<br />FaaM No. 720-474
<br />L~®~ Loan Number_ 44387___- 19___-_1___
<br />~~~ ~®~ M O R T G A G E
<br />THIS'~iORTGAGE, made and executed this ..__-_1 ~._ ... -_.-__ day of _.-~~ot r..<-.~_...._..._- A.I).,
<br />19...~~-, behveen the Mortgagor, R-~lph-.A, -2dxs.7.a and..Gteriskina H. -2avala,..hushand.and..Wife,
<br />j ointhy -and--each - in_, their, _ otru--right...-----• _-• -------.-------.
<br />of -,wood Riygr- - -..._ -, County of _--.-Hall..---.-- - -, State of . Neb>naska -. ,hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Borrower, and the _liortgagee, FIRST FuDER.1L SA\ I\GS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />LINCOLN, 1°:35 "~" Street, Lintroin, Nebraska C~Spl, its succ'eswr~ and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br />as Lender.
<br />R'zrxAErtt: That the said Barmw•er iar and in cronsideratian of the sum of EIGI3T.-Tt10U5ANi1,-ANTI
<br />NflI1tHf-----~_-~.------------------_-`--Dollars (L?S S_. B.,~OO.QO ............._ _}
<br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage. grant and rnnvec to Lender, its surcessars and assigns; the
<br />folkta^ing described property located in the County of - ...Aall __._......-._ ,State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot flue (i), Block Four (5}, of Ghamberlin`s Addition to the Village of
<br />Wood River, Hall Gounty, Nebraska, excepting the West Seven feet (W7 `} of Lot
<br />uzze ii) Biiw F.~tr :=} rl:aa:>wrlia's A_~ditiitn deeded to the State of
<br />Nebraska in deed recorded in Book 119, Page 367 of the Deed Records of
<br />Hail County, Nebraska
<br />Ttx:Era€s with all tae improvements Haw ar hereafter erected on the property, and nit easements,
<br />rights, appur#tanances. grata, rttvalties, mineral, ail and gas rights and profits, water, water rights. and
<br />water dock, and all fzztures nnw- at heron#ter attached to the property, all of which, including replare-
<br />taen#s and additions thereto, shall be deemed to he and mmain a part of the properly rnvered by this
<br />A4ortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said ptnperfy Ior the leasrhald estate in the event this
<br />hiortgarae LS on a leaaeltaldl are herein retorted to as the "Pmpertt".
<br />$ornrwer covenant ih~at Borrower is law-#ully seised of the estate hernby ram'eyed and has the right
<br />ro mortgage, grant and cottvec the Pzttperrv, that the Propem• is unentvtnkx~red, and that Borrower will
<br />warrant and defend generally the rifle to t#te Property against all ckzims and zlemands, subject to any
<br />es_sement~ and restrictions listed in s ~hedytle of exceptions to coverage in an~° title insurances palicr in-
<br />strring Lender's intertj-t in the I'ropt-a2>•. ar i?1 attarrzec s opinion of title from aii-trn •t of title crriified
<br />by lmnded sl>_stracter.
<br />Paovtttt:n ?:ingots, and zlt$se prr=.ents are eaecctted and delivered upon the Eallanzng conditions. agree-
<br />ments and ttbiigations a# zhr Bttrraw~r, to-a-it,
<br />Tice Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender. ar order, the principal sum of EIG.yT '1'~1QLT$eL'ty AiLt;
<br />Ni.1Jlw--- -- ---_-- ------I3ollar it'S a S,t10fl.OQ )
<br />paFable as provided in s Hate esecutt~l arsti delivt>trd, ~mvtzrnth• ltrren'ith. the final payment ai principal,
<br />if riot. sortnt7 paid, ort the .First... .. da> of ~pri3 19 Bw
<br />t~~tr~ar CtnratAxtw. I3orraw~ and L~der mvenani and agree as follows:
<br />L Payat~t d asd fntor$at. Bcxmtwrr shall promptly pay wharf due the principal of and in-
<br />ttaest an tiro iadtdttedtrt.;s es~ideixnd by t'ne Noie, prepayment and late charge6 a, provided in the tiara,
<br />and tare principal of wad int3ered ar, any Future Advarttss setvred b}• this ~lurtgage.
<br />2 Frasda ~ Taaes raid Ittsur~se- Suhfert to ixnder`s option under paragraph; l and ~ her<-af, $ar-
<br />rot-~ sttsll pay to Fader tea rite day monthly installment. of principal and irztetest are pa}-able under the
<br />Nona, tmtil tare Note i9 paw in full, a a'frm therm "Funds"1 e4ual to one-tveifth of the yearn- tones and
<br />assee+smarts w-hit'fr mat attain prutriit over #his \farcgage, and ground rents an the Property- i[ any plus
<br />otta-t~w~ftit of gently pt~xnitsm installments iar hazard insurance, plot one-twelfth of y~earlt premium m-
<br />=°--- °-'~s fm• taortgale at~rance, if any, all as tea-anablt es>imated ini#iallv and from #ime to time by
<br />Lzmder tat the basis of a~tts arui 1ri1Ls and reascetrtaltle estimates thereof. bender shall apply the Fund,
<br />tm }tat said taros, assts, iastssarrr premittrns and ground rents. Lender =hall ntake no charge for ~t
<br />wad ap.~yiag the Furrds or verifiing and compiling said as;E,ssntents and hills. The Lender shall
<br />Sine to ~ Sotnarcer, icit3toat cftarge, as aartual arcatmting of the Funds showing rredi*_s and debts to the
<br />Fntxia and tfte ptup~e htr w•}rich each debit is the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional
<br />aecuritp fvr ilre soma aecurnd by this _Liortgage. The Borrower agrees that the Funds may he held by the
<br />; wad atrmmir~led t~rith oiltes funds and the Lender's own funds and the Lender ma}• pay such items
<br />ftgm its t~cn funds and the Leudta• shall nat. be Gable #or interest or dividends an such Funds.
<br />If the amount of the funds 1 by I.atdea, together with the future monthly installments of Funds
<br />payable pr'tur to the due ti$t~ ttf tares, aenta. insurance premiums and ground tents, shall exceed
<br />amount required to pay said razes, assessments, insurance pretnitrtrts and ground rents as they fail due.
<br />strrlt ezatass aball be, at BorTOwer's option, erthet promptly r'e'paid to Borrower or credited #o Borrower an
<br />montkdy insta~Ilmeate of Funds. if the amount of tits Ftmds held by Lender shall Hat #te sufficient to pay
<br />fazes, insurance premiums and ground teat as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender
<br />nay a>aotmt neeet~ary to nta3ce trg tare deHCiency within thirty days a#ter nonce from Lender to $orrcwer
<br />requestsag pat-ment thereof, or Borrower shall, by an increase in monthly instaAments of Funds retuired,
<br />relmg the defideacy within the Fund acratmting period.
<br />1/poa pa}~tnettt in full of all sums secured by Utis kfortgage, Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit.
<br />against all suttts due.
<br />