$Q- 9'at~
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums ir, the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant io this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Harrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Bnrrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Botmwer requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the NMe unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicabie law, in which event such amaun[s shalt bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicabie law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action heriiwder.
<br />& lnspecHoa, Linder may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shalt give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest iu the Property.
<br />9. Condemnation. 71te proceed, of any award nr claim for damages, direct or consequential, in tronnectinn with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, nr part thereaf, or for conveyance in heu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a torsi taking of the Prope»y. the proceeds shad be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if am•, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unicss Borrower and Lender
<br />oiherw•~ agree in writing, them shad br applied to the sums scoured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal in that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Propert}• immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrovt~r.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. nr if, after native by Lender to Harrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award nr settle a claim for damages, Bntrnwer fain to respond to Lender within ?0 days after the date such notice is
<br />ttsaikd, Linder is authorized to caliect and spply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration nr repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Ltaless Leader and Borrower otherwise agtrt in writing, an}• such application of proceeds to principa) shafl not extend
<br />nr pospoce the due date of the momhh installments rrfrrred to in paragraphs ] _~d 2 fiereof or change the amount of
<br />such instatmenic
<br />10. Bametver Net'~eleased. Exlcnsion of the time for payment or mndificatinn of amortiza;ion of the sums sceured
<br />by ibis Mnngag_ a granted by_ Lender to an_y successor in imerest of Borrower shall not anrrate to relrasr, in env manner.
<br />tic fiabr7ity of ilre ariginai Ba,Tewtr and Bormwer's sttccessan in interest. I_rnder shall not he required to commence
<br />proceedings against such sua'essor nr refuse to extend time for payment or nthrrw•ise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by ibis Mnngage by reascm of anc demand made by the .viginal Bnrrnw•er and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />I1. Feriear+ate h Lersder Not a Walser. Any fnrisearance by l.rnder in etrrcising any right or remedy hereunder, nr
<br />.uhrrtvise sffartkd by appli~bk law. shall nni hr a waiver of or preclude the exercise of am• such right or remedy.
<br />The prnctireraent of insurance or the payment of taus nr ether liens nr charges by Lender shall oat be a waiver of Lender s
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this ifs»gage.
<br />I2 ltrfwedia ClrealaHve. All remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />rtmsedy ends this Mortgage ar sffnn~d by law or equih~- and may (*e exerciud roncurrendy. iidepcndtntly ar successively.
<br />I3. Swcetnsas aed Asai~as idaantk ]Dist and Several I3sM7ify; Captions. The rnvenanis and agreements herein
<br />rnatainaxl shag bind, and the rights ttrteundrr shafl inure tn, the respective suct:rscnrs and assigns of Linder and Bnrrower,
<br />subject to lire pravisiaos of paragraph 1' hereof. All cesrnanrs and aarrrments of So»awrr shall be joint and several.
<br />Tfx captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mnngage are fior cnnvenirncr only and are oat to be used to
<br />interpret ar define the pmvisiorss hereof.
<br />ig. Notice. Except far say temict required under appiiubk law [o be given in another manner. t`sl env nonce to
<br />Borroasxx provided far is this Mortgage shat 1~ given by mailing such notitt by ce»ifird mail addressed to Bn»ov;er at
<br />the Ptaptri}• Addtrxs or at such ether address as m~rniwer may designate by nniicc to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />{}r1 any sleeve m Lender shall tse given by certified mail, return receipt rtgtxsted, to Lenders address stated herein ar to
<br />such other address as Leader may designers by nnticr in. B.irmwer az prosided herein. Any nnticr pmvi ird for in this
<br />Adart,gat:e shafl ire aieerraed in have beery given to Bnrrower ar Lender when given in the tnanraer designated hrrrin,
<br />IS. L'dfata Gove+rtiai Law; Severai~h, This #nrm of ma»gage n~mhines uniform covenants for national
<br />ant and etas-uttiftuvr usvrntann with limited variariotts by jurisdiction in rnmtitute a uniform sou»ty instrument mvtring
<br />tea pmpnty. This Mnngage slsal3 br gaverrard by the law of the j~:nsdiaian in which tie Property is located. in the
<br />ea~xtt rlut any pmvisian ~ ;,latest of this Mortgage nr the Nnie wtaf. ,is with applit:abk law, such conflict shall not select
<br />pr•avisions of this Itdartgage nr the Natr which can be given effect without the txsnflicting pmvisinn, and to this
<br />~d ~ ~ nr r~ M~+~tgag• a~ the R:~r are dwla,~ zn !x se+.-;ah'~.
<br />K laastrwer's Copy. B{a71]Wer shah be furnished a rnnftarmed rnpy of the Nair atsd of this Mnngage at the time
<br />tat eocaauta t+r aftsr sotartiatitut Iusxx+f.
<br />17 Teawffer ai ere lt+a~att}; Asaarpdaa. if all ar any part of the Pmpcn} or an intemt therein is said or rransfcrred
<br />by 8attti+rrer wvtiata Lettda'x prior written .•Yansettt, excluding tai the oration of a Lien or encutnbrarace subordinate to
<br />dsis Mart, fb1 list •snrian a Ixise rrstusey sa-rutty interest far hattseltaid appliances. tc) a transfer by devise.
<br />desomt tsr b5' aper3Ripo of kr death of a joint tenant nr fde the grant of any Itaselsald interest of three years or less
<br />+tot m ogs<san m Letsder may, ft Leader's option, drelarc ail the sums xcurtd by this Mortgage' to lx
<br />rtdy der arsd payable. Lemdrr shall have vaivad such nptiixt to accelerate if, pricer to the sale or transfer, Lender
<br />read ~e peafm to wiam fIx I4tsp¢rty is to ire sold to tramirrted reach agreerneni in writing that the credit of such person
<br />is Y to Lsxtda• amI that the interest payable as tht sutatx secured M• this Mortgage shall be at such rate as Leader
<br />3raB tegarsx. If L ~ wa;-4atl t$e aptian to ac-gate pravisitd in this paragraph i'r, and if Borrower's sueceswr in
<br />imieatst has esxtaed a lvritrra anwamptiaa agtremetst at:c,eiuucd in w7jting try Lender, Lender sha31 release Bnrrower €rom ail
<br />tsn$er iris Mmt~e atsd the Natt.
<br />If Limdts em^cises ssrch option to atxdeaer. Leader shall mail Bnrrawt:r notice of acccleratioa in auordance with
<br />ptnl~apdt li berasf. Sudt tsedce shall ptmidr a petitxl of out less than 3D days from the date the notice is tna7rd within
<br />x)sir3s Btxrtsasu inay pay the amts ~+~*~ due. If Barntw~ fails to pay stela wets prior to the expiration of such period,
<br />Ltsdv racy, ~tlastst ftnthv aeeer or deaaaod on 8atraw~rr. inrxtkt say remedies petmittrd by paragraph 3R hereof.
<br />Nitaa Utt Cxn'exax7s_ B asd lender further cavtnant and agrce as follatvs:
<br />11 ;imdtaatLaG Resaaiit ~ r pswviideti lw para~catpi IT bercot. trpm lwrower's breach of aey covenant or
<br />a~ ad 1ats~i r i err !Metl~sge, iaclsMlEt6 tl.e covcpms to pay rrrn doe say same severed by tbit Morllgage.
<br />later pfLr 4 aenieraAew seal asst stMioe M lareosrn ac provided is pangrapF 19 rsteof specHyiog: 111 the breach:
<br />~ dye aedaw seyaitad is sate ands lYstwri; qi a date. stet fKat situ 3® days fray ere date: the esotire h mailed to 1orrower,
<br />iy tniiai feet iaaci west re ~ and (~) siu Eaitwe a eve sorb 6trpcb as a Itdore Me date speciSied is ebe ootke
<br />tttay sasttlt t• aadeeaBw a[ tie fw seemed by tits Maef~e, forecleaore by ladis3al veocttdaee and salt of ere Property.
<br />7#ta watliee rialt tassbtr ieEata Ltnesrer et lye right ~ rtdawate after aerdaalioa sad Cbe right to aefert is the foreclaaers
<br />psssaaadYl dw wesiisace set a drdrtit ar say olio debase of Borrower to atcderatioa sad fareeloeare. 1f ere breach
<br />i at t~ a tK ielate tie tiro apadi[sd b tt~e ttMite, Lsfeior ~ Lender's optiion say dc.larc a@ of t~ awns sernred by
<br />Mir 11lasllsle s• re 1~y doe astd }traiir s.bront itsrtrer detmartd sad may forecbse by jodkial procrediog. Leader
<br />fit re aatYdai sa calect i foci pssceaiit~ s~ et foreckwauc, issdnd~, boa not limbed to, cosft of docnmeatary
<br />aviiaace, aiatacls sad t19e sapwtz,
<br />10. >fatss+rds ~ is ldafatle. Nat>aithstan~ng Lender's acceleration of ifie sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />Bnrrower shaD have the tiglft to have any proceedings begun by Leader to enforce this Mortgage d_scoorinued al any time
<br />