not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred min paragraphs I and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount of such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. 1;xtension of the time fm• paymen~ or modification of amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage granted br Lentier t,a anv successor ir, interest ni Borrower shalt not operate to release,
<br />in any manner, the liabilit3• of the origir:al Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. I ~nder shall oat be
<br />required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time [or payment or othernise modify
<br />amortization of the same secured by this Mortgage Irk reason of anc demand made by the origins] Borrower and
<br />Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />I1. forbearance by Leader Not a Waiver, any forbearance by Lentier in exercising any right or remedy
<br />hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable late, shall not he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right.
<br />or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall not be a a-aiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this 34ortgage.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies proritlerl in this \Ia•tgage arc distinct and cumulative to any other
<br />right or remedy under this \[ortgage or afforded hr late +u equity. and nts}~ be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />ently or successively.
<br />13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Point and Several Liability; Captions. The cotenants sod agreements
<br />•~-,1 herein contained shall hind, and the rights hm•eunder shall inure to. the respertire successors and assigns of Lender
<br />and Borrorver, subject in the. provisions of (ruagr:gth 1 i hermi. all covcnanLS anr( agreements of Borrower shall
<br />•~ he joint anti seteral. The captions and headings ni the paragraphs of this \iorigage are for convenience only and
<br />are not to be used to interpret or define ti;c prcytstons hereof.
<br />~1 14. Notice. any notice to Borrower l,rotideti for in this Murtgage shalt be given h} mailing such not-ice by
<br />[~ i cer[i(ied mail addressed t,o Borrnwe:• at ?ire Propertt 1+Idrr=~ ~tatod hrloty. except for au}• nouiac required tinder
<br />paragraph 18 hereof to be given ur Borrower m the atanncr I,rescribed h}' applicrble Paw. any nvi--ice provided
<br />for in this Mortgage shall hr decuu•d to hate been ¢n'cn to Bnrnncc•r when giten in the manner designated }terein.
<br />15. Uaiform Mortgage: Govemiag Law; SeverabiGty. This f+~rnu of mortgage combnres m:iform covenants
<br />for national use and non-uniform covenant.: with limitc,l rxr,arons b}- iurisdietion io consiituie a uniform seou-
<br />rity instrument covering real property 'Chic \lortgagt• shaft ir+r gorm~trri ire the lsw of the jurisdiction in [shish
<br />the Property is locate[{. In the cycr,t ti:at any (+rotision m• clause of this >fortgage or the Aote coe9icts with
<br />applicable law, such conflict shad not affect otiser Irrocisions of thi• 1lortgage or the ?\ote ~~'hieh ca;t ha given
<br />~' effeot, •.rithout the condieting , rorvicn. and to this en+i tor. nrotisions of rh~• Mortgage anr the Aote are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall b~ iurnisheti a ~•nniornred cony of this Mortgage at the f.ime of exeau-
<br />tion or alter recortiatior. hereof.
<br />17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. I* a1 ur anc :,art of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />or transferred by Aorrower without Lender'. pria• o-ritun consent. exciu+iing ~ a ~ tlx~ creation of a lien or encum-
<br />t t'f. ~1ort aUe. ~ iu t. he crruiun ~ s ;nnrh:,-•, sucnet security interest for household appli-
<br />brance vbordina[c o ? t_ g a ~~
<br />ances, te] a v:rnsfer ln- devise. descent ar 6y uper;¢iun +ri lath upan t I;e ~ientL' ut a soim tenxut m• ul) die grant of
<br />any leasehold interest of three }'ears or h°~s not onntaining a?; optiuu u, pnrcha5c. Lender ma}•. at Lender's option,
<br />declare all the sums soured by this lortgage ro be iumusiutu•ly dur• ;utd (veyable. Lender =hall hate waited such
<br />option to accelerate if, prior to rho sale ur h•anefer. Le?:der and ?h+• r~rreon to whom the Property is to be sold or
<br />t.ransterred resch agreement in ecriting brat the crer 'r r :~;tt•is ~ .?. is sa t rev ~++ Lrst~ee~ attd ghat ?''-rc iutc!•e_ct
<br />li payable+nt th,: sums secured Lt- this Jtort tg+-shale I_r at snc:~ .ate es {.ruder shall reyuesi. Ii Lender Itas watyed
<br />', the option to sccelera[e provided in this paragraph II :uni ii lim-rutn~r~ -ut~ce~or iu interest leas csecu[ed a wrii-
<br />i ten assumption agreemnnt aaxpted in +vrniug be l.em?rr. l.~-n+i+~r -hall rrit•n=e Rtvrowor from all obtigattoos under
<br />~ ibis blongagc ant tht Cott
<br />If Lentier oxen rsrs _u+ i. optimr ?,: at _t,'rate. [. ~,t? ~u.~t: :ra:~ ;#or, ,r ~ ~+. » acecleration in aacardauce
<br />~ tcith Iraragralth I-I ltt lt- much ~,.>~ ~„ •+ , ~titt~-ii e - nt . -~ U+au 31r1 :L:}'~ 'yarn the +i.•~i~ ?nt trot-rt is
<br />~~ !nailed w.t t-n .i•,trr:t tar gait°,. -rv ;-_t}` ~ -;++t~s .,i .. ,+.+,- ~ ,,,,,, ,, , , ,, ;,;4. :,art; .uu; ~rriur tv the
<br />~~ e~ptratiun H .u~•}:-i : io{. Lr?: ~.i ut:rv. +- r;iuut :n;~! _ ?t,ru~~~ _ •temau i -~?, 13it rower, invoke ;urv trmedied per-
<br />tnitted i,y puragrtph IR hereof.
<br />\rt~-l-s?r+!i+~+ ('nyr:S.v~°. F. I~~,rr~,tc~•r an,l Lender r'urther r~,v+•n;uu nntl ut.:nv• a. i•ollotes:
<br />18. Acceleration: Remedies. h:~ccpt a> I~n••. r~L~,! ~~u nara4; rq d; I. , ~,.rui, upon 1#c+rrurrr•r-. 6rc;u•h of :uq•
<br />cnten:tn2 or ;Fgrt't'Itiet:t a+, B2!rl'un t'!' :! 'IlI~ MUr(g:-~+_ ]Ilrlti~iin~'~, !'l~yt=il;tn(`~ ~+ ,~,,\' :\-Ill'It :Itlt' :tn\' .~nn• °r•rilr,•ft
<br />by Ihrs \lurt K:n~c. Lcu~itp ;~rt~+r to acr•~'n~ral tar. si;nii n~:~d :-., -,++• h, Rurn•:•, ,., - nxlltnl ui +^vcr:!pl; L} in ~rruf
<br />si,ecifting' ~l- rtx• br~;r,.{~: ~!- he :: .nn; r~•~uuu~~i „ri ~r r+-.. f,r.~,u ..- .,~~i~ - r,o+ l+- ,h:;n ?hr,it .lay:
<br />from the date tln n-,. n+ t> ;uu ;~~~~ n. R~,~rnnn~r Lt -c r++ i .~~ ~, .+- ~, n,t. 1 .n• ~.,. ~. .,,~. ~ t, ~. a (:olaur u. core
<br />such breach oa nr '~.~inrr ti,e rhrtc <pc-t•?tird in the nut-ire utati rrsuir ir, st ~ -,urn .-. ~., .,•c~tm,! 1~}• t}ug
<br />Vurrgnge and ~rtc ..t t}~,. pro(x•rtc [i tier hrcaclt is not enrtvi ac .,?~ Lefur+- tit, .ian• -;~a~rti~~~i n: ~~ L~~ n„u+~e. Leader
<br />at Leader's optiuu mxv ~h~rLtre all ~,,f the suurr' -er~urrd `ut troy >lortgu~.~- ~u I„~ rir:nr~.ti.ucir ~i!e+• :unl pa~•ubh~
<br />without further •icw:uui :uni unrl iun~rlusc [lit. Alunt;agc In ~.u~h,~L~u In~+a•r~-,lion L+•inl~.? .Fail ~,+.. r•uiL~d to ~ulla•1
<br />in .uch rnr ,tr?, • ., 1: ,.tp~'n~`- -- -'-- ~--arc. ~ i-1-i!;u;; ,,~i ---..rt... .- - .. .-_. ar. ~ridcuee.
<br />abstract.;ur,(tith repur?s
<br />18. Borrower"s Right to Raietatale. Auttt?rl„uurdu~g 1.+u~drr'- ac+~+n~~anun of +?~~ _uni, -r+~urr•,t try tlu:.
<br />Mortgage, Borrower shall hav°e the righu to rutty nnc I~YUrcrehnr;~ t~r~RUn in I ~-r,rr ro rtr;nrr+• t'tets AlurtgaKe ,fis-
<br />contirwed rtt xmy tiwo pebr to entry of a tudamcnr +•,riurru,>; =hi, 11cn+t;:+ttc n_ ~a+ Burru;vr+~ ;,a}~~ Ltvdrr all
<br />sums nhich w<,udd he then due under this \lurtr;xr:+ ?i ~• tiat+• or F ror,~- k„uihi~ Y n.r=,~ .1,it orr~-~. n sot- tract no
<br />seceleration nrcurred: i h r Borrow;:r ru - .r ; hav - err:- •-+-- -.r .. .u,y F- „f [loner++~i ~ oa-
<br />~;1 „
<br />tained in this ~lurUgakn: ~cl Bcrruwr-r par. :ell re•:r.on;rl„c r~l„~t i-±~ m~-: u~t ~-,1 I~; I.1, u.irr :, ,-n _turrf nx; d+e rucrnranr
<br />and agreements of Bonrowcr eantaint-xi m tlrV-, ALart~+~r rn, -r --,uar„r . ~--, a~:r*-~ s- ,,n,r~d+, i :n e,.rr.t
<br />graph 18 hereof, including, but net limited ?o, rtatauuatdr nt~ornrc~. ?,~~•. :uu€ -.I ~ Itorrun-+=r- rak,~s weir srriun a~
<br />Lender may reasonably myuirr to ;usur,~ r6a1 the hen of chi. ,l?.,ii~:rru-. I.i•mh~r ~ uv~n.~t ur t6~~ 1'ny~t•r?c .,nil
<br />Borrower`s obligation to pal the sums nccurcd by riu~ Ah~rt ~a _;~• .. _., -~~nit wto- ,;n,i n;,.~u~, .l ;'r,~~n ~uri~ 7,a. nu•nt
<br />and Cate by Borrower. this \lortga(tr nud Llu• obit}nnuu~ ~.,~,•!u~r,t L~•v+~i,t -.,,ril e,~nuuu ,r. gilt k.~ r nn~t ~dL•ri..~~. if
<br />nv acceleration bud uccurrrd.
<br />20. Assignment of R~nls: Appoiutmenf of Receivor; Lender m Posseexion, t~ +~b!tu~ueti ~rtnru~ 'nrrc-
<br />urnler. Borrower hereby ,r,+srKU.< t: l.eudrr th+'• "+•ut~~ tr t +~ Pr u(~~ i ~ t- ~ , .. t l} :-+ .r +' ~ri+y~ .. ~+dr~
<br />anon umler paray;rnptr IS hcreo( ur shandomucr,t tl :4, Prup_ n~ _, ,. _ v. ~u -_,=c r~ :r,n =ctau~ ~~,.rL nai~
<br />aX rlyey bectsnie due and I+aynblc-
<br />I`pun xCCeler+t+x,u un.ter I+n ragrts+ir ttf Ircv+•ni +r I':rl,',~n~i(,Itn1i'l~f a; !1~+ t •,~I ~~~~", i:.-r,~ie ~- -!.. ;cur. i„ :rr;cni
<br />~,r hp ludti:iallr a('4 u,nn:d ,..:et•icrr -hail hr= cnrl'e! `u t•x<+- °I,-,., eat:- ,. - , . - ~„ ,`-vs-~- -~:, }+. ut,+•=-+t
<br />;In€i CG ~l tut t.: k- r-i-y :+i tht r'[wt'Y 3. ,ri ;-16. 1w F, -, -.:., .,. ,., .... .. ~„t., ... .... .. ,,. -..
<br />,7-tit he n; pbe+l ci n,t t ~ :,you n? .ri the rt.i-., u: ~.Lii .,..t a+.~.~ ,~- „ a`-~. , ~ .- -, ,~. +..,, ~, i r . ... ~.
<br />^6t. iltfllt [~; 'u- ! ale F~„ IS r~ R6H*Itn~ q~ u U i'- -up~•F , i + u., . .,~,-, , ~ u. ~ , ~~ ..,-.
<br />-.s~+:rnd ht r1,;, 1l ortuat;~~ I-,-n i+~r a+,l •.n ., ~+,. r .i-. ~. .a ,-, ,. -~ .. .. ~„ ,.., . .. + , .. ~ .-
<br />