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<br />~.. <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Fo[iM Pia zua {Rev: i-i~) <br />, r-- ~ , <br />- ~yf1„~. ~~ - Gaie +~arch ISy -lt3$Q - j .' <br />1 OLf t <br />rf <br />Jalnea A. Baxter asd Marcia M. Baxter, husband-and wife <br />i' <br />1 _, Mortgagors <br />:. <br />i? ; Hall Nebraska €i <br />s o; L`ctmty. In consideration-of ~ ~, <br />- the advance of the principal sum rec i.ted in the note hereinafter described, receipt o! which is acieicwledged, hereby - ?' - <br />mbrtgage and convey to ~# <br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation, <br />st of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address - - <br />j is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100, <br />Mortgagee (suDJ act Lo 0l1, gas, and ml Hanel rights owned by parole°_ ntY,er than Mortgagors; exisLing easements of <br />record; reservations Tn United Sr,aces and State patents; and the rights cf the puClic in ail highways ), the-following- <br />described real estate 1n Hall county, Nebraska - <br />SEC. TWP. RD. <br />The North Half of the Northwest Quarter {N7-~IW~) and the <br />Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter {SW~NW~y} - - - - 16 11N IO W-6th P:M. <br />can[aining 120 scr•:+, °,ar'e o cKatiter ,v!~;+ -tli :it the ri KTit, title, .u,d tote.^e:, t. - <br />., <br />~~,-.~ ^aned nr hereaP" °syr'_~1, ;,, tn~ ,.~_ !„ .-p;? ,r! .~1 :.rir ...ot.~ _ <br />_;... .. ....3 ...... ..J.c. 11. -C .1R Its, .!1 -...... _.._,. , <br />ar appurtenances gterenn ::r here .[..e. .; ~.., e.. _:.e. -.11 .ca- ..+. - - j +.. _5+ ~1 ; <br />tieredl taiai:ts. 5n.t-pP!=rran~~,.,,, tr• - anr, 'rn rt'a to ",-om said lands; ~+;i - - <br />-the McrC agnrs! rLgitts 1^ C.^.e p':C~., :,ems..: ..y ..S) tii lar.;;ae~ n <br />1l renae4, 22`nrl Vl leEe S, app4rte.Iia£1 .mot. _~ ,.gin aF.. _ $W'-~ ^ tailed ,4 Rll.;-P~, ll A'1r hera9l G?r 1=%S!1a ~. _Y al.:i~.:._ - <br />.'r renewed i., c Mb, ,,s3~,~=-r ..P, ,..__.. ,. _.a .....: .. 4... =. .: .,_ -.b„-.a~.._.,c. ...~`: r-..p°.rl.y i~ _„ .,.... ._ - <br />= v 1 at G,manr, .h,yrs~1 - sr" h -_. . _ <br />Th 15 .T,arC'gage ?S !P1vaR Ct1 SPCnl'k 3 pra'.'!13vary na t? ~~. c'VRR :tote t,ereWl Ctl, ?%e~'.ttad Dy' MOrtgagaF;1 i.V ;inn+.r~4F_Bt'!, in <br />the principal sum br TW)NTY-ONE THOUSAND QNE HUNDRBD AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - - 'c;11,5H5, <br />pyyabia with lr. terest sreonSinn tb the rarms c[ sa lct :rot;_, the .."t[tal p;lyment hafcig due atl payaCtc on the 1.. .,.. =1av <br />o' April, 2000 ~. -bile rcttivey ettce shah be void upon the payment nP said Promissory- Hate. <br />This mortgage is sutrl act to the provisions oi' THE FARM CREDIT ACT and _, '_ cotsamendatory thereof ar sugglamentni <br />theretp. The proceeds of the tern secured hereby will be used far the purposes aped tied Lr, the Murtgagere+ aPpli- <br />catlun for saSd loan. an•.; authorized by said Act. j <br />the Mortgagors, aztd each ut them, hereby wanaiit that they sre ..*ee ~rmers o[ the martgagad real property; t.tiat Ghat' - <br />w111 tlefen ehe Litle against, all claimants whomsoever, and CnaC Bald properly is free from a14 encumbrances: that <br />they will keep all the i.nprnvaments, fixtures, and r:ppurte!tences accupied and in good repair acid permit na Silts ar <br />waste; and they will relinquSSn a?.1 rights a.* Homestead Sn said premises. ^uid covenant anU agree r;lth the Martgagaa, i <br />a3 follows: <br />(i} ?'haL they will pay when due all taxes, !Sacs. Jul-manta, ,:. ses~~-sots whim may tra lawtutiy- ~ss::assad aealnst <br />the property herein wertgagad. <br />(2) That that' will insul'a artd keep ihsured buildings ot• other improvements liow on or which may haren2ter ba plssrd <br />en said premf sos to the satls2actlon of the Mari.gsgea, suoh ihst;ranca pailey shall be endorsed with a mortgage c!ausa <br />with the lass thereunder to be payaCle to ttie thtrtgagvr AnY -t- t e+i "~1 be -d C~ pay for cacao sic--on <br />i'2 `_ ha dV;'-. tlYSev +..Wru_kmenc.a; ~ t 3r F.. __-~ .~ -.... >' ~-. ~_ •f is x r~ e,~L _ - <br />any indebtedness, ma tuned or usimatured, saetirad Dy. ~thi m rt~ak.a. - <br />(3}. '!v pay all r•~hts, Sees., ar charges Haw due or to haccma dun under ~ ~ tarts: :,_* .iau.^, lalsse, ,termit, _ canes, or <br />privilege do Gha Pub 11e domain w1t1cH is appurtenattt or clc*napl>urterant r'.,o ttte m~rtgagad praml sal, which qaS been <br />l ssiled, axGatrted, ar renewed by the Uriktad States or r_na s*-at-a in :iTilch the stave-described propart-y is located; an± - <br />to iexrforro and observe ovary aaL, cavanant, eanditian, and stY6uiatlon nacasaary to keep aas.h a2 the same in i;aad <br />standing; and to Cake every necessary step to secure the ,^akseua, renewal, ?:~r extansSeti of each of the ?sine; and ttt <br />assign., waive, pledge, or-endorse to th2 Mortgagee each lease, germiU, ilcanse, br Prl vl iege 1[ Mortgagars+ rtahts <br />in pub!tc domain era required by Mortgagee for saevrl ty pur'poses. <br />~ta1 TCat Sn the event the Martgagee is-a party to any iltlgatlon affecting the seatu•1ty ur the 11 an of Its inert- j <br />gage, Sncluding tort' suit by the Mortgagee to foraclcsa his marLgage or ail} salt !n which f,!la Mortgagee may be. Hama! <br />a party tlefahdant 1.n which SC is otrllgated to prat.eet its rights o1. 11 en, includStig aondemnatlrn :mtl barkrup tcy <br />proceedings, Ghe Mortgagee. may 4ncur-expanses atM advance payment for abstract :'eel, at t;rrr,-et' ..*aes (exeapt to the <br />aXterit prohlb SLOB ny law), costs, expenses, and other ahargas. I <br />{5 ~fhaG in the evanY• the iwrtgagors fa1.l to Day when due any Saxes, lLasts, ?udgmaats, or assassmen:sr u.r fait to <br />mainYa±n l:isura;tCa as haralapefere provided-, or fa!! t-o pay con*s, fees. er ch:.rgas ender the t.arms e. !toy ! :+°~ <br />permit, license, ar privilege: crr Martgagee Ss rayulrt-tl r,n incur ex€anses for alts tract fsas, attorney fees, c•vs1 s, r <br />expenses, and other charges iti corutectlon wieC litigaClon, Mortpagea may make suoh payment ar prav!da such insur~cn.:e, <br />8P a1tG11 d$11 gaG-Lori, -9714 rile atnot:nta- 9 4.'here rC^ °hal'_ hey` M;@- 3 :9. - -he r e -- .:1-- ~: t ^. <br />a4d payable immedSaLaly, endatit~ll bast LnLaresi from the date or pay,ncrt a, ,itv :.+v:.. a., p,~vt tied .ot ~.laf:ult. <br />tit the note. <br />t <br />