<br />~3~~ ~~~~~~~
<br />sad more par«ic+ilarly desraibed in avid mortgage ar deal of treat, and tl~ eoaePtan® of this aaaipoment sad the
<br />oollectioa of rents ar she paymaator under the leases bareby arigaed shall not oondittrte a weivar of anq zishts of
<br />the a~gnes user the terms of said bond ar note and mozt~sge or deed of ts~t. And it is e=prmsly ~darsGood.
<br />and agreed by the parties berets that bafare default o~,ua ceder the toms of said bord or Hato end mortga~ or
<br />dead of trust, aaalgnor shell have the right to collect acid rents. ineorraa ami profits from the a~„aentioned lasses
<br />sad to r~atain, ass sad enjoy the saw, provided. howevar, that ew!+ l~.Por dsfsslt ow--o~ as imt more tps& reap
<br />mo:sime in adveians shall br collected oz excepted without the pr! ;r writtw wrus®t of the sasipre, Anyth~`
<br />w the contrary notwithstanding ~tpror hereby sreigas to assignee any award made heeattar to it in any
<br />nowt procedure involving arty of the in any bankruptcy. insolvency, ar reorganiration prooeedixypsin any
<br />date or Federal ooart; and any and all payments made by lessees in lieu of rent. Aas~or hereby appoinb assi~see
<br />~ its ¢revarable nttaz~y in fact to appear in snp adios and/ar to mlkct any ouch award or payment.
<br />The aesig~r, in the event of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of acid bow ar note
<br />and mortgage or deed of i;rud, hereby authorise the ae®gaee, at its option, to enter sad take poese~oa of the
<br />mortgaged gtemiaes and to manage and operate the rime, to collect all or any rants aocrering therefrom and from
<br />said lenses, to let or re-Iet said premises oz any part iheaeof, to cancel and modify lassos, evict temnfa, bring or
<br />deferal any suits in *.bnnsc4on with ilea passesion afraid premisati in its own Hama or arsigmz's Hams, make repairs
<br />as e~gme deems appropriate, and perform such other acts is oonnaetion rcith the aanagement and operation ~
<br />said pr~ie~ as the aaaigaee, in ate dixsetiion, map deem proper.
<br />The receipt by the as®grree of any rents, i ar pro5ts pnxsuaat w this instrument after the icrstitutsan of
<br />forecbsme prao~diaga order said mortgage or deed of trust ehnll rmt rare etrr~r default ~ affect aocb cgs
<br />ar any ante pmeaant thezeio.
<br />Aasigaee shall not he obligated W perform or discharge any obligation or duty to be performed or d®rbarged
<br />by namgnor under aaS of said lessee, and the amigmr hereby agrees to iudemnify the a~gnae for, and to save it
<br />harmless from, any and all liability arirvag from any of said lessee ar from this asdgamesrt, a~ this asdgnment
<br />shall not glace rmponsibility for tl~ control, care, management ar repair of mid premises upon the aaffignee, or
<br />make the aasig~ ruble or arable for any negligence in the management, operation. upkeep, repair er co+rtrol
<br />of said preaziaea reaaiting fn loss ar injury or death W any tenant, licensee, ~rployee oz stranger.
<br />The assignor covenantor and repreeeate that acid adffignor has full right sad title to sesiga mid lasses scar the
<br />rents, income and profits due ar to become des thereuadar, that t~ farms of said leases have not boas changed
<br />floor Lbe terms in the oogias of said lessee submitted to the aaadsaoee for approval, that rm otter eaoptment of any
<br />interest t>mrein bas bean made, that there are ao oristing defaults order the proviriona tbeseof, sad that said aredgmr
<br />wr11 mt hereafter mnoel, ararender or terminate any of said lessee, smarties any option which might lead to each
<br />termination or cbaage, alter oa modify diem ar consent to the release of any party tiabk thereimdac ar to the assign-
<br />ment of the lemees' inteted is them without fire prior written ooment of the astdgnee.
<br />Aesigaor hareby authari>er the eeaigoee to give notice is writing of this assignment at say time to any tenant
<br />under sop of said leases.
<br />Violation of any of the covenants rapreenuffitiom sad provisions contained herein by the a~gnor shnU ba deemed
<br />a default u~ the terw of said note ar bord and mortgage or deed of trod.
<br />I3efault by the assignor under say of the terms of tba leases asagasd herein shall be deemed a default osier
<br />tie ~ma of acid note oz bord and raartgago or deed of tor„,. Aay nsp~dihrraa made by ttm° ar~gaee is curing each
<br />a default on the ~geor's behalf, with interest tin at the higher rate for which it la raw lawful to cantrart,
<br />shall become part of the debt secured by tiaese presorts.
<br />The full parformanee of enid mart~ge ar deed of trod and the duly retarded release cr reconveyance of the
<br />property deaxibed therein shall reader this awigrrment void.
<br />The set procesdis collected by the asdgnoa under the terms of this instrument shall be applied in reduction of
<br />the entire i~ebtednesa form time to time outstanding sad accrued by acid mortgage or deed of trod.
<br />Notwithstanding any provision hereof which might be construed to the contrary, the assignareat effected
<br />hereby is intended W be an abaotute assignment from assignor to assignee of the leases and rents hereby de-
<br />scribed and not merely the passing of a security interest. Such leases end rents are hereby nasignstl absoiuiel_v
<br />by assignor to assignee, contingent only ulwn the occurrence of s default.
<br />This assignment sppti~ to and biiYla the partier hereto and their reopective heirs, adminiatrstora, ezecutore,
<br />euceeesore a~ eedgns, ae welt as any anbaegnent owner of the real estate described herein end any assignee of the
<br />mortgage ar deed of trust referred to herein.
<br />IN Wrrnreae Wnmasor, tbA said e®gaor NF.RRA.SKA IrffI.-NIC, INC, , a Nebraska cor~ratior„
<br />has signed this instrument MR r L' ~1 G
<br />A7.TEST
<br />r ~ r;~~a~.,r~,
<br />~~~
<br />18 ~l7 .
<br />NEBRASKA NID_,-idIC, INC. , a Nebraska
<br />corporation
<br />`~ r
<br />President
<br />