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<br /> ������ TOGETHBR WITH uU the impravcmenls now on c�reai�cr crcct��l un the propeny,ond all eaxmcntr,appurtenanccx. �.....a,
<br /> .-.�_ . . _�
<br /> �'"���'`� and Gxtures now or hercafter a psut of the pmpeny. All replacements und additions 4ha11 Wso be covered by thia Securily
<br /> ,�� . � :..x.,�; ; Insuument. All oi the faregoing is rcfcrted lo in thix Se�:udry Instrument as tl�e"Piroperty."
<br /> BORROWBR COVENAN'1"S that Borrower is lawfully �cised of 1he estAle hcreby conveyeJ+�nd hus the ri�ht to �nt
<br /> '; ' ° and convey the Property and that the Praperty i�unencumberrd,except for encumbrance,of record. Borrower womnts wK!
<br /> will defend generally the tille ta the Property againxt nll claims and demands,subject tn any encumbr.,nces uf record.
<br /> TNIS SECURITY INS'IRUMENT comMines uniform covenanls fcx national use and non-uniform covenants with �,__ __�
<br /> • IMited vuriatians by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security ins[rument cove�ing real property.
<br /> : ', UNIFORM CQVENANTS. Bortowcr und Lender covenant und agree as follows:
<br /> °--�---- -----� - 1. Paytueot ot i'i-iuclp�l and Interrat;Prepaymeat aad Lvtc Cbargcs. Boirower shull promptly pAy when due�hc
<br /> r,-- principal of and interest on the debt evidenceai by the Note and nny prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br />�,Y• 2. FLods taK 71�zes and Insurance. Subject to applicable I�w or to u written waiver by Lender.BoROwer�hall pay�o
<br />{i; Leader on the dny monthly paymeiuti are due under the Note,until[he Note is paid in full,u sum 1"Funds')for:(a)yearly
<br />�:- Wxes and assessments which may attain priority uver this Se�:urity Ins[rumcn[as a lien on the Property;(b> yearly lenceh�ld _._- - .
<br /> - ,� payments o�gmund rents on the Propeny, if uny: (c) yearly hAZSUd or property insurun.e premiums; (dl yearly flood
<br /> ' •� insurance premiums. if s�ny; (e) yeiuly monguge insuranee premiums. if any: and (� any sums payable by Borrower to
<br /> ` Lender, in accordance with the provisions of pumgraph S,in lieu of the payment of mortgage inaurancc premiums, These
<br /> ' ite►ns ure called"8scrow Uems.' Lender muy,At any ume,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the mnximum �
<br /> • • amount u lender far a federally related mangagc lov� may require for Borrower's escrow nccount under �he fedeml Rc�l
<br /> � - '�; Eaiwr Setdenknt 1'mccdures Ace of 1974 as amended fram time to time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er sey.("RESPA").unless unaher
<br /> .__ . _ Iaw that upplies to the Funds sets n fesser amount. If so.Lender rnay,a�any time,collect sind hold Funds in�n amount na to �;;��_Yr-. _
<br /> ^ ' exceed the lesse�umount. Lender mny estimate the �mount of Funds due on the basis af current daia unJ ��eauwnuble _- _
<br /> -'`�� ' " estimates of ezpenditures oF future Escrow Items cr otherwise in accordunce with applicable law. ��
<br /> . r ;:�� The Funds shpll be hcld in an institmion whose deposits sue insured by u fedcral agency, instrumentnlity. or enlity � -
<br /> lincluding Lende�,if Lender is�uch nn institution)or in any Federal Home Lunn Bank. Lender shall apply �he Funds to pay
<br /> ' Ihe Escrow I�ems. l.ender may no[ charge Horrower for holding and upplying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow _
<br /> � ' . � account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Bortower interest on the Funds and applicable Inw pc:rmits �.��_��
<br /> ' Lender to make such u charge. However.Lender may mquirc Borrower to pay a one-time chnrge for un independent reul
<br /> estnte tax reponing service used by Lender in connecdoa with this ban.unless applicable luw provides othenvise. Unless an
<br /> � agreement ig made or•rpplicable law requires interest to be paid, Lcnder shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> earnings on the Fuads. Ho�rower ond Lender mny agn�in wriqng,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender ------ -�-
<br /> shall give to BoROwer,withuul charge,an annuul accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debit�to the Funds und the
<br /> purpose far which each debit to the Fuads was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums�ecured by
<br /> — - "=—�,---— this Srciuity lnstnssnent.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the pmounts pennitted to be held by applicable law. Lender shall account to ____
<br /> • Bortower for the excess�unds in ucwrdnnce with tM: requirements of s�pplicable law. If the amount of the Fundx hcld by _.___
<br /> Lender nt uny time is nol sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due. Lender rnay so notify Borrower in writing,und,in (!b;��•;•:�. . _
<br /> , " such cuse Borrow•er shall pay to Lrnder the Amount necessary to mal:e up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up thc �-__ ____ �
<br /> � � de�iciency in na mare than twelve mumhly puyments,ut Lender's sole discretion. �,;;=—__.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by Ihis Securiry Instrumenl, Lender shall promp8y refund to Barrower;u�y —;�-_���
<br /> Fands held b l.ender. If,under aru ra h 21,Lender shall ac uire ar Sell the Pro rt , Lender, or to the ac uisition or , �."`_'.•.
<br /> Y P F P y .e Pe Y P� y ,��3.�_a;� '_
<br /> sale oP the Pmperty,shall apply any Fund�held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against �he sums rw,w�'�''+�
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. Application of PaymentsS. Unle.r•s applicnble law provides otherwise, All payments received by Lender under
<br /> � paraFr�phs 1 and��hall be applieJ: first,to uny prepayment chFUges due under the Note:second,to amounls payuble under 4;-�•.L.::
<br /> puragraph 2;�hird,�o interctit due;fourth,to princ�pal due;and latit,to any late chazges due under the Note. ''�'�°"`�4-
<br /> 4. Chpr�es: Liens. Borrower shull puy ull laxes, assetisments, charges, fines and impositions Attributuble to the ;':,,;�;c,��;a��_'.-
<br />' Property which may altoin priority uver this Sccurity Instrutnent,and le•rsehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower . , -_ _
<br />� shall pay Ihesc obligalians in Ihe manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that m:umer,Bortower shall pay�hem on •�• •- ���• __
<br /> ' �ime directly to the per�;on oweJ payment. Borrower shall promptly fumisA to Lender all notices of Amounts to be paid under 'j,;��•_�:� :
<br /> , � - ihis purngruph. If Borrower mukes the�e payments direcdy. Bc►rrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing . -
<br /> �he poyments. -
<br /> Borrower xhull prompNy di,churge any li�n which has priority over this Securiq•lnstniment unless Borrowee la):�grees -
<br /> in writing to the payment of'thc obligulion scrured ny�he lien in a manner acceptable to Lcnder,(b)contests in good fuith the ,��;;,
<br /> lien by,or defends againsl eniorcemem uf the lien in,legal pruc�eding�which in the Lender's opinion operute to prevent the "`��
<br /> r. �� � enforcement of the lien;ur(c)serure�frum the hoWer of thr lien an agreement satisfactory�o Lender subordinating the lien -
<br /> , lo this Security Instrument. If Lcndcr�cermines tha� any pan of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority
<br /> • over this Security Instrwnent.L�nder may give Borrawcr a naice idemifying the lien. Borrower shull wti+fy ti�e lien or take '� . ,�
<br /> one or mare of the actions,ei forth al�ove within 10 day+of th�giving of nu�irc.
<br /> 5. Haxa�d or Property Insurance. Borniwer shall kc�p Ihe improv�ments now exi+ting or hercafter erectcJ un the
<br /> Property insured•rgain.t lo..by firr,hazards included �vi�hin the ierm"rxtcnded coverage"and:►ny other hazards,incluJing
<br /> fluods or flonding, for which Lrnder requues inwrance. Thi+inwrance shall be muiniained in the amcwnts und tor the
<br /> Fbrm3021i 9�90 r�w��•_',�fnryecsi
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