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<br />~~ ,fit>~+~,~'s~~ fps; 3:# '?~ ~~ !.c <br />CONSENT & WAIVER <br />BY OIYNER, IANDLORQ OR MORT~aAGEE flF REAL ESTATE <br />(Hereinafter referred to as "Undersigned") <br />t. For good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />U~~gced HAROLD & PAT BILSLAND of Roc<e '1 <br />(Name) (No. of Streeq <br />Wood River Hall Nebraska <br />(City a Town) (County} ~ , (State) <br />being owner, landbrd or mortgagee of certain rest estate known as Route 1 <br />(Street No.) <br />t,7oad River Hall Nebraska <br />iCity or Town) ~ (County) ~ (State) <br />and iegaify described as fol#ows: <br />Located in the Southtaest Quarter, South Jackson Towtzship, Section 3, 3-9-12, <br />Hall Count, Nebraska, <br />~-- - - .- :;cta <br />said premises now being occupied by Harold & Pat Bils3a>Fd _ . ,~, hereinafter referred <br />io as "Occupant' and said Occupant having )eased or will tease fro-ri`!7i Le&sing Corporation, 336 S. W. 8th Street, <br />Des fv4oirtes. Iowa 5030, hereinafter refierred to as "Dial", pursues+t in an Equipment Lease, hereinafter referred to as <br />--tease . meted _ _, 15 . betaveen Dial aria occupant. the following described equipment: <br />1 - "iodel $N 12' x 32' Pig Nurser}, Wessels <br />does hereby agree that said equipment may ire affixed to the above-described real estate and that said agt+ip- <br />rt~rtt is to remain personal property notwithstanding the manner in which rt is affixed to the said real estate and <br />that titre Ltiereof shall remain in Dial, until such time as it may' be conveyed, by Dial to other parties. <br />2. This agreement shat) also apply to any of the above described equipment which +s already on the premises, <br />or may hereinafter be delivered or installed thereon, or may he2after become sub}ect to the atorsmentioned <br />lease. <br />3 Urxtersigned waives each and every right which Unriers;gned now has or may hereafter have under the taws <br />of the State of N B a or any other state or by the terms of any rea# estate lease or <br />mcutgage now in effect or hereafter executed by Unders+gned or said Occupant to levy or distrain upon for rent, <br />ire arrears, in advance or both, or to claim or assert titre to the aforesaid equipment leased by DiaE. <br />;. tkufrersigned recognizes and acknowledges that arty claim or claims that D+al has or may hereafter have <br />agairssY said equipnent by virtue of any such lease +s superior to any lien ar ciarm of any nature which Un- <br />dersigned now has or tnay hereafter have to such equipment try statute. agreement or otherwise. <br />5- tt is further agreed tnat D+at or its assigns or agents may remove said equ+pment from the above-described <br />prertsises wherever Dial feats it is necessary tc 3o so to protect its mteresi and without liability or accountability <br />tti the Urxtersigne+i tfierefw. and the Undersigned further agrees chat at w+ll grant Dial the Right of Entry at any <br />r~ ttrrie to remove sand equipment from the premises. <br />b. iAat may., wtttxwt affecimg the vattd+ty of this agreement, extend the times of payment of an4 ~ndet:tedness of <br />Oczupartt to S?tal, or alter the per#ormance of any of the terms and cond+tions of any such lease, wtthoui the con- <br />sttnt of Undersigned and withau# giving notice thereof to Undersigned. <br />7. This agreerrtwtt sria)i inure to the tserietit at tfte successors and asstgns of Dial a+.d shah be binding upon the <br />heirs, personal re+preseritattves, successors and assigns of Undersigned. <br />alit iMTI~ESS EOF. ttte Urrdersignod rise set his hand and seal, or eat ,ts land and sea; io tea affixed rifts <br />day of laeDi3'aSS . 19 '~ <br />TE SERL) --~ <br />~. / ~i~ V 1Corpotat+on. Paztnarsrv, or Prt>tx+arasn«p~ <br />-1~~~) Ll ~°-.i1. Harold Bilsland <br />(Types Name N S+gnat+ne aria T t,e! <br />ed Pat Bilsland <br /> <br />J~je 1iUirioyrtedgtrierit on reverse std~~r be tpmplei <br /> <br />J <br />L <br />