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$®~. i7Ci~.~.a32 EXPARTDABLE MORTGAGE g2251i-•3 <br />ASSIGNMENT QF RENTS Loan No. <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Floyd F. McMullen and Catherine J. McMullen, husband and wife. <br />(hereinafter calietl the Mortgagors) in consideration of the sum of <br />Thirty Four thousand six hundred and fifty dollars and No/100--------f)ollars ($ **34 650.OOa*) <br />laairzd t+a Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and crnnvzy unto GOMMERCIAi fEDERAt SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha, <br />Nzbrasha, (hereinafter cai!ed " ommeraai"), its successors and assigns, the folowing described real estate. situated in the County ot, <br />~~ Statz of NebrasMa, to-wit: <br />---Lot Ten {10? in Bloc}: Txenty-ore {2i} in ?acker ~ Barns Second Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall Gounty, Nebraska.--- <br />TO HAVE ANO TO HOLD THE SAME, wi'm ~hz appurianances tnereuntc betanging, u~rto ofrmerc,al, its successors znd assigns, forzvzt. <br />Said Mrrtgagers hereby corenan+ w;ifi said Commertral. its sutczssrrs and assigns. that llengagors are lawfully seizetl of sartl premises, that <br />p+ey are ;,^ce him ancambrances, and !hat they wn!t t-Ue,~r karaat and d2fc~. d the brie to said premrsas against U;e lawful ciains ai a!i persarrs <br />wtao.TSdevrr. <br />Pact^,ietl- newertheiess. These .r°senis are upon ttre ioi;aw:rig canuitians: <br />Teat wAereas the said irbrtsago-s as mem~rs a# LamYzrtial na.r tfris Date zsecuted a Hain evidencing sorb ;ao ana agreeing to repay card <br />sum of money. wiL? inie;esi, rn pay;nes7fs as set faith to said note aai have agreed it abide ~ u a terns of said Hate and Charter ant By-LZws of <br />Cancaen ;a l_ <br />That w~kersas ors maria~age sha!1 ware arty ~ddrTana! advances. w'iih r~te7est, w'hiih may. at me ophm ,~t Commert~al. bz made Sy L"pn- <br />rrerna' to ttre undersigned Marigagdrs a7 wren sut~°ss:,rs m htl2 `or any purpos°. at any timz beinre the release and canceliahen at this mortgag4- <br />tart PFiOViDED. MON'fVfR at na tlr'rz shall tha aggsegafe „;incina~ amauni sezured iN this mo:igage. being the ameunt due ai any t+ne on said <br />uigtnal =ate ana any addrtianas advantes made. axceed an amannt etJual to liL pereeni of the amount ni the original note, but in na event shall <br />s=in nab exceed +he m_x+mum ama>?rt p°rsRi;ira tq raw. znd ?RDVi0fD. HOH'fVER dial nehring herein ca'atainzd sha!! be censduzp as :..^:.:bog <br />the amtvart Lhat 3tr'ail t~ secureG hereby iMan acvanczd f ,=ctett the secan;y ar in accardance with cavevnanis Gntair,etl in the ma+tgage <br />Nnw. ;f i'te said Mdrtga~errs s'~ali pay cr cause tc re n::d pre sa;c sums of Temey r'hen due. as set forth ;n said Hite, and zny ocher note tat <br />~~a; advances made su~iii sa;d ~bt ,s tu;!y paid with ,merest *hzn thz'>e presents stwll ~ r~;tl; attterx:se, to ~ and reins+n m Hill Torre and <br />2i?t'<i: ;x;t if debu!i sheep Az rude: <br />a• to ;~y at the payments N.~ an sa;d Hate. and any trier n to for additrtmai adcaaces made. as there;n agreed to bz made for three months. a <br />^ l;: kee,ing trrr improt~ments an sa+a ,rem set •nsur:a a5~a~nst ,o.s Dt rzasan nt firz. hghImrtg, aria other ha?aTtls inciueed ;n aztended <br />aaverage snsurance m an atnarnt oat its than me unpa;d Dalarcr , said martga~ laan. rn a campany er campnnies acceptable to Ot.-- <br />taer;,ia4 the ~i~nal of sigh pol,cy 3r ,tiaircies is Je hei,+, by Can nt~_ al~ ;rid w-it~ a martyage ttause ztt3c^ed t: sa,e eaLcy or pobc:es <br />rn'awrof'Csaamerlal: or <br />.. #; zhe payriietlt of axes and asess.~±s +e..ed span said prer~ses. c' on this mart; ge, rxfere rev are del:nquant ar <br />;d`. f (here is dry Grange m ;7e aw•rer*;,, of d e ?>_, esizte T,sigage_ erein, 's• sa`se. eitirer cutrgh'. ,; ro ~a;,a caeirac;. it 9v css,5 ma,,; <br />am ingest fierenn a: n?herwse: <br />lien. m arty of the chair set tarp eve-;ts. ?iu whc,e m~hix~aness Here-lr saccr~ ,ha17. at the apri~n ,,f Cammartrar_ ;.~T.ra:ate;v been°~e auo a:,c <br />'payable w~#nouT SL7hrer nelttP antl the a;;,ou~a# Due vitae: s~r-u ncYe and aav afire; note for addrt,anal advances mach snail rr.,- :he date ~,~ ne aze.c,se <br />of said rpi?or, hear irteres# a, fie maximum legs: rate per annu:° a^a +his t7a;sgage rr„y ihm be ?ureiiosed o :at,s;y 'he a~~.~-n:::. _~„ .a Hate. anC <br />any curer nn&'a' addrbanai advances, tageLo-er w.ih al+. sums ~~tl by uurrme;nal far ,nsuranca taxes assess:'!eats ;rid aastratl ez:e,~,rn cnas3.s <br />nli7 Interest ~terea: rmn the date of payment at 2ne r:az,mum lesai r3t;± <br />r^RDVsCLD era*. ;n nc. euerit. ei7Erzr '_,etdr= e :!ter aarad:i s,`!ac *.ar interest due ;,rider snip Hale and ;n,s m;,. tai as any iMzr ; to f:- aa- <br />di#ranal aavantes s:atle ezceaC ere ~,'ax:nr::rr ~awfu',:"erect ~ atz <br />r"ROVt3i€~. tu2he, that . r. fry et_rt ;n,t de`?u `. _ ' ;,7s •^ ir°e ,raxrng at :me nay. ear, ae~ an as-d :;ae _nt. _, an„ .... - s r; , <br />J4YaC,35, uS Ittere:n spited t`.• tr? ~,_.. _ -2eF, ,r, u`~e [..?rn 5•,5 ,nsarae. a5 aik',W. rr: Vi G!".?. s d.t3~,t _A' -3..f ,~ - .~, _.,: ,f .. -..x ,5 <br />;r assessr~;,te^*s ~vi>'C ,ipso t'. tree .-.....n .. a.-?~!" ..;v.,^ in's n,a:f~ga ae; r. itre: a,? ~ 3b call^,._en. ..__-- _.. >^a, 9e. -,-,_ <br />a ?ire :mnma,a#e possess; c° of nr . er~_es 3:c:r d2s.'?~:7t:d. ;~gefie: ,r;tn .. ~ r~r:s, p?acaeds a ,ss:,e> a , as _.. ~c' ..e ~r_, set _, <br />ri! iG a:3."retrD7` I14e 'ttP 7P;".' :. ?s .. dram= *.eLeSSa*s `3 ,fi.e pur a,Za .,- :malr:ns ,~,.~ ~, P.}2 p.e'!+SrS an; ore .3. _.. _ >.. ~. _. <br />ptefit;:R!S, '3xeS and 355.^5t.......,#ixU~k',,. S.rC."1 ~?£ti'.~.5£3 37 15r +If•C2SS2'y 'u~£nSPS*i;lCllrr£d v^ i¢trtlnyySa,'u 1: iJt^t5?~ 3Pd - ~.?~?, 2, ~. ,..c`r~f ~T, 3lC <br />Sw appry satree air Sara nv$ ana any J?e~3 cY,aen-.~5 tSll? adr4nt~ Sr9tElrA32,`- ~niri '.t~_ tndebiedneSS SetL'r?~d t~ T I.- ~,3, t: _ r7" SIttl t.-ryo'eS <br />th2 urrdeiSrprtNp dxs `rere'1. Spit assign Set ;•>:rr a5'u t?ASt£r unto '^k'drif2rLlai 31i rf Satu' renIS. ¢rli CreaS aria in +±+:=i iP.crvCng 3iy )3rr'u C~nlr3ii <br />;a~merrts ' 7flDri$a~= `JM^, 18r5 i!r ~Y tom, r'.'ii-J^KS :<I ~`Y !1`RP w"1825J1'Ver lraT, 9!A t''rdCs'r',4 i~ LiP a.,~+:1}v In !r;C nilIPS 3t['1V2 v25i~:"v2d, '~'I S?,d <br />'~BrRmerG:al Shai't rn 7tH rdSe br !~;c i31 #L+e tarlute ~ y~a3 ore tEnaAis t,^ Latletl taniS, et iD pmseacte achatzs ?~ iN~avet p]SESSiai: al kid zi*=T~i+S2S_ <br />The i~r#gagtlr5 furttter 3,'t~srci" ixcmz'rr=! ,ii t~'.P3na Nf£aras#,a Irta=r aIt?iiney ,n faLt_ g; v!ng card attrrney power .raise-L'at?i4' 2!thar n^::iS aN^ <br />t x A~rtgagars' aanrcs ~ take a', rtecESSar3 steps 9tr prxeedtr~s ~n ;hurt to aMerwrse to tausa Baia premises Ir x vacatad to ce''rett v~iyls <br />ar et'har rr.ssmts aye ~ when L3;,a^,t. to reset tie wine v ma%e a:, +-"asonzele ajnrrs and pay Saxes 3uI ai sa,^ rants. nrehss, iontnc*. ;=3iT.en•s :. <br />amines ~+c #u do arc seen IDtrgs !~i#fre. try ,.'S :sR:, r:tf.cers of ini rarer parties duly auHrdrr.ea ana a?}"ain?Ev' by *. as ,ts agznt _ ,..urp,se. an'; <br />to ~i(ge at sap a rr~sana47e a~ sa* aus`h sesw,4cs ail a+ the atxrvr to be rture at 5<uch times ana in suer manner ana ;n Sc=r'? ter,.^s as ^ t7te,± sa,a <br />ailaiR€y rosy' SiEl4t1 ~Sl. wr~f YW=i ?k'lwtN' , P Su:"5, hL,4r3P, <br />Tfie t~dlgaga'Sheretn, agree 7nat t yrrr •: a e.Pae .iunig'.;x ar ,rr.tunranty b~ayes ar s a'r a.a': c } > ii ~ e sing ~t;'r <br />#a #ne teerexfire 9esort7ea t.,at estate s t. t. no.;,,.ge .~ tar. artie o^ nods aiher ttan a rater ~sur ..zututau by c,..,me ~i..i- ~~figas_rs ,,ir, <br />tetmhurse ir>Bi cat asi teasanahre .asn i:,tur~•a ar %arr,Rizrl;a ~; ;r tarn sort m praceep+ng. Thr ~6t!~.oar= fu.n? ag,~e r,~ ,ne nri -y.,o;e <br />6t5L~,5L~t rear estate d7 aRy ~-» Tr7erea' t[ iW*ttie!nneo' uriik'+. IIrr ,,=tiue7 of aminanI dariwrn. ur iS atiir!rw.a2 atgL,t ~ !or a ,,~'. - ~Se ibe a .'a;~•s <br />a7~rpap: #~ PrnL#d5 iW the 7akang a?rp t;ai LRO t~~~aeraUt~, a,~ su;x ai:uisil,an t^, are ex~n*. rf she r: amar.!t :, hr ia^;a. r - p=_sd ;°debtea- <br />1rC55 ~CtRed pS' TMs W9ttga~e tie and ttrey heresy are ass,grrep . ~ CoRraert,a! and ihail be pars iartriw;in io C.ammerciai to az app~red n ?~ :nt _: <br />~l~tmaanta t rs as suet =::ttrets#adstess <br />Thtec #Irrs ~ ~ cr. Iiarch _c ~ 90 <br />- _ __ ~ <br />TaE PRfS~tCf 01-. _- - - -' - -- <br />Fl~yd F. McMullen <br />S7A-i'fOf911<9RA3'KA Catherine J. McMullen <br />ss. <br />CfriiNTYi3f HALL ----- -------------------- <br />Drr (iris _ !~_ pay of .___ Maw-.-_-- - l~p _ . r,Kiore ne. ; notary public r. ana far saiu County, personally came <br />the abaue named <br />Floyd F. IicMraiien sad Catharine J. McMullen, husband and wife. <br />3a rec exil kaawn ~b ba #tre id&nticai permn or persans Nftese name rs ci names are affixed rn foe aiKrve mortgage as grantor or granhors sro mey he <br />at she, severatty exeeu6on +~seaf, to be shear v¢I;:,targ apt arrC dead. <br />l~Ill#~M~/'*flYil#t1lYlulb <br />i9fTNESSc;y ~ 7avewr:t(en. ~~~~~1!!r ~ <br />~~ r=,~~rs~~ fx~,re5 an ~'e ash ~ of ~9~~i ~ ,.~ ~ -_ <br />