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~i0- l~3at~f1~2 <br />Leader's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall day the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />meaner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Barrowet secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, stun <br />amounts shall 6e payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be rnntrary to applicable law, in wl»ch event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permiss"ble under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragcaph 7 shaft require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hercun~r. <br />R TaapeeNoa. Leader may make or cause to bt made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />inrcrest in the Property. <br />4. Caadewraadon, Tht proceeds of am' award or claim fw damages, direct or consequential, in rnnnection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Propem, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />sod shal3 bt paid to Lemkr. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the pmcteds shall be applied io the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the exetss, if any, paid to Borrower. to the event of a pa»ial taking of the Property, unlace Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall tre applied ro the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Afortgage imtrtediately print to the date of <br />taking beats to the fair market valtte of the Propem imrttediaiely prior to the date of taking, with the ltslsnce of the proceeds <br />paid to Botrowa_ <br />If the Property is abattdorred by Bottower, or if, afrer nnrice by Lender to Borrower that the condemrmr offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim far damages. Borrower fails to cespnnd to Lender within 30 da}a afrer the date such notice is <br />twat7~, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the procteds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or ro the sums secured by this Mort¢agt. <br />Unless Lender and $otrou+er otherwise agree in u-riting, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />ar pns4poae the due date of the monthly installments rtfttred to in paragraphs 1 acrd ? hetearf or change the amount of <br />such installmtats. <br />lb. 1lattowtr 1\ei Released. Extension of tlx timt for payment or modification of ..mortiration of the sums secured <br />try this Mortgage granted by Lender' to any successor in interest of Harrower shall not operate to release, in any mantrer, <br />ur2 iia'>m~y rx ~ original aornrwer and Borrouxr's sue Ysstrn in interest Lender shall not be required m commence <br />'::,..ozdings against Bitch successor ar refuse M extend time for payment nr otherwise modify amortization nF the sums <br />socrttcd be this Mortgrtige by reason of any deritand made by the ariGinal Barrowtr and Harrower s snccessnrs in interest. <br />11. Baahearaaee by Lewder Not a Wdsrr. Any farbearance 6~ Lender in exercising any ri¢hi or remtdy hereunder, or <br />otherwise affnided by applicable law, shalt oat be a waiver of nr preclude the exercise of an}^ such tight or remedy, <br />The ptontrenteni of inntrance or the paymen: of tares or other liens ar charges by Lender shall rrtrt be a waivtr of Lendei s <br />r~ht to accelerate rite tnafurity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />I2. Reawedim Ct~, All remedies aroaided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any outer right or <br />~Y tmdd'th'ss Mortgage Ar afforded by law nr equity, and may at exercised concurrently. independently or succe_csively. <br />3:3. Sfecesswts sad As~aa Defad: 7dwt awd Several i.ia6~ry; Captions llie covenants and agreements htrcin <br />atmtaiaed slsal9 bind, and the rights heteuttder shall inure to. ifie respective sitccessnrs and assigns of I.endtr and BnrmwYr, <br />stthject to the provis'vtms of paragraph 17 httra#. Ali covtnann and agreements of Borrower shall he joint and several. <br />"!be and hettdiggs of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for canvtnientt one}' and am not to 1>r used to <br />iaierpta err drone the ptnvisior[s hetettf. <br />IA. Noaits Fsoept fu any notice reyuirtel under applicable law to be given in anather mantrcr, ta) soy Warier to <br />SmoACr provided for in this Mortgage snail bt given by mailing such notice by certi5ed mail addressed to Borrow~€r at <br />the Property Address or at such other addttss as Bnimwrr may designate by notice to Leader as provided heron, and <br />1bl any ntgiae to Lender shall be given b}' cttrifitd ,,,ail, retvm re_~eipt req+tested, m lender's address stated herein nr to <br />sr~lt other address as L.ttsder may desigtate by nauite to Bnrmwer as pmiided htrcin ,4ny trance provided for in this <br />Marrgage slut] be deemed to have hsen given to Bntrewcr ar Lender whrn given in the manixr designated htrcin. <br />l3. UaAars fostedaas Law: Se+wa6i8t}. 3his #ntm of tnarrgagt rnmbi>ns uniform cni•enants for national <br />use and Wort-uniform covwartts aa~a limited vatiatiAns Iry jurisdiction to constimtt: a uniftatm secunn instrument rnvering <br />rra! ptnpatp. 7'hix Mortgage shall be gttvd'aed by the law of the jurisdicton in which the Property is ]orated. In the <br />esieert tthzt nay patsvisioa of t~trst of this Mortgage ar the Note conflicts with applicable law, such rnnflict shall oat affat <br />other parnisioes od this Mattgage ar dx' Nate which car, be given effect withotrt iht conflicting provision, and to this <br />and the provisims rf the 114tuYg;ge ate t+ie `late arc declared to he stisrabk_ <br />~. iwewarea?a Borrower shall bt furnished a cortfnmted ropy of the Note artd of this Mortgage at tbt tint <br />~ tttacarliott m afaez 3eoordatino Irnnaf_ <br />l7. lFafa6ar at Are ~Y, Aswwplkas, 2f alt or any par[ of the Property nr as intttesi itterrin is sold or tramfarred <br />by Btxt+awrr >arRhorst Lcarhsi Attar written consent. excluding la) the crtatitm of a tiro or encumbrance subordinatt to <br />this Nnat~rye, fir] the sae:tion of a purchase ttxxrey sttetnity interest for household apptiatces, icl a trans#tr by devve, <br />dermal rv try cperatiee ~ law ngrtm the dtyth of a joint tarant or {d) the grant of any Itaxhald interest of three years or less <br />nat. as opriaw to pine. I.tmda may, ai Leader's option. deelane all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be <br />aamedaaady ~ and payable. Linder t3tsB have waived sttch t~ttiAn to atxelaate 3f, ptiru ro the salt or ttanafer, Lender <br />amd ~ 1~~+ w +rhtrrs ~ n is ttr ~ so}d tv traasfarted reach agr'eet+tcnt in writing that the credit of such person <br />~ ~+ Ltd sad that the mtetets pa}alde cm lire Burins strurtd by this MArtgagt shall be st such raffi as Lttt~r <br />shag ratlwed. R Lewder has svaitead dre npticut as aacehrate ptmidtd in this paragraph 17, amt if Bortnwtr's succnsor in <br />lua eweaeaed a tariharm atwtataprtim ag!'e~nr aatxpted in uritirig by Linda, Linda shall teleast Borrower from ail <br />ohit~atiaaa tdtis sad the Nnee. <br />H' Lewder twt~ Burch optiem b saoceleratt. Linder shall marl BntrAwa notice of sea.-e~ration in accoridartre with <br />p 14 htteof. Sash nnitics shall provide a ptriad of [tai less than 30 days Pram the date the notice is marled within <br />srhieh limt+D~rra mag pay She stem dedatad due. If Barmwsr fain to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such period, <br />imdm wsa3, svitlraxu fttntha et6"tot to dtmtaad rnt Bc+tmwrs, iavaitt say rctrredies pemtintd by paragraph 1 g hereof. <br />3~t-Lha/Pettt+t ~*maat+ras. IinrMr+a~r and La~Zr #urs3ret crnrnaat arsd agrx ac fAllows_ <br />li. Anaatem~5'ari. Igsteps s paarrded fA parayngtlr IT heeed. ~ Boemtism's hetyeh of wwy coveaaM a <br />tt~eafrerR nit lanwaar tw Aic R+ hrtiwtAw~ de ameaawh !e pay wives dwe nay [manta sawed by this Met1~e, <br />1+eaia lam' iti aootdatweLw ithr„A ttaai we4iee M ^tAtaa>trrr ac prasideA itt ph 14 natant tlreci~yitgt {I) the breach; <br />(~ ~ sttaisw es~tlied is ante taaxh herat>M {~ w dttae, ant hate tlme 30 days frnrw Noe dale the notice k maned to Hoarorvea <br />ll- sdalt- waxi iwwiit asaal lee ~ aM (~ Arat titdlwe to raver aeda 6ratcit m a hetare tea dm sprxiAed la the ratite <br />taq swlt hs aaealnrwAw ft Ate tataart aerrwad hS riffs Mme. fntsa3swte by jadieiai Proteedi4 sad ask at ttlre PropeAy. <br />7lra tawiioe ttAM fwotrer ]arena #waasaar at tfMe tt~rt ao teittatttte aft wecaleratina sad the rit;it :o assert to the foreelatws <br />{Enwaa~ Ate fewetdMeM.f d f dttwrdt ar aqy aArer dehwae ad? 3nnwwar ~ ac^oderwtinw and foret-eaare. U the breach <br /># twd-sawati fat fr iYe[oae [tie drtle speaAwed ht Nre waAkw !.coder at Lewdea's apalon may donne aB of the sues secured by <br />tide tw is iiwwifil0l~,- dire atad ptBvdtk tt fw~tht,s dewwwd awd auty fatalase hY tr+e+cadiwi• Leader <br />slreB ie sar~lled M I:aiwact ht twttdr 11 sli eapeaeac of feecrlaeare, iaclu~q„ 6W not iitw4ed to, cads of docwmeatary <br />esideaoq airrwmta card gotta . <br />11t Allaawe~lc ~ fa laiaapaia NAtw•ttirRaadirra I.ender'c acufaatiun of the sums sa~ured try this Mortgage, <br />8+atxaarar ttbaB have 1`he tt~ht sa tease nay ptr>txsdiags be;un by Lender to tnfprce this Mortgage discontinued at any time <br />