— � _ _
<br /> � - �
<br /> :�,.�,_
<br /> � �,�iy �Ua''"�I 4�:�
<br /> : � 7. Probct�a++ ot L�nder'�Hi�hes In N+�Prap�rty. w owrcw.r i.rr eo c»noom a,. caMw+�w .r,e aar«�rna
<br /> � CpnOaM+rd In MI�SrGxitY haMw�4 or thi�'�M�l M�sl Pto�oN�iY�Q tIW aY�Y WiWfCanW �M�C!4n�If�riphb M MM1 WOt�Y I� a�
<br /> � o wr;,:;.�-a In e:.�krt..�-xr.v��.�a condwMMbn a�awww a a «�w++o��wc or n0uwb++il�aw+L.�naa em�y do .nd pay +a
<br /> I whNwr 1t n�onYN t0 P�oMc1 tlN�aW of f1w Wq-�3Y �Lw�+Mw'a r''rhia t� d►�Prop�tY. l.�+d�r YciiaM n�iY �W1+d�P+Y�'h7
<br /> I snY sum� Mcutid bY � iln whloh Asr prbrtY au�r MI�5�cw�b In�M�nw�k�GOr►YW in oaxt.P�Yi�p��zabii .tWrnaY�a tw4 wu!
<br /> 1 �nwt,o on a»P+oo�sr a n�•�a+}*• ��+«+a+���,�•y aica�oaon uruw aw o+►w+�o+►�.i.�naK eow noe ne�s to ao w.
<br /> My �n0ix►b di�bWNd Dy l.�ndK unWt iflY prnpropA 7 sl�11 b�COm� �dd�bna� drbt Of BO�TOV�x MCUhd dy tlNt S�+�bl
<br /> h�wnNnt. Urw�� Bonow�r �u►d l�r �piw eo ct+rar waM ot payaw+t, tnw �rt�o�r+W s1+�1► bNr hw+st w�► tM dua at
<br /> di�bu��w�wu at t1w Na�r�Rnd�!u!1 ba pay�bl�.wRA �'►1�nt4�notla lrom I.�ndrr to 6af+or+�r-.yu::i.`�,�y'�r•:�•:.
<br /> �. YO�i Ii1W1'iqCa. i! L�td�r �sq�+k�d n�c+etp�0� Ynuf�tia u � Conditbn of n�ictW !M bN s�GU�d by th�
<br /> SietuMyt Insbt+min4 BOROw�t MaY WY � A+'�+��Q�+��o mabtaM tiN matpWP i�+� L� itl�Gt- k� 11x arty nioon. tM
<br /> ' , mat,rQ�tuixanCa cov�p� n4�1nd DY L�►dM rP�M ar oMwt to D� h�NrCi.Barowrr ah� WY�P�'r��n4�+���►
<br /> sowr'p� subst+�nttal�► �quANMnt W M� nwrtOW� h�r�a P+�y ti �Cf. �t � co�t wDttir►ti1W �lusl�nt W ttw Cos! to
<br /> � Barow�t W tA� mat0�0� �� P�+�y N �et, kom �n �MnW mat0�po r'+surr �PP�� bY ��. R subtt�nW�y
<br /> p�►,yJ�n� rtqrtp�p�fnaur�oowr� 4 not aMaYbM� Barowr shal WY W L�ndM Meh month�swe�Wwl to on�NwNRl1 of th�
<br /> I yMry matD�O�►�+ur�nq Dt'�+m�W�d CY Barow�r wrMn th�Insur�cavenpe I�Ds�d or ca�wd W b In Nf�ct. UndK w�
<br /> � �CC�pt, t�s�rtd r�+ tAM� PaY� �t Y bt� hslnN h f1u W nw�10�� h�++r�� Loa n�Mw P4Y�� �Y � �OK a
<br /> .1 �yut�d, at et�o(StJut+ d L�ndM. R nwrlpKi�„Mxanc�cowr� (In th��nowd �nd tor tM p�riod th�t Wnctot nquY�s) Dro'vkMd DY
<br /> � �n MurK �pp�owd by L�ndrt �pw+ b�conw avaN�bM Mx! Is obt�in�d. Botro�wu sh�1 WY eM Pnmk+m� nqui�d io ��ii:w:.y
<br /> ,5e tpc�,� inwtana h MIO� Or Lo OrovkM � b�i tMMV�ue�ttN�qursnw+t ta mafp�D�Ytwr�na �uJs b aCCOrdY�w!h any
<br /> .� wt�Yrt�p�nwtq b�twraa Bortow�r�nd Land�r or�ppicaQit Wr.
<br /> , S. i��aLSD'w7. Lxldat Ot RL a�rs! ts�y ttyk� r�aM�bi��ntriw upon md M�Ctbns of ttM i�ropl�h�. L�nd�t slwl pi�
<br /> 9arowir Roifo��t th�tMM ot or prior to�n htp�edon t�c�wuaMb�owM fOr tM hap�'.tion.
<br /> 1O. CondN�fl�t�011. 7tw proc�s ot anY �waro or ci�tn br d�. d�nct or conwqwr►WI, „ cau»ction w#h �ny
<br /> ��a an..nkr�o a u►y v.n a en.aoaonr.or fot COnvsYY�o�h Yw Of Cond�tfon,w AM�y assl�/wd�t�d aAtr b�
<br />- wra w�-
<br />- a,�+..w�+e a. mw �o c�a+��ri•aa wvo.a�c �e..aa+w eo a+. su�+w ..c�ar w. s�a+�rr w,s�«►�,
<br />_ wh�thM or not Nw duw w�A u►y M�s P�lO�n Botrowrr. li� ih�w�nt W� pYtW Wcl+p 01 tM PtopwtY M whiCh t!w O�M m�rfc�t
<br />_� vr1N W th� P►a�ty' rtiawdiiMi�► bMot� th�tikNC 4 p�+�:Er� ot 9rorly dun tlw �maru of 1M sunM slCUnd by Mit S1cu�Y
<br /> Intfrum�n! i�a�ciklld!► Oo10��th� fak�rq. un�Ma 6�a'ow�r�"x5 L��otlarwi�a�P'w U wrMfiO. tiw wnw slCwsd by thia S�au1H
<br /> ' kr9oer�nt s!W�t�di�d by th� Mnount a!tllt W�'�^R.'�� bY � �'� �^: Uy tfM Eobl Mepunt d Hw�umt
<br /> � f�awwd bM�ydWMY bMa�ttM faklnQ. dArid�d�Y (4)tAs iir eoidkM v�w W tlsa Pnop�tY kenydi�Mh bMas!h� qkitip. My btW�a
<br />�� s��ro a v�w soa+�wr. w+n,..wnc a. a�e�e c�:+•�r ti wnen n+.wr a,.n�«wr,.a w woa«h�►�,m.er�►,r
<br />-= b�ior�th�Lukin¢il Yaa th�n th��notr►t of Aw sa�+t s� t�di�fM! bMon tlw takhC.urU�a Botrav�wr�rui I.�ndu ofh�rwtu
<br />_� �PM b wrRi�, ar wflNi �PP�� iaw otMrwW D�a+�.� P�� s� a �PP� W tlw summ �ICUnd by this S�CUrb
<br />._� iwfee�M v�r or noi tlM MteeN�tlMn d�.
<br /> �r tl+�PneV�y 1��b�do�wd by Bortowr.or M�afMr netiw�?r�eulrr b 3ortow�►th�t fA�r.ondrnnor olNr�to rtrka�n aw�M a
<br />_i s�a cWn�ia cl�a+�OM, Bono�wK UU to n�pond to l�r+►�9t?daYs�Mr th�dM�tlM notia i�piw�►, L�nd�r k rMort�d
<br /> � Lo oorC3�tb sPFAf�P�'��•�t ks opGoA,Ws�r Eo a�oa�4�a�ot w�'s o�th�Prop�rW or to U»sutna aCUCrd by this S�aritY
<br />-- IM�MK.wlwlAre cc e�ol tlwn dM.
<br />--= I.MMss Lsnd�r rad 8arow�r otlMtwiN q��e�wltlp�, �aPpr�^�P���m Pr��shY aot r0�nd or palppy tA�
<br />—� du�d�M W th��naMAM WY���MAd to h p�a�+s t�2 or alw+p�tM�nqura ot such Pa�-
<br />:-� 11. 9or►�owar Not R�tetMd:ForbNtY�c� 8�p F.�adK NoR a Waiwr. E,omsbn o� tn. tYn ta pa�n�c o►
<br />_= w�err�e.�iew d aMOitl�lfon d u+..us..�a+�.a br aw s�axb In.ln�rK pranMd br L.�ndr w.ny woass«b i+Mr�a a eoROw�r
<br /> - ah�noe oo«.0 w �.i�c.eh.i�r o�tl+�a�ipt+v sorto,�r ar eoir�ow�s woo«sas b inMiwc L�nd�r�A�1 nae a tiqt�Mw eo
<br /> � oonra�no�prooMdinps�p�h�t�nY�++��In M+�t or n1is�to�b drtN br P�YnwN or otlwrvrW wadiryl�of tll�
<br /> - sums s�ax�d h► this &curly► Inttrua�nt aY r�on of �ny dM�nd n� by th� oripNal Bon+owr a Barowws scioo�aras N
<br /> - �.Mr+cabwa��p br L�nd�„�w'cwrw r+r roht a�o.�jr u+dl not a.wa�ar a or pncwd.u+.w.+cy.a�ny dpNC or
<br /> � SL{CC�MOfi�Ifd AMiDeM BOY�Idi J0111t Mld S�Y�f�l U�WIy: GO'M011�f�. 71M oov�wnit ub
<br /> .a..�w a u�.s.ar�y � ,n.� a�a .�,a w�+Ne a�.woo...o� .�a ...q�. a� wd eoR�ow«. +++�.a a a�.
<br /> pr�vi�qns W pra�pA/7. BoROw�s Coww� Y�d aP���hY b�joiM�nd s�M�r�l.My Bortowa�rbo c�ipns this&c+rtlr
<br />— In�fax�MK bu! 60M nol wq+n fh� NoMc (a) Ia Cosl�/iNp Wi1 S�c�MlY kntr1� oM► fo ma10� ��• � �� �
<br /> Boecor�s tM�t b tM Proprtp wsdir ttN Mnas of tl+ta S�ew#y h�tru�N)��P«+����d to RrY tl+�cwas��nd
<br /> trp tl�oi� bl�urty � �! f�)�'� 1h+! L��Orr �nd�► ofhK Barow�r eny �p�r to rOmd. aad�N� fa0wr ar mro� �nY
<br /> �odWons w1A nprd w t�rea�o�tl+ts S�axly bstru�n�R or 1M NoM wihout tA�t eortow�s canwK.
<br /> 18. LOrI Chr�M. R fM fo�n s�cuwd bY Mb S�axlY I�utrunrn!i� K�bw.t to�I�w which s�s m�dnr+tn fo�n ehMO�.
<br /> = acr�tMt lar is Irs.y hww.Md .o tlw u�.r+Mw�t o.atNr wM+ on.rq�s coycl� or Eo a cowc�w in eaw+�ation wlln a+. w�+
<br />—_ .nad a»v«� �e, n+m: (a)any wai�o.n cnaepN�1au e.ne,ew br tt�,. ana�.+�n.e�wr oo ha�o.tns c�rp�to eh.
<br /> _" o�a�.nd ro�«�r•�•at..�cora.a rnm earo,�..w+ud+ .�c..a.a o.�,�w.a�w.e.�.w�d�a m so��... �.�a�r
<br />--= a�s�aoo..m�. w. �.wnd br �.a�,er+o en.a�+�c�v.i aY.a una.r aw Na. a e�r�.�rw •dwa v�r�u� eonow.r. a•
<br />'���- n�ysd ndue�s p�rie�al,tA��d�wtion w1 W trM�d u a p�rtW P�'�P�Y�w��Y P�WY��un0�th�NoM.
<br /> �4. Moliaa �nr na�o.eo eoa�owr aowa.a�h nus s.cur�►hstru�+�+c sn�a o�+br �„o �a br ma�w �er
<br />:.:�� A�ec d�s nr/w�Mss �ODr�iw a4+�w uw a�nothu n�Niwd. YM notky th�b�dhai�d to th� Piop�b Add�s�or rri►
<br />-�� 0lAaF�dd�ss BOeOwr d�slpnYw bY noflc�l0 4t�r. My nOfIC�b LMida sfW b�pMn4 OI►wnt C(as m1� lo LM1dM's �ddnM�
<br /> ..gf s1Yb hM�h a�rry aUwr add�as L�1d�r d�tipiMlN by noltot b Bar�owM. AnY ia�io�Di'�d tot b Wis Sw+rb Ins.'n�enrr sIW
<br /> b�dwMd b 1�bMn pMn to BortnrN�r ot C�d�r wfwn pirM�a p�ovkMd N d�is P�rapraph.
<br />�� 16, �N1f0 Lilllf;S�Y�fibiibl�: 1'IUS S�ourty Inslnreiw�t sAd b� Qowrnd bY i�d�r8 law �tb th� larr ol the
<br /> ,j �on b whte�eA.P�ov«ty i�iocaf�d. in rh.w«u Nw.ny prwiclon or ct�wa a tht.s.aat�r t�s�s� «tl,s r+o1.co�w�cls
<br /> = wwtt .vv�.br i..►. s�n oon�a a+.i�a.Ma oa+K wvwao�s a w.s.ou�e�► �s*+,�c o� n�. Ha.wn� an be o� •s•�
<br />'::� �ho�ih��a�OlUip Provlsion. To tAL�nd tA�Prov(�bm a lhi�S�c�+rtY iwtun�nt and 11+�NoM n d�d to b�sw�nbb.
<br /> -- 1i. BoR�ow�r's Copy. eon�sh�b�y�+ on�oon�ornMd wpy►o�tfw/�loM ane o1 tla�S�a,r�r�nskun�nt.
<br />.� 17.Tr��K of 1tN Property or�BenMeW NlarNt In BorrowK. a Y a .r+�► P� 01 tn. �ov�rey a r+r
<br /> `�. IrW�Kt b R t� �oid or M�r+N�r�d(or M a b�nNicW UMM�t h 8artow�r k soid or lransiMnd�n0 Boabw�r Y not a ntl�xfl PKSOn)
<br /> �_.�� wiAout L�MW�fo P���^can�M.L�r�n�sy.�t b aplbn. �4�Ymrdf�n WYn�K N 1W M d s�rns wcund by tAls S�arlY
<br /> -- irNbwaml.Fia+r�wr.thU oPlbn sIW s�ot b��tcWd�ll L+�id�r 1�CW b prohbyd GY t�d�r�i�w�t W Ih�d�M of Mit S�e�xtY
<br /> MM1n�11MM.
<br /> w lana�r.�ts.s tl+is ow�.�r�d�.shu pb.6«rawr notle�a.eowr.tlon.nu nutlo.s+W poi+id��a«tod a�,oe ws aw�
<br /> 30 daya Uom fh�dM�d» nofio� f� d�/rMrd or art�d wlhin wlBCh tl�s Borraw�t n�ut pay U s�xn� uf.tix�d bY tlus S�ar#Y
<br /> Inqru�nt.li 8orcosrK 1Yt t0 P�Y 1Mw s+�y pAOr to ttN�iration W tlN�patod.L�nd�r r�y hvok��nY nm�dW pMmlo�d bY Ws
<br /> � 6rqrih►�w�l101�1�x11Nr nOtio�Or d�m�nd q1 BoaOw�r- F•rw��No
<br /> f� Ftoif,�lp(y�i) ►y.a o�s
<br /> d
<br /> �
<br /> I �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />