fed�r�l I�w, Bortoww shat not allow any Wn Infwior to ths S�curify �r,�.7.nc.^.ent
<br /> to bo Patta.'.;ad:.�`nst tho Propatty vrithotl!Lr.tdtt'e prlor wrtttete pennf!�!ett.
<br /> D. RElYf1:'f.OSS INSUFiAldCE. Baeower shail mahtain fnaurance agak�st ront bss in adeiit�on to tM oth�r ha�ards for�I�h
<br /> insuronCe{s r�qNlryd by Unibml Coveru�nt 5.
<br /> E. "BQC�OWER'S RtGHT TQ RE[NSTATE" DEL.ETED. t:ndorm covwunt te Is delded.
<br /> F. BE1C+�30W�R'S OCCUPANCY. Untess Le+�der rr�nd @oROwa otherwisa agrse In wridn9, the firt,t sentw�ce in Undorm
<br /> Covenant 6 ccnaminy Borrowar's occuptncy ot tha Fcof�• Is d�MR�. Atl r�Np covaunta ouid aqcssma�tg sM ta�th in UrWortn
<br /> Covenant 6 �t3aif r�m�ln in etfecl.
<br /> G. /aSS[�roN�AENT OF LEASES.U�cn L�^�.br�s ro�.�es1, ac�oa�' shaY asslyn to Lende► W Iwses ol ths Propert�� cnd �p
<br /> securii�r de+�esR� made in cannectlon with fea_�s ci�lhe P�opecty. lfP�+a!!e asslgru�wnt. Lenda shaM hav�the ri�M Lo moddy. �xt�nd or
<br /> I�a.�.,'e tl�a ea�sthg I�ases and to exscub new te�s�, �r lar.rioe's s.�e c�rs.,rWo�►. As u,s�d in thls parapraph G t?yr word 'leas�' shall
<br /> ��'sa�tts�s2" N tha Security MsUument Is v�+ u I�aset�a'ri.
<br /> H. �S&�NIAENT OF RENTS; AL�NtT�I{�NT OF F�[4;�'VER; LENDER lN P�SS�ESSIQ+1�. earower obsarut�tyr
<br /> and unconcl;l�caaYy �sslyn�snd transias to Lv.adK a!1 the rents and r�vear.7as.('Rmts')ot!tw PropKty.rQ�n�ess o1 to whom the Re�s o1
<br /> the PropeRy are pay�bit. Borrowr sulhnrues tender or Laidec'a apents co coHect the R�nts, and �,qra�s thal each tetwtit of the Prope�ty
<br /> shall pay the R�nts to l�nder or Lender's ayents. However, Borrowr shaN nc�Me the Renta u+�til � Lender h�s yk�n 8ortowa notice ot
<br /> d�f�ua Wuwv►t to pvaQraph 21 0l th�S�curity Instn+m�nt and (w) lendu ha: yiv�n noHc�W tha trnant(s)thtl the Re�nts�ro to be pafd to
<br /> Lenrta a Lendar's spent Tfds asstpnnwnt of Reata consti0utes an �baoAite asslpnm�nt md not an uslprxnent tor�dditional aacudty ony.
<br /> !!!��^��� r.^!�4! !K�!�'k !^ �?e!i^!!�e!: (; •�R«�e,.r.�irf►w an.nw�r wh.r�,. hdd ey Aoirowr a.tn�ste.tor U,e b.MM ot
<br /> L�ndw onnt,to bo a�ppDod to 2tw sun►s s�cur:d by the Ser�u4ty irutnunwix fa)Lendar ah�!!bo�u3�od ta �snd rscalvo sY o!tha Rsnls
<br /> ot tM Property; (p) Borrowa apnes th�t ach terwri of the Properiy shall pay d Renb due�nd unpdd to Lender or lende►b�9enta upon
<br /> L�ndr's writt�n d�rw�nd to tt►e tanant:('iv)unlssa appficabM law provWQS othrwtss,ali R�nts corected by L�nda or Under's aya�tt shall b�
<br /> a{�d frst to th�costs oi tak3n9 contrW of�nd rtwnaglny th�Ropwty�nd coN�cthy ths Ren2s.Indudinp.but not kNted W.attomy'c 1NS.
<br /> nc�ivw's t�a. pnmk�r�a on r�aiv�r'a baids, rep�Ir and m�lnt�nana costs,insunnc�pnrtifums,taxt�.�ssusmenb and otlw etw�on
<br /> th� Propaty��ar+d th�n to the swns sra�sad by th�3�curiry Instrumr►t: (v) Lendr. la�de►'s sp�nts or snY A+��Y�PP��nc�lvw shaM
<br /> b� G�W�tn acr.r,unt tor ony thot�Rents �tduatty racaiv�d: and (v@ la►dar shaY ba er+tiWd to hava a�ec�Ara appo4�wd to saka pascsc=lon
<br /> ol and nw►sgr tha Prop�rry �nd coM�ci the fient�ond profiti ciwived Tran th� Roperty without�ny ahowYtip as to tha inad�quasy ot ths
<br /> Propaty u secuciry.
<br /> N tM R�nts of tM Propwty an not sWBci�nt to covu Uw costs of mking control of and nwu�ping tl�e Prop�rty and ot eaie+c�ng the
<br /> H�nts any funds e�ended by l.atder tot such purposes shaY becortw lndabtadn�ss ot Bortowa to Lendar sausred by tf�e .��ecwity
<br /> k►sfnxr�►t pixw�nt to Unibrm Cown�nt 7.
<br /> Barowr rapnsants �nd wartancs thst 6arrowrr has not ax�cuted �nY Wb►assiy�uti�a�i ot th�Rrnta and has r�t a�d v+�Aot p�Aortn
<br /> any act thit would prwent Lw+da trom exordany its rights undar this paragaph.
<br /> �end�+':ao ew+d.r�s ag�nts«a judic�Yy epQotncsa recelvx, snar nw bs�ecwred co encer aaon,taka conuo�u a�wi.-sain the Rrvpe�ry
<br /> treton a s.Rw giving notia of dwwli to BarowK. Hawaer,Lander,or Lendar's ayents or�judk.laYy appoint�d recei►+er..e�ay ds sa at any
<br /> time when a ddwR ocaus. l4ny�ppfi�.atlon ot Rmts shar not au�or wahre eny deGwlt a invafid�te any other d,h:er eee+�r ct't�dw.
<br /> This ssslpnment ot Ranta of tJ�e Prop«ty stul terrtdnats whon tll th�sums seaued by ths SeauRy Ms�u�r�t�re p�id FR IoN.
<br /> I. CROSS-DEFAULT�ROVtSiON. BorrowK's d�faalt or breach under any note a�grwssaent in whkf�Lender has�i�nst
<br /> s1►�11 DQ a.broach undor th�Socurdy loctrummt and Londv m�y invoka an/ot the ramsdies petmitted by the S�curily k►st�u�ni
<br /> 8Y:(Csiiit�la 8F10W.Botrowr acoepts and ayrees to the tarms�a�provislor►s contair►�d in thls 1-4 FanWy iiidr.
<br /> �� �'�
<br /> rs..�
<br /> sa.ow..D�nnls O. Iwlsac
<br /> tsaa[]
<br /> earowr
<br /> tSe�Q
<br /> 6onowr
<br /> fSlol]
<br /> 8orcowa
<br /> MULSISTATE 1-4 FAl�Al�Y RIDEA-fannl� R�IarJf'r�ddie Mac Un/onn Instrurrwnt Fortn 3170 9J90
<br /> F�3�Z.t�aa n�;��
<br /> �o,o
<br />