fit}-. ~;~~.
<br />Ml?RTGAGE LOAN NtT. L 23.693
<br />[a~6WAILMENBYTHFS~PRESFNTS:That Ronald D. IJestphalen and Darlene E. Westpha]en, each in
<br />his and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or trwtt, in corrsideratian of the strm of
<br />Forty-four Thausand and No/IOG---------------------------------------------------- poLLARs
<br />lamed to said taortyrgor by The Egvitabk Bxrilding attd Loan Asscriation of Grand istaed, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upor, 444 sham ~f stock of
<br />said ASSO('fA170N, Certificate Na. L 23,693 , du hereby greet, convey and mortgage onto the said ASSDCIA`(lON the Colbwieg
<br />drsutbed real estate, sitstateai in ball Cotmty, Nebraska:
<br />COl3idTY, NEBRASKA.
<br />tascthea vrak a8 the tenrnsrnu, bereditaeucris m'sd a~urrrtoanxs thcrtun:o briateAing, irrcludirtg attached tlax wverings, ail wtitrdaw stxeerts,
<br />window s>>ade>~ LSmds, warm wvui<iws, awytirtgs, hutitrg, air avtditisvrin~, and },}-umbirtg and wsttr egrupmrnt and acsssories itrreto. Ptrmpa, staves,
<br />refrigtators, a~ aahG finnra area tgnipmeni new er hereafter attacirrd to tt rani in «inrxectirtn wtith said real estate-
<br />A'Bd whaas tax said rrscatgagax has agrer3 and dots hereby sgrce riot Ear nmrt_ragsar shall and will lray stl taxes and assesaments k.iai or
<br />r> npun said prtrseas and t,pao 8tis marts;igr aa.t thr band srlured ihcrebr Mfart the ame saral3 brtvroe debnyuent: w ftrrauit apprstved
<br />ia~or ~~ tlu tstaktieys oe sod prcininrs situated in t h.• sum of S 4it ,ODD. DD pay~abk ra ,aid ASSiX'tATICSN srtd w drlrm to said
<br />ASSflClA770N alx pnfrries fax said ~*n, *~; :and n..t to wtnmit x lrmnz nay waste un ix about stid {ucntrses:
<br />la as ~ drfautt ie tM petinrmasw-e of ~y crf itu terrtts and tttrultiinrts of rhis rna*tgage ur thr 'end severed hcrtbt, tPre xtrurtgaEet sda0,
<br />mm deasmd, be esstirltxt to ae9uduie pusyesar¢s of tix etsartgaFesi premrsrs and the trxm~.x hrrhy asagns. rrarrsfrrs and ,rrs aver to ttu
<br /> aB rdu rrsus, tx+eatrres rand iucx,vte to tx derivird from the rr+crtgag=d p,rxnisrs dr.iuR su.,: tt euru a rhr tnwtga~t ttnietrredtrss shall rerrain
<br />mrptd; and the mmi{,ttawe sltatl have thr paver to app~snt env abetrr sx agents a rtey dtsine fur thr pwpasx of ttepairxng said prttetfes and m:trng
<br />the ame and asHretag xhr rrnes, -r>Crtucs and m~xurr. and ii matt pay ant of nerd rtrcarnr a!i ccprsars ai repainrtg card prtr;riaes a.~d racessaey
<br />- nut ea7wsses rnyurrtl in rtnting nerd managsng sarrx uua .ri mlk King morals riurefram: tlx balatrtr rtrrtairtirrR, rf any, a bt
<br />towed tlae drss3tu¢t .d said xnstrt_eage inrkbtednras; these righw of xfx awrtcaryet essay br rstrcisrd at xny ttesr dsrrtrtg the exmerax af€ wch
<br />+keandi, areapecsive cH any tert~zytruary vrznsr of the Mme
<br />Ylenr Prvnrst~ huwtwn, art rrixrtt i~r C,*ntit,,:ar, That sf the sand iti?rtgag~v .ira21 ¢rpay scud lean an .x td'.ve the mazsny of sod hates by
<br />pgfaom; pay tmathty to nerd .~S~k`l.i]lON of *_;tr gnat spa.-ifsrd rn ibr Band srxirai hacbi as tnu:rst atxi pciw-rpal un said iwn, an cx befusr
<br />the Txtatietl+ day rd eat atsd evcsy toonih, rand and 9nan is fully pod; pa}~ all casts acrd xaassraent; kvrtd a5aiest sod premises en+t nos this Muttpg
<br />a.d tt!tr Hmd aaa$ed therdry, orfvrt dtImqueecy _ fmnratt :,~ .M,,,,,~,,. rrpc,a ttx twrkiatss tbettan m tl>e :mn of s 44 , D40. DD payable
<br />m aid ASSQL9d-TIflN; xgev to said ASSiY'1.liTlL3N tgttm drnrarsd ail teunt± by a pad far suers rases, assessmtnis and incur:rue with iattmt ai
<br />tie t it~a4 rata ifxrtxxn frtnr dart .d payment al: of wanrw't'; )lrnrg~x lrerobv green zn pay: peszrrn sm waste scar aid prtmises:keep aad s'amNY
<br />wit aH ilae matt rue' xr:~:tf tbt li, fx s 4$ ,DDO DD v~ nay ~ rtx ss,d 8i,~rtgagtx >~ mid ~sscx°tATtL~N, and y
<br /> >it ntr tegtme~emt tt ttre ct,~tta, anal 9t'-t~wt of ad ASSti<`lATiQ'i: thrn that prrsmu aisan irtx,mr nuu and yard, cstherwisr stet'
<br />slut m ford 3vsx zed mty be fartdo~md ar the atn,.ur ..f xhe sand :~S"SiX'IATtON atitr iailars far thtte mrmths to mike any of slid
<br />puyasaasx or tst iilave ttrr.'ttht m arrrats m reakioE; sad nanathiy p~avments.. zx to krep and cxrntply wsffi rise agretmrnts attd mrrdiiians of said Bond:
<br />awl titstprgaa ges+es ins 3wve a reax,,,ea aptssrrrsrtxl i.rth+ssth m se,cn fwrci.uwt ~:.wceditiRs-
<br />if ~ s mtz' in iswsaxsirtp sN" Itr rtal esiatr mw3gaged tute~m, !+y salr ,x othrtwrae, ttszn the setitt reeuoriag iedeluedsxas hereby
<br />setaraed . at :be ~~ of Ttu Equnabk B and Lean Atatoaaauon as taatd tr~rta,!~eMehraala, brxx~ax imteea9uty due trod payshk witfts,w
<br />moor„ awl tilt aataans2 rrowiniasg dru under rand txtnd, turd am~ +nhrr bitrad fns any tdditicxW advarxxs resale thneuade:,shag, from the
<br />~ of ssmrrsac :sf sod aptina., txx setertsa ar t kx raurrnum igpd tart, turd this tixxigge may tttae tse fosednani to sati$y iti! asttamt dtu m said
<br />>wasd,tted ary ttihtx ~atod fns adtlal ssdaaers. r„isr+faet wAh aB snots pod by and 71ie Fquitabk Hta~ and Lwe Lmastioe of Gratz) isiurd,
<br />IfsYsa~a for sewraess, trtras red aaarmema, aed abettaetsrg raasasciotr drugs, with finer€ea thetana, ftssm rhte of paynrnt tt the tveai®um
<br />ttepi ante
<br />As m tix Hung aeonsed lserehy, while rim tasatgagt r irr effect tau aso:tr„e~+r may +xtu#tct a$vattct tdditisi®1 sums to the
<br />ass4sa - sad 9taod„ tisr~ aaagts or vtrcer:9esrs m ietersst, which stems shall he within tht axvrity rrf' this tuaetgage the saint tt rise fuels origimity
<br />aaemrsd tom', t8e total atacamt of prioapal drM tau w txar+ed at aoy xime the <xtginat smotmr of this mortgage.
<br />Hraddes jf~jf. daY~ ~al^;:h l.i).,14~
<br />13ara,ene ~_ ~esx~lhalen
<br />str~t~a-sisA, ~ cir tlria 19th . da_v of March 1984 , befnro ra,
<br />the muttmd, a Notary Public ~ axd tar sad County, prrsoriafiy eattu
<br />#~latd II_ Westpilalen and Idartene E. kestphalen, each in ??is and her own right~~anvd~as
<br />sptwse of eadt atfter ; whO are keawn to
<br />r®e ~ be ~ i psxme 5 t rtatnes are afllxtd to the aixagi~~.....~..,~.. rnartgagor s and they seserapy
<br />rise >~ Fatniaetmt w be their Ra~wwy net and deed- ,- J
<br />~IT>L'SS my hsed zed Notaial5nl ~ dart afartraid. ` ,t
<br />aasaab ~j,-~_- / ~ , ~Vl Q~e,~,:- ~GENEP~AL HO'ARy-sta,e of tiebr Public
<br />ff//"~~GG" !/ f i~ JAMES tN. CLSON
<br />Via- My Comm. E, p, Nev. 12,1983
<br />