<br />MORTGAGE _ __ _
<br />T MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L Z 3 , 694
<br />KNOWALLMEIVBYTHESEPRESENTS:That Barbara A. Williams, a single person
<br />----------Mortgagor, whether one or more, in wnsideration of the sum of
<br />Eleven Thousand Five Hundred and NoJ100-- --------------------_v ~~~
<br />7wtsed to aid tnortgagaar bs The E~taitsbie Building and i.tun Association of Grated ts,and, Nebrsska, Murtga~gee, upon 116 shares of stock of
<br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certsrate No. L 23>694 , do hereby great, aronvey and mortgage unto the said 45SOCIATION the fotlowirrg
<br />dears~ed seal estate, atuaCtd iq Ball County, Nebsaslo:
<br />ALLEY, Ix SAIn xLncK.
<br />ta~cYhex wAh a9 the irnestsertis. hecsditamcvts acrd appnrtenatszs ttrerruntn hekn~ng, including attached ilwr mterrngs, all window auTeerrs,
<br />arida~ss ate, bUnds. axorm wir,dowz, awniargs, heassrg, air mrwitionir>Sg,and plumbing and antrr equiprttent and accessories thereto,pumps, stoves,
<br />zefi¢entots,md outer fixtmrs ztvd equipment now or lserrafter attached t. or used in ,xnnrction wish said real rstatr-
<br />ltnd sr4eseas the sad ttfrxtgagnr tru abrerd aced does tarrrby agm that the rron~agax shnl3 and will pay all taxes arw aaesartenis levied o:
<br />sae~d ~rtr said prrremcs a~ upon this moaigrxgr arw ihr bond +rcurrd th:stbr i,rtore the same shall iv;csarne deliaqurn[; to furnish approxd
<br />itwwance rs}kw the btaldin~s m sod prrestses situated in she wm of 5 11,SDU. ~() ps}~bk w said 49fX'IATtON and to dehvex to said
<br />~l'1A374N the pvsties far a~ insuran x, an3 not :re axmmit ar permit any wssir rn or about ssid prrttiscs
<br />In use of dtfauh m the pevfarmanx o! an} a?f the trsvu and usnditions u1 this txrortgage ar the fund ,z-cttred hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />ae dam, t,r resealed to imuXdiau }kastessuvn of ii# rr!tH'tgagrd premise; amt the rmatgagar hercb~ assg'ns, transfrrz amt secs over to the
<br />rarxtgat;ne aT3 the ernes. rryrntrs and income ia'x derned form ihr tnurtgagrd premises dtuixtg wch imsr as the urartgagr indebtedness scull amain
<br />+~pud: awd tit rana~[gaccr shall have the ix'wTr is a}+poinr any ag:nt ar agents it may decor fur the purpotr of repairing asd prerrrisrs atd reatinig
<br />She name arad avHecthgt sht seats, srxnucs and :rtciirac. and st atay pay tart of sod itk~xarM all expenses of repairin; srid premiers and neamry
<br />atad ngvemts mcvtxxrai >n rrntit~ end rrutstgr4e rlre same attti of caflr~tirtg rrntsh thereiram; the balance remain®g, if say, to be
<br />trsward tau dassrtsargr ,d aa>,: traariga€t mrdebtrdnrss; these righu of the mrmgagte may be eserrrtrd u any tune dtttaig the raistrme of srsdr
<br />arntZsrrtm of amv trrnptraan wstvrf aT 3hr tame.
<br />These Arsrau, Sarwexer, arc uprrr::I~ t'tautitinn, 71st ri the aid Mortgagor shall reply sni loan m or bti;ur the msaurity of sod shard by
<br />payment, pa; tnmttdy to ;cod .~^iilC3.>.7'li3\ .fi :ac wm spri3frc3 m the $amd srrarai hrrcb} ss ~r,t~ ~° and pr:napal a_a sand lava, on ox before
<br />ihr T>rentcah da+i of ra:h neat cute} xm a;Y., emit; sssid kasn ss fuNv Iaid: ~y all taxes and assemtnTnts Sevvzal ar}inst card grrenises acrd xw this hlortgagr
<br />aed the Sand aecxsrrd thueby . fsr#iue dr}tsslutncs: #urxri;lr approved marten Y upau tAr bu$dmrs tlx,ron m tisc ;um of 3 1 1 , ~~~. 0~ payable
<br />w sad :i~CIA71tt?4, aepa} io saw :\Si~Ot: `1.J1711)'V vpan dessuad all mamey by 3t pvid f.~rr mr.,'t taan. asarsvaerts ash insursn.-e with iertrrest at
<br />the maxiantet kid ntr thernan fsrytt dau .d' pa}meat ag of wha'fi M ~rtRSlax tte*.tb} sgrrrs to pay, prrtait sto wrier us slid r~+re+:„~-ketp acrd comedy
<br />tssffi ar8 the a•nta dad ccrtrtuts ui the &u+d Tar S 1 ~ ,~3~, ~ tfus day etvru hr Erse said Martevgur to card wSSilCIwriON, and antnpiy
<br />+vth a~ the mgaperartxtis oaf tM Ccrosaittrtwia and Hy-I..avs aN aid ±~ISOCtATtQ?v; tlru these }urscnts sfsall brcr>me null and wid, othenriae they
<br />aihatg » in isdl frvrat dad may be f,vrr.3uand at the ct tiun ai rite aid ?tStiCX'iA170N after fadtsre far thrtx months to make wy of aul
<br />pay~snenu ra hr then tnaarths m tnt~rars is tnakutg Said mmtit3v payntrnts, rn tw keep aced casmpl} wixh the agrrernenu and moditians of satd Bored.
<br />and liaasgagavr agues x, lour a rexsver appamtrd tixrhwttis ht such foxr;~,surr puos+edutgs.
<br />H terse is any in xsarnershtp ref the t:~l c>sair rsa,rtAapnd berries, isy ssk ur aNarrwvar, then Che rnrire rcmaitearg ~deMedness hneby
<br />aa~emt ~, st tlu gstim of 71r Equitable Bui3dpeg ash Lruur Assr~iviion of Grated Isl+md, tiebraska, fteoome immaliairly due amd payable rrtitltatrt
<br />tmtlrer aotiue, ~ t3r temtgmt rssnainerg clue reader said baud, acid any weer bcux: frv env additimal adtatsave maak thereunder, shaIl, frtun the
<br />tlpe of rsercee ii'srd ,apricot, bear ~~ at for roaxnnum legal rate, amt tltn tsswegagtr may then be furccksud w atisfy the atrtutmi due oa aid
<br />htsadyaad espy i+thes bread for aslikeamd adxarrces,:ogethra with ~ arms {raid t,y sad 1'he Equnxbk But73ing and i.oan Asap: Sation of Gtaud ta,Faod,
<br />IJsitaast<a fssr ate, usesattd soroaarmu,sssr; ahseractmgrytersx,rm ~asgcs. wish intarst thereon. tram date of psyrnem at the muaaum
<br />~~
<br />Aa paswitiad at the $uod arn+rcd lre~rhy, whi3r ricer tnurt~x rauuuis in d3r ;-t the mortgagee may hesriw adrrw,x additional sums to the
<br />teeu~rss ~ aped 8aad, thrar asig}rs an rttr,,rrs9cr; ar u,errest, w~hirh arms shall br watttin tau seeurit} of thrs taor•_gagt the sure as tix funds origsna6'y
<br />antawed ~, xlse teal amount td' pria.-~al duht out to razned at arty t¢rre the origirul smaunt of this mortgyge.
<br />_~ _-~.., +i-~.. _
<br />Barbara A.~lii~~~~
<br />STA7F. OE a~i, I} *. tat this 14th d:} or March l s 8D . berme me,
<br />f:'flY.,h'iY tiF lIALL. )
<br />the underteigned, a Nnury i>uhlir in and for said County, pertanaBy ame
<br />Barbara A. ~1i111~s, a s9ng7e person
<br />. who i 5 perwnauy known w
<br />tae to he the perann vehosr name i ~ afitxed m the about inus~~um''e``'m~~as mortgagor and 5 he ~
<br />adcnavlod~d the raid i to be her sailuatary ad and deed. ~
<br />SV!'I'!VF3'9 my haa0 nsd b!otasial Seal xhe date aforesaid.
<br />My Catmttincitm espsfts ' , C
<br />y ~_ -~-i xo • rnbtic
<br />traatya ~'~~ ~ i ,/~~ KGENE25l NOiF,~i`~Statt of Nehratka
<br />~ - .'ai,tE"s Vd. O150N
<br />~s ~ ~,R~ E.p, ;a:, ,~. 7983
<br />