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30-- ~r:.r,~:~ ,f <br />THIS INDENTURE, Made this 1'?th <br />regency Construction Tnc, <br />day °f March <br />Notfman and Felton & Wotf, Walton, (ie. 8$461 <br />rq P p ,between <br />party of the first part hereirafter referred to as lessor, iand <br />Verl 1;. Leckran ,party of the second part hereirafter referred to as lessee. <br />WITNESSETH, That the said lessor, in conr.•deration of the covenants of the said lessee, hereinafter set forth, !, <br />do or does by these presents lease to the said lessee, the following described ¢rapesty, to-witt <br />The Soutr. Concrete building cantainirg 12.6++ Sa. rt. mere or less <br />and. legally described as Lots 6 ~ 7 Block A Rollins Add.'n to the <br />City of Grand Island, Nall Co. Plebraska A.K.A. X0,9 North Rddy Street. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same uxto the said lessee from the ljth day of October <br />rg80 to tke 1~th day of October r4 83 <br />And the said lessee, in 'consideration of the leasing of the ¢rernises as above set forth, covenants and agrees xvith <br />tlz¢ les>or, jo',¢dy the said lessor ns ren! for the same the sum of $5`sj.00 Per MOrith. <br />DOT{.LARS <br />¢ayalalt ns foRous, to zvit: Rent tc bP na1n, in monthly in~taliments beginning ', <br />onlCcto °r 15 ,, 19?0, and naii an the 15th day o° each marth there- <br />'after, <br />i <br />Tl:e said lesser furtker covenants xerith the said lessor, that at the expiration of the ti+na me»tioned in this leosc, <br />¢eaceabla possession of said premises shall be given to flee said Lessor, in «s gaud cundiNon ns thev rwzv «re, the usual <br />xvmr, inevitable accidents and loss b1, jtre erce¢ted; «nd that upon flee hen-pnt•nrent of the zrhulr ar «n~• portion nj <br />the said rent at the tune xahex the same is above ¢romisad to be paid, flee said lessar may at hu, her, their or its ' <br />election either distrain for said rent due, or declare this letue at an end and retover possession as if the same z~n.r i <br />held by forcible detainer; the said lessee hereby waixdny arty notice of such elution or any demand for the possession <br />of the said premises. <br />AR'D IT 1S FUR1"HER COVE:V_1NTED AND AGREED between the parties ajnrrsoid Ph3t said <br />les4ee will oa;, .'ilirit~s which shall in^lu-9e q~s & el°.atricsl ;and <br />take care of general maintainence such as cleaning, etc. Lesser w1ll <br />maintain bui131rg, rrof', ralu;sblrg, he+~.ting, ai.r• ~onditlonin~;, and ' <br />electrical. <br />The lessar also has the oatian to anr'ar about- Jan. ist, s~f Nvch <br />,yeas to ad~!;gt rai-) rent for an,y increase in tax's an~ijor 1tt:,urance <br />assessed agvin~:t sni:i Grs;!±arry. <br />i ,_ <br />The caverants Jtarein shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executers and adt»ir:istrators of the prtrtir;r <br />to tkis Tense. <br />Witness ttee l~•~:ds and seols of the ¢arfits aforesaid. <br />,~'..1 ; <br />: - d <br />~ i <br />~ ~ ~ i <br />J ,. , <br />.r r. <br />... .. ~. <br />.. <br />i <br />;ie,~ency i.rY~r:=_,t,z'?..c`c _'_,r'__."ts.._ 513.11. <br />. ~, <br /> <br />4 <br />