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<br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L Z3 , 695 <br />IINOW ALL MEN BY TiiESE PRESENTS:That Leo Liske and Maxine Liske, each in hi-s and her <br />own right, and as spouse of each other <br />---- Mortgagor, whether one or more, io consMerstittm of the Sum of <br />F~~y-nine Thousand and No/100----------------- __-__________________„~~~ <br />loaned [a said mortgagor by The Egriitable Budding and Lawn Association of Grand [eland, Ntbtaska, Mortgagee, upon 590 shares of stor]s of <br />said AS50CIATION, Certifipte No. L 23,695 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCtATTON the following <br />described real estate, situated in hall County, Nebraska: <br />LOT ONE (1) IN BLOCK SIXTEEN (16) IN COLLEGE ADDITION TO WEST <br />LAWN, AN ADDITION 70 THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />together with all [he tenements, hereditament: and appurtenances thereunto belonging, ine:udeng attached Hoot vvetings, all window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air rnndnioning, and plumbing and water cyuipntem and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and oche; fixtures and equipment now ur hereaner attached to or used in connection with aid real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hcrcby agree !hat the :-• ?; ta..agor shall and well pay all taxes and assessments levied or <br />assessed upon said promises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the saint sFwll become drlinyuenl; to furnish approved <br />insurance upon the huildings on said premises situated in the sum oF$ 59 ,DDD. ~~ payable to a!d ASS(X'tAT'ION and to denser tv said <br />ASSOCIATION the pubcies for said insuramx; and not tn-commit or permit any wast.• un or atxmt sa!d premises: <br />In terse oC default in the performance of any at the terms and cx:ndrtivns of thts mortgage nr the lH?nd xeurrd hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />on dcrrtand, be enti[IeJ to immediate, possession of the mortgaged premises and the nwrtgagur hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />nwrtgagrr alt the rents, revenues and income to he derived from the mnrtgageJ premiss during sari! trine as the mongage indebtedness shalt remain <br />,unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the p?wer to appoint any agent ur agents it may drsur for the purpose of repairing slid premises aad renting <br />the sacra: and u~Ileding the rents, revenues and inaxime, and it may pay out of said income atl expenses of repairing said premises anJ Hearsay <br />si?mmissioas and expen~x incurred in renting and managing the same and of c?itei:ting enrols therefrom: the balance rrtnatning, if eery, to be <br />applied toward the Discharge ut said mongags indebtedness: then rights of the :uortgager Wray br exercised at any tierce during the ezistencr of such <br />default, irrespective of arty trntpurary waiver of the w!!€. <br />~'fhesr Presents, however, arc utwn the t'-?nJtlwn, That !f the still Mortgagor xhall rr.>ay slid Eaa^. u!! u! trtvrr the maturity of :acrd shares by <br />paynt<.nt, Tray manthty to said ASSOt:`tA i It3\ c €he sum spent€ed m the Hund secured hcrcby as imerest and pxinapat un sa!J roan, on ur 6sCore <br />fhr'1"wentirih Jay of each anti every uxtnih„ a t;; =salt? :oan s f!dly paid; pay atl raxr and asarssmrnis levied anatnst said premises and un this Mortgage <br />and the Bard severed thereby, txhne dr!inyucnry; firnush approved msurartce upon the buildings thereon in the sum of $ 59 ,DDD. DD tsayable <br />to sail ASSO('IATIUN; repay to said ASStx'[ATR)N,uptat demand all money by !t paid ku such taxes, assrssnten[s and inwrance with interest at <br />the maximum legal ram thereon (rum dart n( payrttent all of whrch Mortgagor harby agrees to pay; permit no waste un will promises; keep and comply <br />with all the agreements and crmditmus of the &md fur i 59 ,DDD. DDthis Jay fovea by the sail Mortgagor ur said ASSUClAT10N, and cattply <br />wish all the reyniierrtents o{ *.hr Cunstuutiun and Hy-Laws ut sod ASSIX'1 AT'ION; then these presents shall become null and void, otherwise they <br />sttaH remain in Tull force and Huy he lorrdoxd at the option vF the v~d AS5(X'IA ftUN after (allure Cur three months to eru}:c any u( said <br />payments ur be three etwuths m arrears m making rout muntldy paytneuts, m to keep and comply with the agreements and emtditions nt said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a reserver appointed ti+rthw!th m such facctosurr proceedings. <br />If there is any change ?n ownrrhip of the real mate rswrtgaged herein, by sale ur otherwise, then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby <br />secured strsll, at the upth?n of 'the iiyuerabtr Hudding and Laan A,tsuciaoun of grand Isl!urd. Nebraska, become iuunediatcly due and payable without <br />further Hotta, and the amount ~reetaimrtg due uredrr said baud, aeui a::y other frond fur any additional advau?x?s made ihereundrr, shalt, (rout the <br />date of exercise of sail option, bear intecest at the nwxunum Izgal rote, and this mortgage Wray then be farcclased to satisfy the amount Jue on said <br />bond, and any other b!.md Gx addnwna! :+Jvancea, together with all runts twill by said '1'ht Equitabla Building and Lua» Association of Grand lstand, <br />Nebraska for insuramr, taxes and assesstrnnis, anJ abstracting extensiuu ~hagcs, with interest thereon, Crom date of payrt!eut at the maximum <br />legal rate. <br />As provide) in the Bond secured 1?rreby, white :his mortgage eenuuts in eltrct the rnartgag~e n:ay hereafter adrans;c additional awns to the <br />makers of said &?nd, their assigns ar successors in interest, which soots shall be within the security of this nwrtgage the ratter as the ftmds aiginatly <br />secmnd thereby, the total amount of prinopni daht nut u+ erred at any hnro the original amount of [his morgage. <br />[~etrd nJS .17th day.+e March A-1?-, _~; BO <br />~" >, - <br />- a, - <br />p.,L1 S e \ '~ ~ - <br />Maxihe Liske <br />STA1Ti pl~ NEBRASKA, ~ (7u this 1 7th da at March <br />ss. y 14 BO . belay nx, <br />COUNTY OF t1ALL <br />[he wxterstgrnd, a Notary Public in and for said County, prrx?nally Ganz <br />Lee Liske and Maxine Liske, each in his and her own right, and as w~ouse of each ~t}~er <br />are Person ly oown to <br />stn to t>C the idattual parson S whc ae Warne S are affixed to the above inst«urtrnt as nwrtF;rtgur S and they.-~ tsrvrnHy <br />arknowtetlged [hc saiJ instruntera to br their vutuntary act and deaf. <br />%!T'NFSS my hand and Nruaria; Seal ttk date- aluresaid. - .~., <br />My C^xrrtuis~im exgu~x ~ 1 ~` -` +' .I <br />~`" ' yE' r.,... - _.~ - ~ r~ c ~ `. _ yes E <br />iota YN of - - _ 4 `? ~ yi „~+!_... <br />