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<br />~~-- ~ Mt3f~TG~GE
<br />THIS INDENTiIRE, made this 15th __ day of Plarch -__ , 19 .$~_.; by sad between
<br />Greg S. Eirick and Kathleen A. Eirick, Husband and Wife, each in his and Her own
<br />rie}rr and ac annnaa of rha nthar __
<br />of.__~a,I l County, Nebraska, ea aortgagor _s-, sad Greed Is[aad Ttvat Company of Grand Island, a carporatan
<br />organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grand. Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor __ , for aztd in wnaideration of the sum of ,_ . -.
<br />Eitht Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Four dollars and 7611f3f~'~~Y~-`tY-~H4r7~ `~ i.
<br />the receipt of which'is hereby aclmowlsdged, do by these presents mortgage and warrant uato~seiil•rportgagee; its srcea~d9re'and assigns,
<br />forever, all the following described reef estate, situated in the County of Hall _.____
<br />and State of Nebraska, W-wit:
<br />Fractional Lot Six (6), in Fractional Block Eighteen (18), in H. G. Clark's Addition:
<br />AND Its Complement, To Wit: Fracticnai Lot Six (,6) in Fractional Block Twelve {12),
<br />in the Original Town, now the city of Grand Island, Both Additions Being in *_he
<br />City of (rand Island, Hall County, Nebraska..
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning. lighting, and plumbing eGUipmnn[ and fixtures. including screens, awnings, swrm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades nr 5linds, used on or in connection with said pmperiv, whether the same are now iocattrl an said property nr hemafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TO HAVE A,*fD TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenements, horedi[amen[s and appurtenances thatvunco be-
<br />lonS{ing, or is anvwias appertaining, forevreq and warrant the title W the same. Said morgagor-S - -hereby wveoant -,_-. with said
<br />mortgages that --t hs-. y---.-3r6,--__ . et the delivery hert+of. the lawful owner sue. _ ut the premises sbeve enavtycd and de_~urihcd,
<br />and._...-ar=.._ saiz~xi of s good and indeteasibie %atat_ of inherir~tnce therein, fray and cigar of all et:cumhrances. and CE1at_~ its _~~.wii2
<br />warrant and defend the title thsraur forever against the claims and demands of all nnssona whnnt_vaever.
<br />PROVIDED ALVlAYS, and this instrument is executed and delivered to sec~,e the payment of the sum of __ ... _.____... ______.
<br />Eight _ThousanrJ_~even Aundred_Eightv_.,.Four_dollar~~-~tij~,OfDoltersls-$,-ZB~'tfi__.___.__.______I.
<br />with interest thereon. Wgether with such charges and advances as may be due and payable W said mortgagee under [he terms and conditions
<br />of the pmmissory note of even date herewith and secured hereby. exw:utod b}• said mnrtgegur __S-to said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />in said Hate, and W aer~ttre the performance of all the terms and wnditians contained therein. The terms of said Hate are hnrehy inc<orpurated
<br />herein by this roft+ence.
<br />IC rs the iaeention sad agreement of the parties hereW that thin mortgage shall also sexuro any ft3ture ndvnnces made to said marip~agnr .s-..
<br />by said mortgagee, and any and all indebtedness in addition W the amount atwve stated which said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe ! c.
<br />avid mortgages, trowevnr evidenced, whether 6y note, Iwok ^ccount or otherwise. This mortgage shell remain in fuU ioree and affect hetwev+n
<br />the partars 11ereW acrd ttmu- heirs, parsunal repreaentntivns, successors and assigns, until ail amounts secunxi hereunder, including futun•
<br />ndvmnre, are paid in fvL' wah interest.
<br />'rha tnorigagor s haroby aasrgn w said mortgagee all tents and incnma arising at any and all timt~ troth said property and
<br />hereby authorial sail mortltagas ur rt-s agent. nt it.+ option, upon default, to take chw~gn of said property anJ collect all rents and imamn
<br />therefrom and a~rly ihs seine W the payment nt internat. principal, insurarxe pmmiums, [axes, esseasments, repairs or rmpmvements
<br />eWCeaeary W keep said property in tenantable wmlttieen. or to other charges or pavments pmvidext for heroin ar in the note hare+try -,~:ura~d. 'Phis
<br />teat assignmaat shalt continua in force until the unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. 'Pha taking of poeaession hereunder vhaii :n na manner
<br />prevent or ret.ntd avid moetgafpw in the eoltection of said sums by foreclosure or othmwiso.
<br />Tha Gtilura of the mortgagee W asset: any of its rights harounder at any time shall not tea cmtatruad us u waiver of its right to assarr the
<br />same at any laheT time, arm W inarat upaa and enforce atrial eompiinnce with all the :arms and provisions of said truce and of rhea mortgage.
<br />tf said mortgagor 3 shall cause W be paid W said mortgagee the entire amount due it hemunder, and under the temrs anti provisions
<br />of said note hereby aetvttai, includieft future advances, and any axtanaions or renewals therao[ in accordaacn with the terms and provisions
<br />thereof, and iF said mortgagor g... ahal! comply with alt tits provisions of said note and of this murtgabv, than t}te:w prasonts shall he void;
<br />Mlterwise W remain in fuB forty and attest, and said tnortgagab shall 6e entitled W rha possession of all of said property, and may, at its option,
<br />dee3are the whole of said trot& sad ail indebtedness repraerented tharnby W tee inuoerliately dos amt payable, and may foraclosn this tnurtgngn
<br />or inks say other kegs! action W protect its right. Appraisament waived.
<br />This atortgage shalt be binding upon and shall enure W the benefit of the hoes, execu Wrs, adminiatraWrs, sucmasors and assigns of the
<br />reepectiva parties hereW,
<br />1N W tfiNESfi W FFERF:OF. said Mortgagor y_ . _ ha ue... hereunto sat -Ftj46~rr:- i--hanci~_'}-_.- tiw day and year Fint above
<br />written. (~;*
<br />t
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