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u,�5 ' .� w f�t'�. �� • � --- <br /> i_ e�_ '; J` 1+ `°�,'i�r„ ,��,� . ' � ,y �,` ., — �. _ <br /> -''�>�' . ,�:. ��3 � �_- <br /> ,. ,•;. .•r;,:,;:,� . _ -- -� -- <br /> i,;A7;�t�jt\'�Gtk�c/.' . , ..�. 'wf4s•r ___—____ <br /> � =�=.�.w«_7a.�t��,. �(�+�`oOV1�i�. <br /> �'�1�,��'�'d��� --- <br /> _:�F��_'.�� condernnutaon or other tAking of uny pun of the Propeny,or far conveynnce in lieu of candemna�ion.arr hereby Asxi�ned and <br /> �',;�" shall be puid to Lend�c <br /> �"-'^`� �`�°` � " In thu�evenl of n taml �nkin� of the Praperty. the pmcceds xhull be upplied to thc+ums xcured by �hia Serurily <br /> --�''l s;. . {.tt��`•:• .: <br /> � ��. Intilrurnent,whcthcr ur nut thun due, with�+ny exre.�pnid u� Horrower. In the event of L partiul taking oP thc Property in <br /> '�r ,,h , which thc Gir markct vulua of 1hu Pro�ny immeJiutcly hefore�hc�a�:ing is eyuul to or greater ihun thc um�wm of'Ihe sums <br /> ,•'��''` ...' ^ '`, .,..�.� tiecureJ by�his S��urily hir�iumunt immcJiutely I+rfare�he tuking,unless Borrower�nd Lender oihenvi,r agr�c in w�ting, <br /> � ���'' '' thc�umr ,ccured by�hi�Sc:rud�y In��rumcnt xhull hc redu�cd by�he amaunt uf Ihe pr�ced�muUiplied by Ihe fallowing <br /> ="��'�.. - ,. t�rm�iun; lo)d�r tutul u�nuunt,ul'�ur�J immcdiaicly bcfam the taking,divided hy lhl the fuir murke�vulue��f�hc � -- _- <br /> .;��ta�N�;•,, _ Pr��x ny imnxdiatcly hefimr Ihu luking. Any halunrc ahall tm paid �o Borrowcr. In�he cvcm uf u punial tuking of IIk <br /> -`°`��'" " ' Pnry+�ny iro whirh Ihu Ibir nn�rkc� vuluc uf tlx P�aprny isnmedfulcly txfi�R tik tukin�i� Ic+ti ihun�hr umuum uf ihc,umr <br /> e �fil. �.Y:�_'__ .`__ <br /> _—°'. - µcuttiA��nnkJiately Ix:turu tlw lakin�t. unlr.� fl�+m�wer •rnil Lender �►thcrwi,r ugne in writinµ ur unlrti, uppliruMc li�w �,,,�__. --_- <br /> �;:';., ;.. .s_ �Hhcrwitic pn►viJc..thu pnx•ecdx.rhull Ix upplird a�dn�um�kcund by ihi,S�wurily Inalrumcnt whetlur ur not ihr sum�uR <br />� `• .. . �tun v�K. �- --� <br /> I(�Iws Nn��rty� i�uhundunuJ hy Hurrawcr.��r il'.ul'Irr naticc hy Lrndcr t��BuRUwcr thui thc cundcmnor uffcrs t�i mukc <br />�g��.•?����„ o un uwani�x M:tdr a cluim fur dumugr..Burruwer 1'uil�to re��xmd to l.rnder u ithin�t1 Juy.uflcr the Jutr�he n�+tice i+given, � <br />� . Lendcr i.r aulhuri�ed U�cu11uG and upply�hr priKrcd..ut its up�iun.ri�hcr to rcxlarutiun ur n�puir of thc Pruperty or lo thc <br /> �um� �urcil by ihi�Sccuri�!r Innirumcnt.whcther�►r nut�hen duc. <br /> � �i' ' � "^ � Unlc�.� Lcoder and Bontin+�er othe�wi•r ngrcr in wriiing,ony upplicu�ion of pnxeeJs�o principul,hall nrn extend or -_ <br /> � ;:.�. �'�.�;, ' powpcinc the du�data ot'thu un►nthly paymcot+rcfrned to m par+igiaph,I und 2 or ch�n�e thc umaunl of+uch paymems. _ �_ <br /> 1�a` �' ��'+•�� � � 11, Borrawer Nat R+slaased: MorbearAnce By I.ende� Not A Wuiver. Extentiion of thc timr For puyment or <br />+'f � y' - modification of umunizuti�m���f th�yums.e�cured by Ihia Security Inslrument gmnced by Lend�r lo uny successor in inlerest <br />�'� _ ' _ of Bonnwer shull ncw oper,�tu tu rcicu+c thc liubiliry uf the origin•rl Bonower ar Bcxrower's succe�san in interest. Lender <br />�'�=" ' �hall na tn: rcyuired�o ramnio�x:c pr�xecdings aguinsi any surcessar in interes[ar refu�e lo cxtend lime fur payment or �.:: �-- <br />''� �� ' othervvive modit'y umartizu�iun uf the xumx serured by this Securiry In.trument by reason of uny demund made by the ari�inul �;.-'� <br />,,.� Borrow�r or BoROweri,,ucrehu►r�in intem.l. Any forbearance by l.ender in exercising uny rigM or remedy shall not be u �„�- <br /> r wuivrr of or prerludc�bu exc:rci,r of:u►y riglu ur remedy. �'- <br />'�. ' • 12. Successors and Asslgns Bound;Joint and Several Liability;Casigners. The covenams und agmements oi this - <br />' ''<•. - � � • Securit} In�lrument tihc�ll bfnd and benefil the ,ucce,scxs ;uid ussigns of Lender and Borcower,subjec�to the provi�ionti af _v_ <br />�'�" � � =4�'; puragraph 17. Burru���e��cuvcnuntx und ugrecment+ +hull tk joim and xcverul. Any Borrower who ca-+ignti this Security --�. <br />� � � ��.�''�'� , In+irumant but daey nrn exrrws the N�te: la�i.rn-tiigning thi+Security lnxtrument only to monguge.gront and convey thut c�.:,,,...--- <br />�`;�` " '�'•_ ��, Bcxruwer's imeres�in�hc Prupeny under the tcrm+of�hi.r•Sc�uri�y Imtniment: Ib)is nat penonally obliguted to pay the zums = i <br />�`i''�• � xecured by this Securiiy Inrt�vment:anJ Icl v�ree�Ihu�Lender and uny a�her Brnrower may agrce lo extend,moJify,far6car � - ---- <br />') ._•: . or make uny uecummud+nionn wi�h regurd to �hc tcrm. of this Securiry Instrument or the Note without thut Burrower'� <br /> ,. ::�a <br /> consem. <br />���-'��,� 13. l.o8n CherRe►• ��'�h�• M�an �erureJ hy thi�Securily Inwtrument ix subjecl lo u law which +rt� maxlmum (oan _ <br />..N '� <br /> �� " churgeR,and Ihut law i�:tinnlly intcrpreted.o thut the imcn�t or other loan churges cc�llected or to be collected in cannecuon ��, <br />. '�•� wi�h the Icwn exceed Iha penni�t�d limits.thcn: lu1 uny�uch laan churge xhull tie reduced by�he amount necessary ta reducr ___ <br />. ��•�;�� • the ctuirFr ta thr perniiuud limit:anJ Ibl any�uma ulrradycullected from Borrower which exceeJed permilted limi�x will br - <br /> r,;,•; nfun�kd to Bi�m�wcc Lender muy choc�se to makc thi,rrl'und by mducing the prirnipal owed unckr ihe Nrne or hy making a w`� - <br /> �•'� diRCt p,�ymenl ui Bure��a�cr IP u rM'und reducex p�incipal.lhr reduction will he treated ati a partiul prepuyment without uny _•___ �•° � <br /> pmpuyment chargc undur d�u N���r. �'�� '' '""� <br /> ,�';y 14. Notictw. An� nuticc t�� Borcawcr prnvidrd li►r in this Securily In�.lrument�hull ik given by delivcring it or by �'"' <br /> � �;��i`.:__.- <br />� •.(,•��.,•• • muiling it by firwi du>�nmil unlr..uppliruhle luw rcquirc,u.r of anuther m�thai.The notice rhall hr dircctcd�u dx Propeny ;,,...,_'�a <br /> ' AdJres�ur uny u�h4r addiu�+Burruwcr designalrs by nulice to l.endrr. Any notice lo Lend�r+hull Ix given by fint cla�r �.-'�_ <br />, ,,j�,. �,..�s_. <br /> . .;..��: mai l to Len drr��idd n..�t�n u d h r r c i n o r u n y n t h c r a d d r e"L c i x i e r�k+i g n a t r s M y n o t i r e to Borruwer. An y matice provideJ for "" <br /> , ;�,:' � in this Srcurity In.�n�m��ni .hull Ik dremeJ to have ixen given tc. Bnrrow•cr or LrnJer wlxn givcn a, provided in Ihi+ ��,�,,Th <br /> ' puragruph. ' �, ,-':e�.•'.^ <br /> , • 15. (ioverninp Law; tievernbility. Thi+Sccuriry Inxirument +hall Ar E�evcrncJ hy IcJcral law and thc luw of thr �, . <br />�r�_;.�,�.`', . - juri.dktion in whlch Ihe Pm�xrty iti I�xated. In Ihr rvenl Ihin any provitiiix�ar clau.r of�hi.Sccurily In+lrumen[ar the Note �'�r <br /> �; conflicl+ a�ith applicvhlr.1�iN�,.urh r�mtlic�xhall nol:►flcrt�Nhrr�rnvisiom�ii'�hi.Srcuri�y Instrument i�r thr Notc whinc�an , <br />��;��.':' tx gi�cn rftcrt willnxq U�c r�u�tlirtinF pn,vi.i�x�. Ti►this cnd the pmvixiom ol'�hi�Securiiy Inxtrumrnt unJ thc Note u►e ��.- <br />'�'` ' dcclurcd tu ix,rvcr�ihh�. {,s '��., <br />`�. ,�'�:.,,." 16. Burroo•er'cCopv. gurrow•rr�h+dl Fx gi�•rn unr conli,micJ copy ul'thr N��t¢and ot'thi.Securily Imtrumcnt. <br />� _�� , � 17. 'IY�nsPer uf the Pruperty ur u Henetkial Intercwl in Burruwer. II�all or:uiy pun al'the Pro�xny or any inter�.i in ;!`',.' � , -_ <br /> ;;:r it i. .old or tnm.fcmd I��r if a txnrlirial inlrrc+t in Hurn�wrr i>>old��r Ir;m,t�crrcd:md Bi�rn�u•rr is not a nawral �xr.nnl j <br />:*`+�:�`'`:,�'. with„ut Lrndrr�prinr written run+ent. Lendrr may.:n it,�q���uirr immedialr p:iyment in I'ull ut'ull,um,.crured by i <br />��'i1{.:�; •• . - <br />,�.�, _ 1hi.Sccurity In�trumcnl. N�twevct.thi�option+h:dl not Fx cxcrrixcd by L.endcr if rrrrci�r�hihitcJ by f'eJcrul luw u.of ^ <br /> thc dutc oi Ihi.Sc.unly In�+trumrnt. r -'r�:��':_ <br /> If Lrncler ea4n:i.r.U�ic.optinn. Lcndrr�hall giv�B��rtower nmice i�l'acrrkr:uiun. Thr no�ice.hall pru�•iJr a Exriixi of' _ <br /> ' ��:. •, n�N(�ss than�(1 duy��I�v�nt Ihr dutc thc nutirr i.drlivcred�x ma�ikJ��•ilhin��•hirh B„rroarr mu,�pay b�•Ihis <br /> .�,;;; � ' S�curity Instrumrnl. II'Bum►�crr t:iil. tu puy th.,r ,uro. priur �u tlx c�pir.uion �,I'ihi,�ri�xi. LrnJcr muy invokr any �,� <br /> : ..;' ;�; rem�Jics permiu��J h�•tl►f�tiuurilv In,trumcnt Nithoul fuhhrr nntirr ix drnzand un B��rru��cr. <br /> IB. Bnrro�ver'c Riuht lo Rcin!ctutc. If Burro�cer mcra ccn:iin conJilion�. Burcu��cr,hall h:��•r �hr righi i�, hu�•r <br /> �';�i':, . rnf'onenxnl of�hi.5crurily Imlrununl di.r�mtinu�d at any tim�priur tu�hr carli.r„I: �:u�da�.�ur,urh whcr�xri�xi a� <br /> ,.'.V:�� tiinfl.l,��uil� �F'annlc\Iuc�Frcddk\Iwr l'\tFOR�I 1Vti7'Rl'�1F:V7'..I m���nn C�x.•n.un•. 4iW1 quier�,�/�/H+e�••� <br /> ,. • • ,. <br /> . � <br /> i <br /> . I ' <br /> _ �1..... . - <br /> _ _ r - - - <br />