<br />,..
<br />That 2he~Morigagor will pay;the indebtedness as hereinbefore provided.. - - .
<br />That the Mortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple -and has goal right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />convey the same and that the game ks frt=a-aiid clear. of'iaity lien oz encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant atui defend the
<br />title to said premises against the_-claims a#at[ poisons whornsoover. - -
<br />_ To pay iinmediateEy whezi due and payable all general taxes, spocitiltaxes, special as.+esamrnts, water charges, sewer serv-
<br />t ice charges, and other taxes arttl cbarges against said pmpe*rty. and all taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon rngvest, with the original nr dui?licate rreipls therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that there shall he.adrled to
<br />t" each monthly payment'n'~Gvitrd hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured }?ereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />t' in be sufficiexit iii-etiabke the D3oi•Fg@gee to pay, as They Lu r.:me due, alt taxes. assessments. and cisnilar charges upon-the prem.
<br />fists subject Lheretc; any dP@ciencr trcause of the insut5ciene~ of :;urn additions} payments shalt M• forthwith depo,.'ited by fhe
<br />1lflrtgagar w=.Ut the lviortgagee u n ck mend by th<- Eta.-igagee. ,1ny default umier this Paragraph shall bq deemed a default in
<br />:- payateat n(-#me~, ascessmentc, aresimilar charges rar~uir iP hc•reund~r. -
<br />The Rortgagor agrees that there shall atwa h<• added to each m,mthly payment of 1?nncipa! and inten•-ct regw red herr-
<br />under an arnoxxnf estimated by the \iartgagee fo k><- .uffir t ~ enab}r the binrtgag+w io pa}, as xt k+rcomes due, the msu ranee
<br />ptcmtum tux env tncvrarnr pui:<ry d tn-ea<.rl to the \iort„a ~ -. 4r;> deb: u~ncs ixvause of the tn,uffiaeney et such additional Pay-
<br />menzs slsall be (rtrthwiih d -p>`tted t+y the :Nora ~ , with ~ 'fit .N vgc't. tpx-n demand by the \i,nrtgagt~.:1ny default un if r-this
<br />- para(traph a}xai;`tu• rkeemcul a 3rfaal* to :hr ca m nt urn ~ p mt21m'' tf fhe pr,licy~ nr pnlia-aes depnsit i <- such as hvmr-
<br />nwnets or al r i. I,nhr+e. a -t i ~ deprtis~t. a ~~ n P t -h.- mrum. th.• \Surtga,+:e~.~ n at the d<, r.M to
<br />Pay Premiums nn nsl.c t•s•yuixe<j to he in.u z.;~l ti th.. m„rt i:u~a • !•r ,+.
<br />Paomest made by the ',Sx tgag r un.iar the ahe~ - _tr seal t : .ay. at the nphan oI the A{ortgsgee. ~ held by xL and
<br />n•.n, •.::rd with knee sorb fueaic . tt: ~,wn `ands fnr thr• as-n -n +af ,h it.•ms, an.l untal so al?pli-~'1, curb ;?ayments are hereby
<br />taledgec ac security for the unpaid lya,ar. '<• .,i fh<• m.~rt>;a, r.<htt dn.s
<br />- :o pra?cute: ?ohs rr :,:. anti marntatn ! x the }*:-n.•fi; ,. ..,-• \fa, rt x;a4rv ~vr,nr the life .af this mortgage <.riginat pa}iri<•: and
<br />renewtti+ the f. de7i><rr!vi .tt .ea:t t, n :3a,~c }.w~f:?n- x}L-~ ,~ _ ,rat.'. t.. ,i .: ~ _uc•}: _x,h. i.-~.n•,,tone agacnct *: n~ and x,thrr insurable
<br />ftazard-a, rasva-ties. and .ti~nting~nc;e~ as ihr \inrfsg,~~ 4^•.... r*gr;irz, fir. sn a,•nr?:::?t eq;;_,l to the indeb:et?nrss .Yrured by the
<br />Mcrigage, and in txm}emus ?_'tt•!*takde t- the \f:. rt,~.a.~>~ ~.• , -... pa~ah;.- cis=tsr :n t ., .•f and m farm ar.'.•t,tabl+• t,: the tlortga-
<br />gee. In the event any rx23 s~ r::.z r-- r, ~ ,, . t tx f,•t .as .~f :x.. <-a{:,tsao:,r- the ~V,. rt~,~zee• mag i,rorure ;nanrant un the
<br />impzvs+~tAenrs, pay fife pn•mium .,. ;?r. ,-.-.-. -,--,_., ..,,:.,a.:, :r ,~ ..-.~ ..,.., ...ter. r., a. ,,,~ ~ F
<br />f-vth is :aid ntte anti? x~atd an+i .hy?, :. r~, ur. ~. ' r .. ~ x„,~ h _>r)t. r. a„ ..ta r- .. •{ th, if nrtgagr.r :ra furni..h .urn n~n<•w<ats
<br />as arc horrify rrGUi tx~cl .~* tatiu rr !, i'w+> ~ s ,a. ~. ,. ., n .,. nd,~. ; ._, th.- - •on ,:, ihr \#eut,age~. consm ntr s ,irfautk
<br />uar3rr i.'re Y,prsns of the<tmczrtgs~ Tht~ rielt+or, nz _,n_ , ,.. x.~.h,:tt! ,,x ^ha ..~ent at x.lefavlt, +v-nsdhrte an assignnirr,: of the uv~
<br />yarned firemivm.
<br />Anc woos zw:wic;~.3 -S- .h,• 1l. ~rtta_.+• h-, ....n ,: ..a. ..r .-, n:a,4.;~ ~ ... :i again,i easy he retaim•d hz the lt.,;t,a Kee
<br />seed applied taw•ar-d ti+e ~~;rzni of rha c9-ht htrrh~ ~:+-: ar<~-j~ .:. at :, ~ ..pti, ~n .,tr th. >inritagee. sac's s;.m_~ e,xher >s h. '} „r in
<br />'{sett raa.~ ~ pitd tine-: .,, .'x..• \1 „r:£a,..-. .r. ~ .,.rc- .. ,a-r ~:, ,,. ~<tt=,_ nr Y: a:il:l~-•.x !.oily irh- .zt .. +. ,:air r .r- a^ti
<br />Mther Purp,,esc az :.d.grr± -3i=sSari<rn to *Iw yi r_azr<-• ~,. r,r ..,t saT<r ,. n_ tha• },rn .,^. the ^t-~nt,apr for t"rr tu'.~ rams un± ..r arr.! hre.,
<br />key ta$xue .'ax'1= psyax at <n~rr total: pka.^e.
<br />To prarmpt}y rrpxir. tY--,t.,rx- .,° z,-?w:+!u -s - „~.1-?i:t~: : - r :.~m.•nt= n+.~a~ ,•r St~rr~a`t~~r :-,n the prr•ma-.r. uhrrh may hc=~
<br />cxuAe dat~.~a <x siesiny<-3. to S:rr;+ sea:9 ;.rernt-:.-a rn g«? a+ndiucn anal r<•patr an,i free {rr~,m snf tn~•chani,': lien .::.,ihYr Si<•n nr
<br />r3adtrt ai firm ru+t erprrss7y ;sut.:,rdiratrd tx. the ii<n '?rr raaf. n.,t to sut3er or t>t'tmtt an> :tnlawtui use ;rf .+r ar-->' Worsen ~ to exist :.;n
<br />sent ,priafaen}' ear to las-zrrut wane ++n .:air+. {, , ~. s- .., . .:-. dt, ar•y :,tt:er a.t whrr.• -, t?;r ••n~ix-rt r h:~r~~hy i...•.ef r:l >hail k+ecoine
<br />3ess a-a}ateehtr. nt;r n.: d=:zatn~ cr :vgr+air iG ralue~h>~an~~:.crt ,.r nmi_..a,n t;, ore to mml+i; uah al} ra~ywrrmrnis o1 law with ra:;lwct
<br />to the mcar:gagred premises axid ilae use t_ttrmri
<br />Tkiti ssinuld ttte Pr ~•rt~xsr~, r an± .art thrr«..=i '.w~ t..t,.~:.,, .?in,a,.r8 =. -.... ., .. ..., ,:ahir,~ ..~r7,r;..~.~nr. n: • ,:.n.,, .neat+:,n
<br />~aa~iaa. cv tindK'r the right <~f emrrrrtt dcaaatin, a« to soy tether trsantser, the \inrtgageersha}! h.r rat_ilti y ar all .nrmprnsatrons.
<br />- a+.•srdts, amt any t]L{arr payR?rnI s,r •:iief ihereftzr, and shat kre entitled, at its npticvt, to re<mrtens~.. apnrar .^. sad pt'rxar.`ute is its -
<br />awxn nwmt any ar3i:in ar fuca.~edxng, i,r to mai.e any r;.mpnuruse ar srttlament in r..nn.~c~i it n with ~ut•?: tsi.:::t; •r ;famage. All such
<br />• awaxia. dtmsaga<•s, rigtti ~ settee and ~s are ktemby assigned to the y,i nragaaec. subs easy- after drdus-•ttng
<br />t:he~e3aien iii its rzponnt+s. rrletwe spy mtrtrys sx: trr+etvrd by it ar apply the satrar am any itadrMedrseac st~<~urexk herelty The lfnrf-
<br />~ itprrtts #A a>FantM sa:v:±5 #uicher asai}Rameats aI any nua{ac•rsatxtn, award„ damages- and right ,r{ acti<.n snit Pn+~ccw+fs a; the
<br />aatay aagrue.
<br />Ttt>a is case aaf #ai}taic w perform say aai ihr ~~ r~ntb hrrem. th.- \lortgag<~e• mac .itr .:,n the Rt:=?tgar:x>r" behalf ei-ors-thing
<br />w : ~ the M<stvg~r may s}ao do sac wet tt a3a> dim nn~-~ry t<, pmtrrt ~r iieA thrat+Af, that zhr' A.lonpagr,r v.~iif
<br />at'i~7r ~ tla+auad sty aaiarya ptaid tar d~ua•xd try ikir Meuigal;ee #nr any td the atsoss Purim'- and attr~+ taaara•s ti+geikier with
<br />- _ at •@ar Gate -,}emradad iA aid sate ;.ltai7 tarctsmr sn morn attdttMnal indebAedsarss hendry sa+rtxr.d anat rosy he in~
<br />tided in say dtteaae tA~ zgwigatie artd tse ;said awt +-{ tine rents <u Prrrerds a( sale of said ftremtset. ti rsut nLherwtse
<br />. ttiid: iM3 d ti>t4l gat ate ,ohTiZattyy apse tkie llkarigagar tz. axa~utre rota: th. sa}idity of any lietx, enrumitramY>. ,u claim in ad~
<br />itasttiiit[ ~ ar, wens atiaiSsartomd, hat zuitl:tai; hea~e,'tr +uantacse+d stuf! ~be rwnciru.. i as .xrgwrtity the 4iurtgager u, advarn any
<br />aiia9a tw• ati~ teat# atir.tu •da say aft hateuader: attad fiat Iiliaa#gaFec shalt riot iatvr aaa•! liability because ni say-
<br />. titint~_st tttiRy de ar stitttit to du laara>Qder-
<br />}~ t}YE iA2bt ai tkie ~, try 3r la tkte payaaerai of aAy irastaliaaent. a5 n?xknired by ik'te Nflle aer'Ared kaereb}', tar
<br />as tfar pedomtaaQe d the ohligarviaa in t~ rzirratgafsr or ii. tlic ztate sxured thereby, ikar Mortgagee snail hr entitled to declare the
<br />atc#ttseatted laere~' laic sad RAlr~ iwttliotit ae>iic+r, and the Mrxigagre shall he eats#led at xis optinm, +<°itlu>ut nntiee, richer by it.~lt
<br />- ar.1g • te»~ trt 4c agy+At:ntcsl by l16r i`aAit thext.o,;. sad .aatl~wntt te~gard to the adogvarv of say seccarity- inr the itxfebfedness se-
<br />- rated liettdty: is eg4r tsatwt aenrl laitc p aiT tkx m<=rtxagevi fsresAi«•c. aAd to coiled and rereisr ihr rent. issn,r> and Profrta
<br />t3rvee~`aatad- slat-tsar, kiu -txas2s aN ~ ~ c~y!_iecrrie-c. s;~ the iade6tainess srturnl by' this mortgage: said rents.
<br />ieiaes tsted lia6b$~[ hr•+eh'9 to ihr Altiatt~sre 3a taRtier ahrarriy ;wr Ylae yayment td all irtdehtrsine-~ secured hereby_
<br />The Biaetp~,+e+e tthail hta+s ikar, ptwsr fu appoint any agra+f Ar agents it troy desire for the pcrpose of repairing said prem-
<br />iire~ ~ store; mi#(ectia>E the refits, asvemiea atad irirr>e~. and it arty pay out c$ said income ail eapertses irtettrred in rent-
<br />sad >sa~{iatt the setae sad of Site resists ikacrMrrntt. The halatta• remaining, it any, shalt he applied toward the
<br />- d'aeltae;e of tLe tparldptEe iaadrhRadawa. Tliia aaaitAtarnt fie ta? iermitsate sad hrrtvtte nail sad valid upon release of this mortgage.
<br />L.~
<br />