<br />]jgad Toe Huffinen 6enarni Supply nonce, Lincoln, Nebr.
<br />THIS ~4GREEMENT, mode this 5th day of March , r9 80 , hetaazen
<br />MAIIIARD BOLTZ and LILA BOLT2, each in his and her own right and spouse of each other
<br />' hereinafter referred ro
<br />as tkr srltrr(s) and MELVIN D. BOECKEL
<br />hereinafter referred to as the bayer(s).
<br />I~ITNESSETH, that the seller(s) hereby covenant(s) and agrzz{s3 shat if tke buyer(s) shalt ~irst make the pay-
<br />snrat(s) aad perform thr covznonts hereinafter mentioned on hrs, her or their pert to be made and performed, thr said
<br />sr>ter(s) agree(s) !a facrnish trayzr(sJ a goad and w~cient ahstracE of titlz shoecang a merchantable title of record to
<br />tke`preacires hereinafter desrritzed in the szttrrfs), and mitt raamey and assurz to the buyer(s), ix fer. simple, clear of alt
<br />ssrcaat:rances except as stated herein, by goad and sufficient tf`arranh Deed, the follo.cria,t lot, piece and parcel of
<br />grtnraut, to wit:
<br />Lot Seven (7), Block One Hundred Twenty Nine (1293
<br />Koenig and Wiebe's Addition to the city of Grand
<br />Zsland, Hall County, Nebraska; street adress being
<br />712 k*est Charles.
<br />dsd sad t+sa>vris~ roveaants) asui aarecl's; to tat fa said srltertsJ~ fhe seen e*
<br />is the saasarr fadto as below
<br />Iloltars, calk in hand paid, the rereip! ;x~tatreaf is hereby arknon¢Sedned, and the balaned payahlu:
<br />$ 3fl0.D0 cash paid Fehivazq 22, 1980
<br />3,7flfl.Ofl due Harch 5, 1980
<br />23,30fl.,Ofl to be carried by seller
<br />$27,Sflia.{a0 total
<br />The balmmce o£ $23,300.00, as mentioned above, will be carried by the Sellers at ten
<br />per cent (lfl~) per annum with first payment of $237.95 to be paid April 5, 1980 and
<br />$237.95 due the 5th of earls month thereafter until March 5, 1990 at which time the
<br />total unpaid principal plus accruezt interest will be due is a balloon payment. This
<br />paptaent viii be made to the Seller at his residential address ar any other place so
<br />designated by the Sellers_ It will be the obligation of the Buyer to pay real estate
<br />tama~se~beftire-thep.,hsec~ce delinquent and furnish the Seller with a copy of paid real
<br />es~ ta~t'`v~l also be the obligation of the Bayer to carry Fire and Extended
<br />Co ~'' property, pay for same and furnish a copy of the policy and
<br />eudossemeotts aaaadng the Seller as titleholder of the property. Warranty deed, signed
<br />by the Beliefs and notarized by a notary, aloag with the abstract of title will be
<br />plaoed in escrow at Commercial Natisu+A] Bank.
<br />s~ iaerares3 at Sher sf i0 }'E* roar $m' , fatkle as above as the mhalr sea reak-siae-
<br />itg frees ~ €icaer saepmid, esd to aA ~ tares , 3Jeat r+ray tae legally ts~ied or imposed xpaw said load, srb-
<br />sterls~aaf to its dear 3/S18ta mess alt wts of 3yectanD assessut~-a3s or speriat 3;u€s briomiag drr yr detiugstrwt
<br />a,~ear 3lSl8la aad k*H ttsr baitdiaegs is a reaoroacabtr stare aj repair coed iaeswsrd
<br />~ ~ 23, 3tNa.ta© If thissr is a swarrgage era saw ~ruperty, pay iaterut aad Rases tlierran up to keep current
<br />. it is aiaxiaatty agrm# that filar is ace €ss€atied ctrsarer ~is,,,7tlfis raatmrt. r9nd it is jurtheer
<br />#~/~ lit tlflf !~ mtlf ~, t~tti€r ~ ~t~ ~" Mlrrr'rsr, r!`aMZ1tt#g srapaad far a Span of ~ day3
<br />.ra?ss€ td~ beros,er dr€, and in ram of faitav€ of tke said bzasrrfi} ro saahe any of the aforesaid payasntr
<br />/nearisaet ~ laarsaiae ear Jiiat lax~t>s of ga!v a~rteez rosaetmset eoaatat~{ herein, this raastract shaft st the aprion of the sdler(s),
<br />hs .~ aad dsdanaeiarl aad t#r bse~er{s/ shall far jest ail paynuars aartdr hneaeader, and sgeti paymtatr shag ba
<br />ld~t by .~st'si as l€d rs ~ ftdt sss3rijorfwa of alt the darms9is sautaaard, and seller(s) skall have
<br />ibe ~ b a cad 3sb€ ~ ~ sold prrsadaes aforrsstid_
<br />77e~ rtnis ~ aha8 oat be + I+y baryvrfs) msi$amt the rt~ittrr roasent of else setter{s}.
<br />fg is saa~O$y stgrread pmt off tis smea#s mad agrrrsaexts- berme coactas>7rd shaft artrnd to aad ter obligatory
<br />segos liar Irrars; s'.rsAtaetars, ~s aad assigaa of the sesps€tuar parries.
<br />~Y ~7TNt:SS I~IiEREf?F, fir partsrs of rbesr prerrnte hate. herrawta set their handy aad seats the day aad year
<br />Wit. -, ~.
<br />_._
<br />. : aad drlior€r«r ~ %" _~~ -~
<br />. - .. .
<br />r ,N ,_. -~
<br />~,,~~~~~ L Sta. Tz ~~-;~, ,
<br />__~<
<br />,~ VIN D.
<br />L E. AOECK
<br />