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(- <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this---6th ----__-_. day' of March-- ----._..___~_ . 19 S~, by and between <br />Michael Galt an and Marilyn J. Galvan, husband and wife, each in his and her own right <br />and as spouse o£ the other, <br />a{ RAI.T_ 4'.ouaiy, Nebraska, as awrtgagar..S-, and Graced Island Trust Company of Grar[d Island, a corporation <br />orgaaixed and ezistfng under the kws of Nebraska with its prindpal office end platy of„Grand Iceland, .Z`leb;askN,. as mortgagee; <br />W IT IESSETH: That said moa6gegors.- ,for and is consideration of the sum '~""~'~ ~"°"~ "-: '.:'- , ~ x. ^";-z f;: <br />_.r <br />Six Thousand One Hundred Sixty Eight dollars_and 35 10 ~ <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do _ by these presents moRgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its sucrnssots and assigns. <br />forever, all the following described reef estate, situated in the County o: __ Hall <br />and Stan of Nebraska, to•w iC: <br />Lot Three (3), in Block Thirty One (31~, in Packer and Barr's <br />Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />t <br />f <br />TogethQ with alt beating, sir cnrrditrottmg, I~[hrrng, sad ptumbizrg etlutpmeat aced fixtures, vaduding screens, awnings, storm a-intlow•s anu <br />dmrs, sad wiadsw siasdes as blinds. used oa or m aeaxoetZinn wiUt said property. whether Use same are sow located on said property w hereafter <br />placed r.Terem. <br />'i'O H.r+VE A.biD TO HOLD TH£ S,iIdE, togetiter with sIl and singular the tamtents, hm+rfitarneats and appuarnatuea thtaettato be• <br />, or ID anywise appertaiaiag. fotevar, and warren[ the Utle m the same. Said morFsgor3_._ hereby tnvensat _--- with said <br />mortgagee [hat _...... t)>t ~ _ _ _ are _- - . as the deliaesy hereof. the lawful awaer ~...__ of the premises ab~ re conveyed apd descrihecl, <br />env! ~•,~ _ saiaed rd a goad and fade estate of inheriunce [hems. ime and clear of all encumbrances, ar_d that ~ Items will <br />war*sat sad defatd the ti[k theme foream agsiag the riaims arnT demaarLs of ell petstms whamsceaer. <br />P~1'iD£3f ALiVAYS, and this insbL-is ezecu[ed aced delivered m setwe the payment of ihr sum rtf .-_---_---- <br />S~v Tfin,arand .:Qn~.Lixsndrs+vi _Ci~rv Fi tl+t rinlla+-c an.i ';i/loll ##Daflars lg f. ]!.II 1C 1. <br />oath i t.$enarm. with sarh sad ads°aaees as may i+e due aced pavab~ to said mnrtgagae order [)~ toms and mndiiions <br />at t#a~ p sate o{ ea4w dau hesc~w'it-h and sacu[er! ;xmby, ezaacted by sand murtBaS~ --5--'•a mid axartgaBer, Paysblr as ea~rsse3 <br />is said acts, sad to eetvae the periormame of sIl t3ae tmmv aced tandsians caataitred tTetoia. Tbc teams of said nose are herein' irxtvparated <br />bmao Ty t3~n . <br />M» rte iar~iea and arsram~t of fire putiea hatatn taut tiua marsgsge ahal! also suture say future ada'anres made to said mortgagorg_ <br />by said aoar~e. sad awl' sad a0 ~ is additim ti, tits amotm[ abavr stated witicf, said martgagars, or any of them, may owe to <br />sail asorigapr, Iwweaea raidmuvef,. why by sou, tratrit arawm ar tnheniae. This roort~age shall remain in full farce and affen between <br />site pantisa Tema sad tTeir fiatts. pstautra; reptsscmtatra^eo, stra~x~stxs and as-signv, until all amauats strvred hers under. inciudiag 3u[ure <br />advarma, sae paid ~ im'. wash iatetest. <br />TTe mcrUgyar S_. hare'tay aWga ..-._ ::~ sad a^avtgar,~ alt rents and mcame arising st any and all firaes from said prttpzrty a~ <br />' -~•-- said ar itss agent: a[ i[b ~rtrun, uytu' dr&urh. io cafe charge of said praptny awf tcflett sit [ants mid inromr <br />- t3ad[m aced 'uiBdY tfse ame is tae pagmran d inarrop., pracipel, raauraace pmmiams, tuna, nssesammts, repairs or imprwement~• <br />aanawry to Taepsaid proprty in taoraa,abir ~., or to otter ctarges ar payments provided for herein or in the Hate hereby secueed. This <br />root aasrg~x alrelf ou%.isru m iatoe+m[il t.hs'~d trlaase td said sate is frilh• pad. The t:altitag of poseeasmn l+aretrtt~ shall in no manner <br />~wreaa ar as4atd acid astetp/ae am LTa asiYaaaa d sod rims ~' Tetariosasre ar aulrenrbe, <br />7bee t~ra'e tidies ntospipae so asawt atr}• of its regigs Teteuader ai any time sh.Ii nm be cactaruud as a waiver of its right to assert the <br />auae ~, fit' issat than, send to sow. tgrw sad eeionar atria tamatpA••M+• wa.h alt tiro terms and ptva'isioas of said rate and of this mortgage. <br />If and S a7ssdt tawae w ha paid ro anti atortgagee the entire amoum duce it beretarder, and nrtdrs the terms and provisions <br />id and sate Tara4y aeewlsti, a iiawre advaatsa;. sad any azrnw+.9os or teoewala titareof in arurtrdanre with [he terms and provisions <br />tTenaa(e 7w$ iYaeifl _~._. sing s~F-~3' ~ rre,~vuiaas of ~d [~ sad of st4ssia amrtgage, thu tltesa prt~ants shall be vouf: <br />atlretaraa as rataai m irk foeeraaddlaat. sad and shall be eatitlad m the Iweaesaron of all of said property. and may, at its option, <br />deeiata tisa adasb ad eod trees au,d a~ rsptessatad tbmeby to be'---~'-`-'y due sad Iaryabla, sad may' foxtrk~e thin marrgage <br />ar asks sup' aR6s' IsY~ attics is pmeca fret >7SAt, A~eaismosga. waived. <br />TTia spsatgtr/s alrtt9 b+a biadiaS apm sad attdf ataae to the 6em+fit of the heirs, awcutNe, administrators, s~r~aw+rs attd assigns of t hr <br />~- <br />iN 9MITSiF;9S '4t HER~£, said TtotlSaga _g_ as .__irg hareuaw set __- r_..___.._. hnnd he day and year first above <br />trettiae. / <br />-'---_-__,._ ---._ ._._._--_.-~---------- ~ tom,./ _._-_ <br />r el Galvan <br />f ~' - i ; `--~ ~~~-` <br />iiyn 3. alvan <br /> <br />