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--- <br />MORTGAGEE: <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE r0; ~..'7`C1 AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES <br />' International Inc <br />8~47o5753p 1212~rtest Second Street <br />MORTGAGOR(S)- <br />i Knut'tt Howes:d _ J.,:. i~~~Uorsfa MA Knuth ~ Grand Zsland , NEHRASRA <br />' AGREED RATE OE CHARGE ON PROMISSORY NOTL• EXEOUTED CONCURRENTLY HEREWITH: 2'~ per month on that pazi of We unpMd. balance of <br />the Amotmt Financed not rxceetling E1,000; 1'h% per month on any par[ thereof exceeding 51,000 but no[ exceeding 55,000; IS:`m per month on the remainder. <br />-~ <br />WITNESSETH. that Mottgagorl sj, does mortgage, grant, bargarn. Sett, area convey, unto mortgagee, Its successors or asstgns tree rvuowmg uescnocu new csuac <br />in [he count}' of Fta1 ~ -. State of Nebraska, Wwit= ... <br />on Hart of SE}£ nE}t SEC. 10,T12"1.,R9'e[ of the 5th (;nose particularly described as follows): <br />Beginning at a point or. the East line of said Southeast t;uarter of the tortheast Galarter, <br />said point being 1}+.07 feet Vorth of the East !!carter corner of said Section 10; thence <br />continuing Northeasterl;r along the East Line of said SE'/ PiE}v a distance of 270.0 feet; <br />thence deflecting left x0'00' and rsnnin~; Southerly and parallel to the East Line of <br />said Southeast quarter of the northeast :'carter, a distance of 270.0 feet; thence <br />deflecting 90'00' and running Easterly 183.0 feet to the point of hel3inning and <br />ca..^aaining 1.13 acres, more or less. <br />together with all buildings and improvements now or hereafter erected thereon and all stteens, awnings, shades, storm sash and blinds, wed heating, lighting, <br />pinmbing• gas. electric, ventilating, refrigerating and air-cm[ditioning equipment used in connection [herewith, all of which, foe the pu[pox of this mortgage, <br />shall he deemed lixtutes and subject [u the Hen hereof, and [hu hereditaments wed appurtenances pertaining ro [he property above desuribad, and ail streets, <br />lanes. alleys, pass,lges, wacs. waters. water courses, rgt¢s, Hberties and privileges, whatsoever thereunto belongine ut in anywise appertaining and the reversions <br />and rrmainden, aLL oC which is refemd to hereinafter as [he "premiseti •. <br />TO HAb~E AN6 TO HOLD [he abovedescribed premises. with the appurtenamces and fis[ures, unto [he said Mortgagee t- -t ~essurs :end assiens, forever, for <br />re u oses and uxs herein se[ forth, free from all tights and brm-6ts under wtd by virtue u[ any Homuttad t=xcmption Laws of the Stale of Nebraska <br />tl <br />P rP <br />which ma}' he enacted, which sail rights and benefits the sad Mortgagor does hereby expressly release and waive. <br />' Mortgagor also assigns w Mortgagee aU rents. issues and profits of wiJ premises, reserving the right to urtlrct unJ use the sumo. with or withvut taking <br />pnsxssion of the pnmi>es, dunng continuance ul default hereunder, and during continuance of such default au[horieing Mortgagee W enter upon said pemtses <br />and~or to collect and enforce the same without regazd [n adequacy of any security Eur the indeblydness hereby seavted by any lawful means including <br />- appointment of a receiver m the nwne of any patty hereto. and to apply [he sanm less costs a.:d expenses uC operation and collection, including reasonable <br />i attonuy'a fees, upon any indebtedness second hereby, in wch order as bortgagee may determine. <br />-- FOR 1'HE PCRPOSE OF SECURING: (U Prdvnnancr of each agreement of Mortgagor cun:aineJ herein: iSi Payment of [hr principal sum with intents, <br />r ds provide~ljrl, ~srg~anre with the terms and Provisium of a Prmnissury !vote i Lu.m Agreon[rnt !h r ^inui'[cr retenrd to as '•peomissuq note") <br />- tlateJ_ __ , herewith rscrutCtt by \iur[gagur and payable to the ordec o: Mortgage0. <br />in the principal sum uf' ~,i7u,_L ~._, and having the date of its frnai payment Jue un _ 3/fin/4S _~_~..._ - <br />( --qr as extended. drfertrd or rexhcduled 61' renewal yr ntinmue; (3) PaYrncut_ <sf any aJdiriunW aJvwrs:r~, with mtsn>t Lhet. tt, as may hereafter he <br />'.t loaned by Mortgagee to Mortgagor in a rtaximua[ sum ut S,j,.000~00 _._,__ within 10 vcan fr~,m the Jate ul thin xinrtgxge: F•t1 fhe payment of aqg <br />[t!one} hat nay br aJ an rd - t.. 4l~r-~ag~:t !« !tluttgagvr fet any a-v [ ?r tf ird perua.' w~tlt ~ 't 1 -h r [lu .unout_iy a[c advan il W <br />Frumcr the sen[rit} or in a[,aordanu w[th the- cuvenunts u. thts Murtgug~'. l3) An>° renewal, n[inanainp ur .x:a Iles .. ~ „ua yrmt ts_.n natc, of ank e(hcr <br />--_.--agreement ir. yea}" w"Flesh ma, lx substifuica theretur". - - - - -- - --. - - -- - - -- - <br />- All paymenta made by Mortgagor vn the obligation xcurrd by this Mortgage shall be applied m the lullawute order: <br />- FIRST: Tv [he p:rynu•nt oC texts and ustssmenls that may be levied unJ usessad against sail penuixs. inwrma• prrnumns, repairs. anJ all other <br />rhmges and expenses agree) to be paid by [he Mortgagor. <br />- SECOND: To the payment of interest der on said loan. <br />THIRD: 'fo the payment of prhtcipIIl. <br />T'0 PRO'fEC'1 "ftiE. SEC'l'~RITY HEREOF, MORTGAGORCS) COVFN:IN'C5 :\tiD .4GREF:S: tU to keep sail pnmisr> insure) against loss hY t5a• and <br />t other hnzwds, casu:J1Y and contingencies up Cn [hr ^t0 value ut all impruvcntenta for the pmtectivn of Moxtgagec m sucb manner, to +uch anwunta. anJ <br />j - in such oumpanies as Morgagov ma9 iron time to tinrc approve, and that loss p[oce~ds Hess mpvnm i cuttrctiunl shall. at Mutlgagerl option, be <br />7 _. ui`p1irJ on said indrb[ndne8s, whether due or no[ or to the msturation of awd intprovrmrnts. In event ufuloz+ 4ortgagor will give immediate notice by <br />~ - na11 la tha• Mortgagor, who may make prrmC of loss if nut made promptly by ',{or[eagur, unJ each ineur:mcr rompmq~ toprernpl is hereby :mthnrinJ and <br />- Jincted to make payment for such Ivss Jhecdy to the Mortgagee inxlrad of to lire Murtgagot, l?I "(o pay all races acrd spenat assessmm~ts nt .trey kind <br />_ that hove been o: may br levied ur usseaa'rd upon said premises, anJ to duhvrr to Nortgagen, upon rcyuest of Lhu Murtgagoe, tltr of7-iciai receipt +lwwittg <br />- paYmrnt oC alt such laxas and assessments. l31 in the event of default by Mortgagor under Paragraphs i ur '_ above. Mortgagee, at its option, may lest <br />piuar and kccp such inau"wrcr above provided fur in lone throughout the life of this Piuttgagc wtJ l+ay the teawuelrle Prrrmu m+ auJ chugrs thcrrfdr, (bl <br />paY Isll wed taxra anJ evx+sutentc uithoul Jetunnimng the validity therool, and 1 r Pay sucb Ucut and all ~ 'h di;lr r tree shall bo doenrrd a part ui <br />the indehtrdpesa accred h7 lhtx ~tuttgagc and sftall be unmedtatcly due and PuYaldt h} M IguRUr t 4t ugagrr t4i t kvoC the hutktw~ ' zed other <br />!Inpruvrmenls now uxiahng ur hereafter r talc) an good aoudtttun aatJ tepatt, m[ [u <unbnn r uiirt wn cute ur nY r f sail premix _ untrurp to <br />- nstrirnona of h'coN ur contrary tv lau• :md to permit ht urigagre tt+ enter at a0 n•awnablr times for the purpa f itsps cling th- ynnuu'~ n+[ to <br />r'num or demobsh any 6utfd ttg thereon, tv restore promptly and ut a Ku+]d anJ w rkmantikr manner any hulldtngs -h th- n[.r} hr damaged r dsatruyrd <br />lh •rcon, and [u paY, whin Ju- a0 •tainu for (abut prrfunncd and maMrials IunndreJ thenfur~ 1~) Ihat fir wdl p s Inmtptl) th mdeb[ednra+ xeutrcd <br />hereby. and patiunn all other , hhkaturox ht 1"alt ant)pbnnca• with the teens u[ wtrJ lrrumrswry \utc and thts Mortgag tt l 1 t err ~+ titre ut { a> utent of <br />Lhc mdrblrJnuss hurebt steered. yr of any purtim) thercul, way he n.xtenJrd er rcnrwrJ, m+J any punium of the peruse nc n•-r..h.a )ut flay wuhwu <br />----amtice-. to rsleasnd from- the i>ett htte;,u, withauP. tetrasL-g, nt nffrtir:g Jt•_'- Lt~~stii 1ia6tliiy ,;±t' Car . t th== rrs -.te ut : _ M' Ivaco t?! Chet he <br />tilscs hr-roby turcrce w.u cut anJ wH! Inrcvcr dzfund the title and pusuuiun thurauf aganst the tau tut .tam a ul an> uN all pet+. whet.oevav - <br />-- IT 19 MUTUAI:I.I' nGREGU "CHAT': ill If the sail Mortgagor shall tai! of gegirc[ to pay htstalint¢nta un saki Pron[6sory tiote a. [he came nmy hrmaftar <br />lsrcmr,c der, err upon Jefauit w perfottnattce ut wry agreement hereunder, ur upon sale or vthrr dt+pusrt w at qrc pr [... L_y Murtgagut, at should uq' <br />- -action or proceeding i~ ftitd in arty court to rnturra arty ban un, riaim agatnsl yr rrtctest m the preutrs'v t6 nt xi uen "ng Lt ales Martgagur to fhe <br />- Murtg-aguu ndcr this Mortgage ur under the Promissory Note serureJ herrbq shall humWiatcly become Jw clot Fa ark at 4u Futut t She Muuirague, <br />nn the apphtahmr f the MoHfugea, or assigner, ar any other parson who relay' bu rMiUtJ u, Ins mnniex clue thers r in w+h anent the Skutgaga• shell <br />_ have the rtXh_t immedrwtnly to torra;tuse this rnurtgagn by cun[Flamt for that Furpuu, and curie wmplwm nray kr ten ssrulcd to IudKlnent and •xrruuon <br />- _and -sales For the collection of the whole amount. oC ihv -utdebtedness u[d htlnrrst ihrr::un, including reasonable attatnry s ices, any amounts advan ~-td <br />pursu:mt to tlsix murtgugr. oasts oC suit anJ costs of wk, if peen ittrd by law. - <br />f2) In the even) said premises wr sold at a furecioatur sales 5tvrtgagagsl shall fie liabtu Lur w } J -t - ncy- avtatmnk ,dt t ale err dr t acs a p.uuuur.! hs <br />law, wtd applicalimt ul the pttneeJB of wed salt to the induhtednrss acute) wed to the rep r ~ s rl forerlusmr. u)r lu h [g Mungug r n8unah{t atturncY', <br />- toes and legd expenans if all<rwrd 4} law. <br />~'~t Mortgagor shall hr w4rogataJ to [he Iira uC env and sll prize[ em:wnbrw+ I ~m cr hatg s paid and dtxharSeJ faun tits pr<rirwls sd [he tau,: <br />hettby sa'utrd, 'rail even tlwtrgh said peior Finns ltave bevy relraxsl of-rrrx]rd. th - apaymvn t. raid i[rtehtvch]e-vs ,fruit bs. uaurcd by sash hens ur+ the <br />r4rrhons :rt yid prunrixs affected !lsere4Y- to Utr" EatEra[ ut sus4 PaXntr-trvx. rexpretlv¢ly. <br />14t Whenever. by the. terns vt thin instrunteni oa of said PxumiBSrrt}. h-rta. lfurtgagra° :s greet - v uPUa 'u.=.t ~,{ r> -.>r ~.-t J .hen the n}:ht <br />ac:,7ues ut at arty tirru: thereafter, and n:+ ~.r-prate-•a by Mdtrga~ ~t tsayatun€ ut itufentEdn.•sa ¢[ dt[cult xhall ~vnottnrtt a xnrvxr N anc ,IC Fault tbrn <br />- rxialirl$ anJ ennlirrnitre Ut tttitfaf[U_ az`.rfnirlg~ <br />des-Ol]6 (Ri V, /-'I!t N^ <br /> <br />