~ 31-02-0399 1 This form is used in connee-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />MORTGAGE under the one- to"four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />~~22 Housing Act.
<br />r~0°
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 7th day of March ,A.D.
<br />19 $0 ,by and between Ross E. Barton and Vickie L, Barton, husband and wife
<br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />the Mortgagor, and Mortgage Plus Incorported
<br />a corporation organved and existing natter the laws of the United States of America
<br />party of the second pan, bereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />YVrrNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Seven Thousand Three
<br />Hundred Fifty and 90 j100ths ---------------- lbllars (S 27, 350, 00 ), paid by rho Mort-
<br />~8ce, the receipt of which is hereby acktmu;lcdgcd, has Grartttd and Sold end try Huse presents does Grant. Har-
<br />gain, Sell, Convey ami Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the fotlowirrgrlescribed
<br />real state, ~tuated is the County ~ Ha11 ,and State
<br />of Nebtaslta, to wit:
<br />Lot Eleven (11), in Block Twenty Three (23), in College Addition to West Lawn, an
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Count}•, Nebraska.
<br />also 3cna-rit as: 211$ N. Grand Island Ave_, Grand Island, NE b8801
<br />~ the Sixtl; Arinripal licridian, ramtaitang is a8 city Property acres atrurdirtg to Govem-
<br />ta~t setvcy:
<br />T13 HAi E AND TO Ht3LD the prtatises above described, with all the appnrttnantts thereunto fi-longing acrd including
<br />a!l lbeatittE, p;srml>r~ and lig0ting tixtttm and egaipment sow ,x hereafter attar.hed to or used in ronnectitrn with said real estate
<br />radcttfre . and to its successors and assigats, forever. The Mortgagor represents tn, and covenants with, the Mor~a-
<br />get, td~ ~ Mater t~ good rigfit to sd! sad convey said preatiscs: that dtey are free from encumbrance: and that the
<br />w~ warrant acrd dtfcttd tae same against the tort#ul claims of all persons ufiomsocver; and the said Mortgagor htre-
<br />by ~ ~ rights of t~acsxtad, sad all atarval t;gitts, either in law ~ is equity, sad sit other contingent interests of the
<br />and m tae ebm'c-descttl,nd preatises, the iatentitm treitgto convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple, inchtd-
<br />i~ a~ tarts ou` ~, aatd o~ cigars aml interests as aft.
<br />1'RO'.'fDEID Af_WAYS, and tfus< prrsrtns .are executed sad delivered upon the foHnwiag renditions, to wit:
<br />Ile MpR ~sltt pay to tae Mort~ct, tt order, the ptintapal sum of Twenty Seven Thousand Thzee Hundred
<br />daitfra~~ tRl/iif©ths -~_~____~ CS 27, 350.00 t, wish interest from
<br />tae+~ h>dancx paid. Tate said~pttr~ezand interest shall lee payabk~ tix oibce oi3.00 ``r) per annum on
<br />Amrtgage Plus Incori;.orated
<br />is ~41eW°od• coloiat3cr . ar at swh otherpp3are as the hoMr`r of
<br />tae note ~y is wti~, in monthly tnants of Y§tree Hundred 4sro and 7n j100t1:s -------
<br />Dollars (S 302.7a ), commending ore the first day of
<br />~y . i~ , and on the first day of each monde thereafter anti! the principal and in-
<br />W~ are fto8y paid, ucs~a tt~ t;ae ftaal payt of pras~cipal and iniarest, if not suaner paid, shall fie due and
<br />> gas die feu day M April 2010 ; all acrordirtg to the terms of a certain pramis-
<br />vary acne of e~veo dose frerewidt raecnse~ try the said ]dortgagar.
<br />T!>< in tgatr fuify to ptoicst tae seixtrirg ~ this Mortgage, agrees:
<br />7. 7Lat fx wxll pay tae mess, nt hetx•inbdore provided. 1'rivtlege is reserved to pay the debt in whole, or in an
<br />raa~gt to ttae its trptxe pny~tats om the prittv-~tal that are oexr due on the Hate, on the firt day of any month
<br />prior ~o ; 74savidal> lwwvevcr, Titan :urittea Hover of ao intention to exercise such privilege is given at least thirty (301
<br />da3`v l~ ~
<br />That, with, >std in addition to, the montaly paymratu of pritcipa) and interest paya63c under the terms of the
<br />tpte socvrcd li~c#ty, the ~ well pay m Qx Mortgages, on the first day of each month until the said note is fully paid, the
<br />frttltrv>ttg mss:
<br />. (a} Anitwnt tart-eta ~oYi$e rho ltddea turerrf wide funds to psy the next trrortgage inwranee premium if this
<br />~ztrutrrent sad tlx trnu uxwred hereby are iasrrad, ar a mwatfily charge itn Piru ref a mt~rtggge inmmrtce pre-
<br />J if they are laakl try doe hbcrettuy of flouting and Urban Devel~ment, as follows:
<br />{I) if sad an ltugl as rah note of evm date and this irsstrurrtenr are insured nr are reinsured under the pro-
<br />visions ~' tfu Nationtd fiourdag Act, an arrtotxnt sufficient to accumutate in the hands of the holder one
<br />lYfWnlir rxintw+. era lttnedca FHA-2 543M i 1 n~t 71
<br />