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,.-: <br />80~~'HIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT UNDERSTOOD. SEEK LECAL ADYICE. <br />PURCFIASE AGREEMENT <br />For Eadoohe tAr M laewbero d t-e MdwooL aedroro"• A.rx;atioo <br />_~)~qj$Y 21 WQjfp {t, associates REALTORS ~----_ Februar~f 1 , tg~0 <br />410-South Webb Road -Grand Island, <br />Nebraska <br />f. Wr and aad Fttrchaser, hereby agree to puxhase We property described as faUaws: <br />;,des, el South Viae Grand Island, NE <br />t.rga3 Description Lot 1, Slock 1, Claussen Co~uttry View Subd. Hal <br />i.~cludiag all Gtture ~tipmeatmanenlly aitsched to aid premises. The Daly permaal property included is as bllows: •Y_____ <br />lrYndora Air, , insulation _and oeher_building toaterial in borne __ ____ <br />tiuh}ect. however, sad oa wnditian Wst the owner Hereof bas good, valid and marArtable title, is fee simple, aad sa]d owner agrees to <br />..mry title w said properly to me or mr nominees by wartanty deed or . n0 other ----_ -free and clear _of all 1'sens, <br />rnctembraacea or spatial rasa levied o.- assessed, except none ___-_____ _ <br />tiubject, however. to all building nod ttae restricteoas, utility easements and covenants now of record. Seller agues b pay any nasess- <br />mrats for paving, curb, sidewalk ar utiUties previously unsiructed or under construction but not yet tssessed as of date of acceptance <br />of thts offer. <br />1 agree to par for salsa ltrenty-itao Thousand and not 100------------_-- - <'2~vU+; _00__-1 DOLLARS. <br />30~.OZ' -- --------- - - <br />~ t]aa following tertna: = d~ited herewiW as evidence by your receipt attached be1~ - v Yo be paid only a9 shown <br />in fo]]owiag ]s+ratraphs ~~~~' "- a~ - . <br />!] Salanu of 3 22,000!'00 to be paid in cash or unified check at time-of delfven .•r ,feed, no financing <br />being required. <br />0Y Caatlxioasl Upon Loan or Assumption of Existing \fongage --_--- ----` <br />~+ Balaatr ~= m be paid in cash or by unified check at time of tieUverr of deed, conditional <br />Ceaditioad however, npttn mr abi]ity to obtain a loan. to be secured by first mortgage on above described property, in the <br />Uptr Loan ataonnt oft -, Said loan to be ~:A______-, i H:i-----, f.ONYEVT]DNAI`.«-. <br />INSURED COhll'£NTIONAL_---. i'A1£Hi----_ or .~---_-,. <br />~ f agree to aaaam_? a~ n~av ~~ ~~~~ ~, _-____-__- subjett to We apptnval of the mon- <br />4stataptioa gages. m the agprosimate amotutt of i -_ and pay the bnlance in rash or by unified check from <br />sd ]ixiatisg s7 own funds at time of deliver, of deed; it being understood that present mortgage terms calf for interest <br />klongtge rue of A per aaaum which iateteat rate msy be iatreasrd by the mortgagee as a runditeon of the <br />atsumtgtm of said taorigs¢~e W son more Wan --__ ~ per aaaum. tntereai on eiisting loan to be prorated to <br />dote of dmaiat- [ alw agree to reimburse the S~Uer far the amount is the escrow reserve account which is to be <br />aui=aed to uu, and to pay oar Sown assttmptioa fees. <br />f hereby atsttaoritx SeBet or t$oir a8eat to ttegtriiate a ban or mat•tgagi~ assumption oa the above buses. and 1 ogres to sign all <br />ps,pera asd ptp a$ ~'a its trmae<tioa therewith, aad to raublisb exraw reserves ss required. I further agree to use my <br />best e>QOets m obtain said ar spgrova] for the mortgage assumption. if said bas o• the assumption of the e~'sting mortgage <br />:. as appnwvad with days tram dste of acuptance ltereol, this after to tae cult aad void and the money paid <br />w'te'w'~ to lte rsfra>•ad Ls me. Frovitled, hatvevex, Wai if procraaiag of the Soon or mortgage assumption has not been completed <br />_,r the laadaeg ~ arR.biO the alaovr Haar, sorb time limit shall be aotamatically erteaded umil the lending agency has, in the <br />rm:aaa: asnrae of as hueitemsa, attvise~d either apQxova! ar rejaction. <br /># llataau r lso evidenced by separate !aad coatra.-t wnh Srlier calling inr additennat .ash or certified rhrc f: payment <br />alF s u sass of eatrrution of the roatratY, and rematader of 5-~--.-~ to he yard <br />is ittautblr paymoms of i or moue, wsics monthly paymanu sluU include interest at the rate <br />of 'fir par annum tamptned tnoathly ten ibr actual uapanf portion of the prinrepal plus 1 ~ : nth dhe annual <br />top and isasuraatre- <br />' _ _ _ • e.r ~• .+G'PSI_,.i~~.~-is-~''-t:...-.L.CXiyf`_-, __.. <br />_ ._ i3 Tat Freeuiaa tFer inca aarrsaad u advaaa<. U used Aa ^et ace 16t-'-: - ---.- - -.-. ~-- - <br />ALL cswsrd seed eattat+e rases whirl wt71 bemoma dali+goettt m the rear ]9__ will be treated as tM~g?• ell are cortent taus. and <br />=~ao taus tmd raeas. sf now rapad, slt:R'ae prs:aat~d as ~ date of t3aain; - -- . Seltau shall gar aii uses #nr I F- ~ and <br />rti~r!a. <br />..~ !i Tax i'raratitut iFes taaey aase+,aed n arrears. if used. da nut ass aSt "~-..- ..._---__.._._ <br />''"f' -:.°®aotiizsad tea9 ea7tKe fa>~ fua• Sbo 7'ptr 7T~ (6as~d ~aa torrent aasessmsat aad mill levy S aad renu. if sow remPd. >haiS br <br />;y+a-eased p at tar st FYIt- ~a 198ff . St:gea tdtaU pas all rases fm ]9ZQ and prior years. - <br />fYsayan wf said t»aa itlta>I be ddivraae to :armor kark>re Fe31_ 24, 2980_-_ - _ ~at --$ -- t,~chack _A. S!. <br />''.'Ur' xhaR furtwfsi r Ptrtehaaer ~eabe•r a comp]Kr alrstratt. of tith inau£ted to date by a fronded abstracters or a our iusuranrr <br />-. =seats®rat ]. a9 ~ by SrUrv. She earn of swarm a~ ttstatga;yes Litle vnsuranrn policy issued m conn..-c-t.on with this <br />"ale +iftui6 -e any divided between taucdtaaar and Salter. tti it'hta tea lIA] days ilaerrattrr, Purchaser s-~.a]S deliver u a.=ilYr a copy of <br />a_t~aeq'a oltilnen $esriWS defes2s, $ am;, ~ for iRte_ If 3it3r ~drfnus are found. SelSer. afore written notice thereof. shall rndeatnr to <br />'q~ratut tit acme ie f!aat3trter's sati~ertiaa wfWin a t~ period of tiaoe sot to rar:rd thine days free t}te dale ;.f the npi-tinr.. <br />lr is ~ a~ fire dst:+waetatarr Awlaate aw ibe troaveyaztce is to he paid far by Sc-3iez <br />!rasa: id agsy. abta9 be yaaatiud {o data ad - <br />~ as auitaaaaud mt i)Iseud fiat m tba :+aza! Sollars ;said tg& m said P+aPe+tr as jivmt seaanu, they are rnnuactiag as joint tenants <br />.a. Wear aoaa+aastr aid t~ wfkr_ <br />if side paagwdaiaa u awed. I r t~aae said 22nd Feb. $0 <br />agree puochase tm to botatre the ~ _---- day of -~.---.-.-__. Ig_-. <br />f n`5aast f1 ~ tie ~ as rag -,. ioa:eept shoa]d l oiatain a YA Iota. said eagartse shall be yard by <br />`Y'~Uart aad tAta~ld atim~s apd7~ a~atse ttam>;ges be #otmd. ~ tez>svitra will !te treated asd?ar termae damage rnrrectrd at Seller's <br />--;.ztraaae. ~ lira awsua the aatn of a'a'Ratw aad=or tam abntR-eareed there percent 13 + 1 of tfie pnrchaae price above set forth. [he <br />.ulkty -shat! bttrt xba ap6lat ao deflate ~ Patcisse Apeeeaeat to He null aad void in which event any down payment shall 6e <br />--.4araed r tie Fatriinsrr~ - - <br />3'Asra odfer is based upew say pae•aN] ra iavestigathm ei Wr lvrmtsrs and nut upon any rrprrsrntatinn t.r •arranties of <br />;~,.adatian bF ibe Saflea ae bas ateutt.. Sew agrrees to mainuia, until detirrry et, the heating, air randaion+ng. vat,-r heater. <br />-m•wxr. gltmtAwr>z. ebsriritwl s-saewts, fwd any l++ti]t-in applittrveet in workinS roaduioa. <br />It is aadeattlped usd +~ that dais adraeotynt shall sn m moaner br txtaatrued to convey the gremisrs nr to give am right to take <br />f'~~<.ten sitaa0ed. <br />Any ruk ai arw to tba P-ra~Z•tr shall lK lzaraf 1'Y ih; Se]ber aatiS title l+aa seas rcrnveyed to the ]'urrhacer. ]n the rvnnt prior to <br />-'d"' a• attid Rr+ape"*eJ are oseetarially tiaraagrd by fur. ezptaaion or say other cause. Purchaser shalt have the right to <br />rrscrad able asst. wlton+npatt rite Sadler abaR t]ara rotund to the Purchaser the deposit made hereunder. <br />Iw We wept tie 19uret truly fA toaaummau rite purehaae. the Seller may, at his npibn, retain ihr earn<•St money paid by the Huyrr <br />as- ~ soc4 fat7am, vx rttiltae wth other )apt remedies as are avai]able to Seller by reasnn of such failure, <br />lhta edfesr is aoR aad void if ass accepted br s!u Srlle7 oa or before _- Feb. 2,1980 <br />- y-/x ,-rA~-~ --- - <br />-_,...._ _ _ Jl~_ ._ . }Surer <br />titT"•tESS; 7 3~ j : r.~'y/ ,l _ <br />- --'~~G~~~7~----f 4't., -._ _ _ - Addreayy fi~7~ 4 I~.: t;_ 1'non ~( I %„a: ~ _.. ftnrrr <br />•'s'~ '.- +'i'ElrfatNCk Ll'vS R£t F:R:+E tilitM: <br />