~o- ~~.~
<br />dN! O R ~" G ~- ~ E
<br />Thislndenture,Madebyandbetween _.A7,C~3~S...GF'-(~?A,IVD.Z,S.T.~F~lVD:_ ING.... ._ -.-.
<br />...._.__..._..___._.......___._......_.....__... ....._.......__ .. ._ whether ono or mareheremafterreferredtoaemortgagor
<br />and ~ OVE'12IAND NATICNAI, BANK t~F GRAND ISLAi~ID, _;rarlc~ Island. Nebraska, hereinafter refexTed
<br />tc as Bank
<br />'Ih¢Martgsgorforandimm~sid~atianoftS....30.,Q00.Q0.1 --- .. - - --. -'-'""-"'-
<br />~RZY ~ AND NO 00-----......__... . __ _. -__....__.. _ _ __.... DOLIa0.RS.paidbythebank,
<br />the zacxiirt whereof is hereby admawledged- has granted, batgamed, sold and conveyed, and by the preaettta, does grant,
<br />bargain, sell and ranveY, unto said bank. the folla.4^it>,e described era! property situsted in the Caunty of - ... _.. Hal l
<br />a~ 9tat~ of tiebraaka, W-uit
<br />Lots Tao t2? , Three ~3) , and Four ~4? in Block One (1) . Brentwoa3 ~ivisitst,
<br />in the GYty of GY3TY3 Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />tager2rer Pith all the tenements, he.-~iitaments and anpnrteran. e, ;o *.he sanse Ala:+.ging, and s17 the estate, title, claims and
<br />demands wltatsnecer rf the n:ort.~-a}mr u'. i^ :,r to said p-em:=es ;~r aac Harz. t?:orraf: a^.d wid mortgagor does hereby car•-
<br />ertant. Lhat the mortgacnr is law-fttt? seizei of said , remises, :Hat sat<i p*emi:.-s a free Tram ineumbrance and mor'.gagor
<br />viii warrant and defet+d *_he tit?e to slid pry-min=_-s ..ga:~7st the r3aim: sn,i demaa is no: si! persons tti•iromsoecer.
<br />I'$OYID£D ALtI'A] S, and then p:eserts arc up.: r, tnese c, nntta~.-.rs:
<br />R~s,..;~:~. .~ ~q.a-;. h~ sz-~~,~ ~ --, spa ,a~ii~-r..,:a :., ii~= 3land __._. __ _ . ............. . ....... _- ...._ Fromisaaarc note
<br />t;ft _,._- _ ------_-- - a oertaln
<br />dated l0, 1980, for 530,000,00 at an interest rate o£ 17.08, to mature June 9, 1980.
<br />aad 3tas agreed tr tuaiataia fire, a~indstsrm and _~ctendea e~~'er:.t", ;rsursnce c~n ssid , rem„ces i^. amounts re9uirad and in
<br />cam}ranies apptviced by rte ?^ank ami :rit}, s;andar:'_ n::~r.~aee cls~<es ~: l::ch xicies shall hr aelicrmd to the hank, and has
<br />agzexv3 tc: pay alI rues xrd r-.-sea-meats rri~-d aga=^=>_ sa:r. p-ter.=lsea c~ei -.re t:^.o =xme 1-.ea=axe cle3inquzat and io maintain said
<br />premises.
<br />\aw, ttzer+rfsare. of t3rc nwrtsBg.~r sh.r: rom,'.y n~::n ai:: ` :he nnx ;slurs of : ~:u auto and ti:e pr'acisions hereof, then
<br />ibeme preseau sha11 to null and t-:ud.
<br />I3aates~r. ?# the atasre sore sad intere=t ::^_erec,^. ~.r ~r.~~ ; wcmrn*.s :sltd i, r -.he~~i. •e are not paid ~c-hen woe or if any
<br />of t2re mj~e-trams trf this insixv.'arnt. are n:,t ,-c,nm;.rv r;t^. ti..~ iaai:. v t^.e h,=i i~-: hen-:~=. a :ts op'zan :ear d~a care t}:e re-
<br />taainist8'+'*+3aacvr of said indebtedurss cue s;;c ,,arai,l,.• sr~ ,::ac !na:ntai^ s^. a, ti:.- at ;su :_- in r~ait)~ t.+ r.-,..cer all amounts
<br />dae and earfarce tl!ee praeisiaas her<x1#. In tro e .^nt :;i t,^e :ai)ure c,f nxartn'nt;ar •- ±:>air.2ain the prrmisrs. „r ts. mamtair.
<br />iatwrae.•~ sv is abate pn.cided far, ar us pay ta';es c;r r~sessments, the l:.,i.;er t~reo: may adranre the sum oz sums necessary
<br />te® ebt:ia zamp;iauce and sure amoums >}:a17 }u added tc thc- smautr due t,n the ah.ce mentianed notz and tear interest ai
<br />aM bf~est }egai rate.
<br />IT IS ;ci78SIr~$ AGREED. ticis atcrtiw ge _ti^.ai2 ennGti*.ute naa,i,~, her:~f. that t?:is m,~ngaga is ce.uritp far vat only
<br />ibe imaDtn>t adxmnced ranctr-'r~cavy a-izh t*e rxerutiun ne:~,ri eat a3 .atura adrar.:es a~}urh mac i+e nts,ie~ st the optian of the
<br />~-SiaS ar r?ssir ss>igzis up tai *_i= Lts. anwaant state: ^ t}s n:origat;e~, to the sanse extent as adcaaces :=nginalle made herz-
<br />tmder- Flartt3ur ant3ee is i~^rbS gicrn Lost tl;e tense of .ach \fx~rt~;wge lore :^.clu,+.in.~ tee iatstr<'at rat-. payment, maturity,
<br />pemaltitr. ate iitfea terms sba:i :nrr;zTC.ntl}' uFsnn ::ze<`u*.ic=n herem.^ a part ..: this n::t ergs ~.
<br />iT IS FIJE7'HER At;R£ED, rant tine sa,c :Ns:r't ga~ror _ha)i snd 'a ii] fxir ai:.a_zes leered upc,n thts mortgage ar the debt
<br />set~rad s@errbg, tagetber u~it^. s.ny utt:es tau;~es .:r a=._aessmen:s n~n+.,h !*_,aY tw irz~ied !:s:der sr iaH•s of tiebrassa, against the
<br />aaiii tga~e mr ttaa legs? c=hxr of the sat3 #*=^.nr*pal :4,z~r; s-, .,_, a.r;,u": ,-; thin ind<:~e3nr=s.
<br />YS` I,r, FI'BTSiEB -~t;fi£ED, if at any rinse. tc'tsik the mart.ga~. is in ezfrrt. s.*.d t}:e note car v; hirh this mortgage is
<br />as sacnrit}', ar any :",art tiaerenf, remains ur rttlYs, *. t,e vn :sik'nrc tic•ngag.--*s >.. .onr~:~ :~i- c..^trn.t t s<17 the real
<br />e~mLm dtsaibed, ar any pan tatrrvt, rr :.i=.P fit.=r t_•at;ars oi, Hat na.e .~=a.~ : ~<.ha>,-s t~tie ' :.,;aid real=~esute or any
<br />part ttremaf rlmtt sad sst any sxh scents, itc ~ic,n,t~ar,<z-c-~• :.jai:. a: izs eijt:cn..ie:'~sr~r the unpaid pr;nipai t+alanre. ana intere>t,
<br />of Hate stxvred herety imnwdiaxElY due and pa>-ai,;e. 1*r ee errnz titer ti:<->F urrnteses ere n,>t rr K- ar should hereafter. not
<br />be 'icy mortga~}r then xnv -ittsit-cement sha" raat+.sttiutr an ass;c'nn=ent cf rentals and serire ;.f a espy thernaf upan the
<br />slss}I be anf'ftc»snt to require ail ;wwYtt:ent far t+•ma: or a+e ;i the p:es;se. s*_'ter date of sue?, centre to made to
<br />>s>t>
<br />raiL__....__lII#1.-.,-. day +^f. I+~-. _ 1:1.- .80
<br />Itt pseseta+e of ARCH'S.,{X? t~T±B) _ .IS.y,~}D..~...I-t1!C' --- --
<br />__..
<br />f!^ _ -
<br />$TJ1ZE OF_.____. _ __.__ _._. _ ........ - , t aunty of
<br />H~iae ~. a 3r!?targ ~€->~'__~ nual_ifse.'. fs~ sa;c cs.e~tc_ r+crs.,rally rerne
<br />~aln me rs be the ideniica'. perszsa car t+rrs.ns u-i:c s~.gr,e.; vise fs:~gv:ne instrument a*xl a: Snaw!e.iged the exerutton there-
<br />d tam ba pia, Sus ar Ybeir caluaurS' set and ~aeec.
<br />~isbatlla my hand amid ttotaria7 ac a7 ur. .. .. -... -- ... - . T~
<br />$ e ertpires~. _. ... .. -. T4 _...-.-. .. .. ._. .. li atarY Public.
<br />SSa1T£ f?F _.__ ..._ _..._ _ - . - -. ~ Entered an numerical index and cited far retard
<br />ss.
<br />Cmmtnts .__._ .._... _. -..-. _- ... _. ) is fee Register of Deeds 6#fice sf said County the
<br />-,_........__...__-.day-+s1'.. .....__... -.. _.___.. _.-, its-- at_. - - _ n'clnrk an=J-. minutes - ...H.,
<br />sad rsravrdmd im Baak..._. - . - _ .. of a: TraF^e
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />$y-. _.. .Deputy
<br />