~©~ ~'2' REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE -Nebraska
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ThatCa~el R Melgoza and Ramona Ai, 1`:elgoz~reinafter
<br />hall husband and ,,vv~~fa
<br />called mortgagor, of Cnun/tv,and State of Nebraska, inconsideration
<br />of the sum of Four tkotttsand seven hundred tlti rty-r~~/inGltand paid, do hereby grant, bargain,
<br />IAmaunt inanml+
<br />sell, and convey unto Dial Finance Company of hall __ - hereinafter called mortgagee,
<br />of Hall -County, State of Nebraska the follo,ving described real estate situated
<br />~ Roll Counh=, and State of Nebraska, W-wit:
<br />Iat Fcurtettn flit), Bloait ~ ~?), Island Acres ?IuesbeT Tvp C2)
<br />A Subdivision in the City of •Crand Island, Hall County, i'ebraska
<br />together with all the tenement_~ hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, sad all the estate,
<br />title, dower, right of home_,•,ead, claims and demands whatsoever of the said Mortgagor, in or to said premises
<br />or any part thereof; and Mortgagor does hereby tnvenant that said Mortgagor is lawiulh• seized of said
<br />premises: chat said premises are free from a!1 liens and encumbrances except as otherwise noted herein, and
<br />that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the title to said premixes against the claims and demands of all
<br />petsonS WhanlSOeVer.
<br />T'O HAVE .Al~'D TO H©LD unto the sn;v mortgagee, provided alwa}=s, and these presents are upon the
<br />express ~ondition that if the said mortgagor shall pay in full to said mortgagee a promissory note dated
<br />*a h l9 ~ for $ 7,5CX}.tk~ payable in instalments according to the terms thereof, the final
<br />instalment of yvhich is due on ???arch lk • 19_~ which includes interest at the rate of 2~r per
<br />month on that part of the unpaid principal balance net in excess of $1,000, 1?~~'r per month on that part of
<br />the principal balance ir, excess of $1,000 arzd not in excea of $5,()00, and l+v~`v per month an am• retnainder
<br />of azch unpaid principal balance, and shall pay all taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate, before
<br />the same bernmes delinquent, then these pre,ents to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full fotre.
<br />lT I5 FURTHER AGREED that a failure to pay any of said money, either principal or interest, when the
<br />aam? become due, or a failure to aimpl}~ with any of t,'~e foregoing agreements, shall cause the whole sum of
<br />money herein secured to become due an3 collectible at onto at fire option of the mortgagee.
<br />NOTICE TO CflNSLiMER 1. Do sot sign this paper before you read it. 2. You are entitled to a
<br />rnpy of this paper. 3. You tnay pmpay the unpaid balance at any time without penalty and may
<br />he entitled to r~eeeive a refund of unearned charges in accordance with law.
<br />;agtted this 1D __ day of -?~'~ - A.D. 1$ Sts
<br />5'l'ATE CAF Nebra_~3:a ~ ~ ~ s.:-~ \'t~~~ -t_~~ ,r:~ ik ,
<br />.deli y;,..
<br />fir, ibis lt! da} of _~` rch , A.D. , 19 `~" , before me, the u dersiy ne~ ~jot+an'
<br />Pul+lac.dul~ tiamntis>ioned and qualified far and rrsidint; in said arunty, personally came ~arm~1 ~` ~zi1~'za
<br />~~~ pf !i^i$QZ'.- w nx known w be the identical per,on#-_ xhox name _!z_ affiatd to the t'oregaing
<br />is ~-,--ni as mortg~gar s. and arknawledged the same to be _ their ~~n~y,,,-
<br />tary ~ and dc?ed. ,. •';'. ". "''tAY~SSte ct tkOrak
<br />'~`itt+ess ntx° hand and Notarial Seal tlye day and year last aba}=e aritien- ~ -. ~-^y+, 0=r,,p~~
<br />iti}• Ccaxttmissixx~ iris t}te `-~"' i"4.~~ day -;.-i~~!f ;.y, - =:ct~_, ~; °-~~ _:v- ~ Wy 2fi 1~8:
<br />~'f'ATE+JF
<br />,~
<br />-.-. C't~a'arity
<br />F,ntt*rRd in Numerital Index and filed for record in the offiire of the Register of Deeds of said county, the
<br />- dap of 19 at ailack and
<br />minutes M-, and duly rt~cotxled in $ook of _
<br />~ Py€e
<br />H~ister of -
<br />9tt isr9 !1E
<br />
<br />
<br />