~O.~.t ~:~~.~345
<br />MoRT~cACe Lain No. 23,691
<br />fa~awn~.[,a~~srntFSEPft~s~rrrs:~rftat Arthur C. Scott III and Maxine L. Scott, each in his and
<br />her- own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or tttore, in consideration of the aum of
<br />Twenty-eight Thousand ~¢ No/100-------------------------- --- --- --- OoIl.ARs
<br />hn°ed m said mortg~or by The Equitable Bitildatg and Loan Asso®t~n of Gtaad Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 2$0 shares of stock of
<br />sad ASSOCIATION, Certi#'rcate No. L 23,691 , do hereby giant, mmey aid mortgage onto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />desrrffied real state, situated in Elan County, Nebraska:
<br />vritli all tier tenretterus, hestdittatxnts and apputsreuncxs thereunto bebttgi~g. itulttdirag atta~aed tioor iavGrittga., a9 rrindnir sctenta,
<br />srBoioty s#atks. braids, storm windows, awnmes, heatsrx, air mndnarvttrti;,,nnd pim-tibing and water tquipment aixl accessories tMertto,patmpa, stotTS,
<br />sdrigerators, as+d Dirks fixttvrs a~ tgaipmesit now iv brrrafm attaehrd to or sisal m Ysnttectiots with said real estate.
<br />And :taems the stid ntosigpg<s has at:rad sad dots hett:ty agru that Lhr awngaeor sitali and wig pay all taxes std assesaneats levied of
<br />assasted uptm sod preuyses grad upon this mortgasr and tM Mond sestirat ttaeteb~~ Ixtor. the sans shall taecome detinquenr m Ctustislt apprnacd
<br />$~ Mann ibe btnldings am rid ?ut>tisrs situaul in thr tram of : 2$ , QtflO. t10 payable W said A~OCfATtON sad t° deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION for poliots fir said inssarence, and trot so vmmii i?t perms any waste at at shout sad prerte•vea:
<br />to are °i drfsuit m the ptvfarmanue of any' of tM trans sred a~ditisuu of liars nsosi~e of the hand secured hereby, the strwtgagee shall.
<br />m demand, br wiitkd to imtaeztiatz gisxssicn of thr rnortgagrd ,remises aruf the mortgagor heathy assigns. tmasfen sad sru over to the
<br />amr~tgx a9 the reds, rrventirs and innnne to tie derived ham iht mesrtgsged psemives durutg >uch alone as the naartgagt tndebtedtsess sluff reraaat
<br />sad the nsnrtpgee shall have ihe;,nwxt se appoint nay agrsai ar agatts it iaay delve for tktc gur}w~ csf repatritg saws prernoa a°d tcatatg
<br />!be samr a~i otrlkasiteg the mats, rcvettks and income, sad tt Wray pay out of said iataxrar all e_cpeases of repiairireg said ptrtniscs and ratceasy
<br />to~a><tns and expenses itxarred in rrnti~ and tagnagjrg the same arwt of cotkcttsag rrntals therefrom: the balanx rremia¢g, :i' nay, to be
<br />a~tpiiod tt:wavd t!r dis~sarge of said tnong~e indetmedness; ti~-~ rig+sts of the naottrp~:e may he rxerased at any iliac dttriag [l,e UCiSteretz of such
<br />dot, irre~aative of arty teatpettan- waive of the sa:ae.
<br />?tee Prrseatts, however, ax uywrn .':u t"tuiditii,n. Thai if are mid Merit}agar stall rrpay std }oaa sxn or before the matwm caf said shares by
<br />paysamt; gay tnoaaMy to aid ASSY3CLA~tON .,f she rims spn-iiri m the 13asad sewrd imebg as mitnt and priaapal on sa,d ?oan,.w ur Ltefore
<br />titr llevatiieslr~y° dsett >~ terry ratort6, u-eer;l sand t:saa is fall}° paid; pas nit rases and as9essmeeits kvird tgaatist mid premises artd utt this Mortgage
<br />said the band sxwai t'lrrreby, 9efort da$t~tten~-y: fixauh aplaoacvt ntses.+eee tq+~w t3ae btnidaigs ihertat is the sum of 3 2$,OOO. 00 t#yahk
<br />m sod JLi5OC7 A7HAN, irpay to sand ,1~SOC7 A11f14 upran d.~autd a9 inane} by +i pard f.>'t stub trues, as~ssr°ents and insurance t~iih interrsi at
<br />the rmtai~a k{Q.t rxr truer as 7mm dart our payme°i au :af vrhit-b _lltui.g~or hrrehy ,a~;rs to pa} : prnnii ~ wade on said psetmsrs;lrp:nt! cvmp{y
<br />s~Y#a ~ the t~rttaraais and wnditsons csi tot &ind tar 5 2$ ()QQ QI1 this 3a ~ given by' the said Mattgagur to said AS'SOCLhT7t}N, sad a~mPly
<br />+a~ art tit ~nis:af the i t+naitiueon and lty+d.aas of ~iti A~O('i ~l'f'IOhi; t3s.~ tlttst ptesrstti sis:B become nutl aid vna'., othrrw~se they
<br />$tti8 ~ in fr'~ furls and may iae fostrfused at the ~opRioa iti rile said ASSOC'L3TION afro fat~ttrt for 4fata mamths to nu4r anY of said
<br />paytasotc it fie ibr+ee naaashs m attn.-s to misting sat9 mcmrhlt paynrtmts., as to lrsp msi tompiy month ihr 31;rnements aid twtditiortt of .said Bond;
<br />aril ages ua gave a rrsr+xs apptimtad fatttawtitb is s>~ for~9osi:rr faaacserti>ag€.
<br />tf tticc4 is nary ~ is ovadsR~ of the tai crate mmrigrgeod heaeia, by sale or athrrwve, thm t!k entire raenuioiae indeMadnesa lxreby
<br />feecaaeil shad, ~ tlir optim c3 Tlec FQatahk tltdtfmg and l.atan Aanoetstiean of Grind tshmd., Nebraska, ba,ume immediately dm and ptyabk without
<br />Atffitw .entice, aced ihr aaniamr h due uade+ said bna,d, and airy outer b,ad far any atidmonsl sdvanas made tlterrtinder, sltatl. from the
<br />~ of of ~ atptioa, beu inir.crx at the tnaaintto legal rate, and thin mwtgage may then be faac6wod to atisfy the amount doe ~ aid
<br />t~aed,asa' xsy otltn ltnt3 fur addilieiatd .td+~tacs, tts¢ahs with sif sums paoi by said The Fgtntsbk Bseiding and Luca Aaoration of Gntod Island,
<br />#t~u fee isistssmoe, rasa atsd , and atmatxytg rxarnonn cilarga., with inisrest itkst~, from date of payment at its maiozn°m
<br />~-
<br />As pteadad m fat' 8o~od aeutrnd itrsrtw, wee tilt remains bt rffcxs ibr tnostgagee maY hexraftrr advance additiwul sums m the
<br />;,ion of sa7i $tsad, their astigu ar as~otx is inivest_w%mclt sums sang ire wit4tin the security stf this mortgage the same as rite funds ariginailY
<br />aectrd i#temby. the taint atawmt itf pracipel deln aai to cscird at nay tmnr tbn orjgiraai amoaat of tfiis mortgage.
<br />Uatsdsttn ~t~i;'. day rd March
<br />f^~.
<br />~.
<br />,c s~:~'
<br />Sri i~I4 ,
<br />'Maxi~+e L. Scott
<br />sLlZEt~~A,$. tintiffi 7th
<br />et3l~r~ ~ l3At.L
<br />a. D., ill
<br />dy ~,; March ! 9 80 , berate tae,
<br />sire trndersiget+t, a Notary Ptdtlic lei and far said Comty, peranrully came
<br />iAr~lttT C. Scott IiI 3giil~~~dx]f1e ,S,~cOtt, each in his and her own ri~ht, and ass ~iy~e of
<br />catch outer w are W°tO
<br />rte ta,be rbe idt+aticai ¢easert ~ r:l~~~ , ' _~-ix:.ti in tM abate ituuument as murtggors and they sevcnlly
<br />adteitw~Iadded the sand t m bar= ~_' ~ ~` - nrah~utany t+a and decd.
<br />it911dES5 any hand ~dp~sul ~d thn due a#'oreoid_
<br />aiyCrxpu}St
<br />- ~ N°ury Public
<br />uraaa n
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