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so= o~s~~ NI O R T G A G E Form va. ~. <br />Q n spy ti, r- . <br />~~t~ ,~itatlTtllCt, Mads and Executed this.. ~ 9 ~ day of ~~+lTru 2J-...~ _ _ _A. D. 1~ ! ~~ ~ <br />by and between RLT14-I E. HARRING~i, AN ZTIDIVIIXR~1 r <br />$1NQ.E party of the llrni pnrl, <br />arad 'I'hr t>rnatat Natl.stnl I;u,~k A National Banking Assoc. , and AgCo Corporation party at the second part. <br />WITNE3SETH, that the aald party of the flrat part, for and to canslderatfon of f b- Ar5D0.,DDD-. _. ? FouY' _Milhon <br /> - ,' fy~ 7-~-~~.~tc- ~t~ }~~_~~{~ }~ ~r~ f7d~ho' ,aar~y, of ~j <br />i ~~ e e ci(h~ed-,-hE9 g}dC~(.dfl66rgaDiYt~. eoTd an~~`~~ana ny~este puresents, <br />sell and cottvey, unto said party of the second part. the following described real propsrty situate fn the <br />Coaaty of ~dll...._ -_.... ..-.-. -_.. _..._. ..._.....-. and State of Nebr sake. to-wit: <br />S&._l/4..NW_1/_4 and_-`.~+?. 1/4_NE 1j4....Section.23, Zbwnship ll.v.._~4e_10...... - .. _ _ ... _..___ -.. <br />N 1/2_.SW 1/4,_Section 23, 7b~mshiP 11 Range 10 _.__- . ...- <br />W 1/2 NFd l,j~. $ 23~ RCiwxlsiii-p ll, Range ld __..__ .. ._ _ <br />NE_,1/4 NW lj4_air3 NW_lj§ NE 1/4, Section 23, Township 11, Range 10 .- <br />W, l/2_ Stv _1j4. SE -1j4~ _Sect> on., 23:_ 'lbwnship_ ll c - Rancde la_...._ .... .. _... _. <br />---- __ - <br />NE 1/4 NE 1J4, Stwtiozi 23, Township 11, P.ali9e 10..____. <br />AII1licated_in_HaII Cotsity <br />w~et,ur with ali tAe tmementa, heleditamenta and appttrteaa netl b the same belattgittg, and all Lbe estate, title, dower <br />titlet d hotntltead, olaima atsd demands vAattaever d the ski party et Ne fl»! part d, to or to said premises or any part, <br />thereof; and said party d the Lrst part does hereby cavet+ant, that said party of tits Lrst part to lawfully seised of sold prem- <br />istl, that said pnmLxa are free from ittetimbrance and that said party dabs first part will v •rrant and defend the the to said <br />premises asaittst the lawful elalms attd demands d all persons whomsoever, <br />f'~viiti~ Af=~A~ aka tLese~_ are upon thHeaserrcltm~d~ittipotnu:I,atn t e <br />Wi?~A3, acid }>iaai~~la~[~baa~ led aod3e-Iidered t0 dta sa¢d p~it~ty~ot t! a itbottd gart_._....~.LK... ......... <br />patmiasary twee .s .as._follaas,.--to .wit:_.Har=ingttan- Feesi Yaxr~.5.,. ~n.~.....tla-.Natp~al.. Bank...ncte <br />ft:;,t 51-,875,41QO..datef3-Ma~..2AT..1978, ~aaancl_plus-.interest.a~_CBTH.'s...natinnaL pxime <br />sate.plt>s...28.ul~id.c;Tr`Q.-7./31/I~_.A4C~a-CO~oratzcn-.rnte_of.~111~5-,000 dated_r7av_24, 1978, <br />dope ari_>3~mf>d plus interest at AgCo Corporation's base rate + 28 unpaid since 7/31/79. <br />Hari-ingtfaa Ia1~d ~ Cattle Co: Qti31~ National Bank note for X312,500 dated F _ 1 9 <br />doe oil i3ana~i3--plc`s inte~st at ~e mate _o~ "CZ's' nationaT_ pr~ine rate FI'us _2$ _iu~~123 _ trace <br />sad whertla, she party d the drat part has asreed to keep the bttildlttes, 1t atty. upon acid premises, itseured in some mm• <br />gany a wutprniea approved by said party d the eeetmd part, for the fuLLjantrable valttc against ion by Sre and windstorm with OZ7 <br />etttmded ;mreti[e and deiives t0 said party d the setpnd pats the policy or poitutl contatremg a standard mat-igage clause with t>r~~ <br />tie ion payaLie to raid party of the secmd para. ar asaitns, and hu asreed to pay all tatter and asaessmenta against Baia prem- <br />ises Lctore tie lama, by law. became deiinq+tent, and hu asreed that it said party of the ttrst part does tsar provide such <br />tttsttrftst:e, =r fails W pay alt Saaea as alorerld, thm said party d the aamttd part. a Adder hereof. tnay pap such inattranee <br />atM teams, a eitLer or than. sad all amounts r pdd by said party d tie second part shah bear interest at the tare of trim <br />per txat per atmum ham tic date d payment, grad this mottle shall stand as aeettrity therefor. and said sutra may lte <br />ached to tLe atawati d the tttmti~s~a +ieLt, sad tie rma neeoveyed as a part Wetroot- 2v'ow, tf tAe said party of We fl»t p-rt <br />tttrll area! :.tta tmiy PaY or wma'ia ba paid tie said atttn of mosey is rid :tate5---_metrtiaoed, with mtareat thereon accard- <br />tqp- Lo the tenor sad eIIect d .said mess---sad teiaL keep rid bulldtttga ittaured as aforesaid, attd shall keep a21 ta:ea sad <br />asstlsments pai3, and ahaii thdy keep, sad perform all she atDer covettattta and agreemaata AnreLt caste.;,,..; then thes.. <br />patlmta to be troll and void. litre if said slam of motxy at say part thereof. or say interest tltereoa, is .tot paid when thr same <br />is 39x, av it acid bltiidittRs shalt trot be leapt iasta'ed u atm^taa ld. ~ Y the ta:as and attreasmeetts a:slnst said premises era <br />trot paid s! or hdire the time iLe same bemme by law dellntlumt, ~ if said party of tLe flair part ahrll fail to keep a,:d <br />perft~tn arty aavmaata Lettin eoatstned the Ldder besed shall Lave tie cptlon to declare Ute whole d said indebiedneas dam and <br />payable u slap time a!!ffi stteL faihue or default, a»d mfp tnaia~ain an action u law ~ egtttty to tecwu the same, and the com- <br />matamme d tate3f aeHatt shall be the Dally tsbtice d tLe steers ise d said apkion regtdred. <br />ANit 2S IS F47R~ P1i.04'ID$~ AND wGREFYi. 7ltat the said >t[ortgsg;tr shalt alai srflt pay all iaaes leszed uptut this <br />tttart~e or rite debt stactned tLarebp, tgge[iter ash any caber 3atttl or aattenmaaa vrhich may ie iaviad under the Latvs d <br />3ifebeasi~a.,~a.,psL:tae tam acid ]m[calsa=ae ar ffie kcal hdtier d tAm said ptiacipal men_.a_._.m acootmt d tLis tztdeitednea- <br />~A iMOtlp ~#,,~t'Wf, -- ? i~ve hereinto_set mv_hana t?s_day_~»3_lrear_first <br />_.- <br />a~ td3ttHl. <br />- __ <br />nv >~axtx of ~~'~ ''-c . >~~ ;.- ..s. ; ^'r _ <br />,~Xlltil E. iittirittt~tt~t-i _ <br />~F, .~~- <br />$TATS Oi' 79f+$FtABK!-, j Ua iLL ".~ -'~ _.. day d..._ .-, ~. ___. _.._._-.A. D. la._°~... <br />~~ 1t~ <br />C3ntcty d I7c~rr~~ --... -_ J holote tae. a SVotaey 1Rtbtie !o fad for hie acid i;aunty personally came the above <br />named - -Rtxttl_E. Ha,;:rif?gton -.. ___. _ -_..- - ... _ _.~ . _..__.._... <br />~,~ (~ - - _. sdw. ~-... ..-personally known to me <br />eta to be the Weetfcal person .. whose natae .-..;g atfitsed to the above inatsument <br />~, * as iT~ sad arkawled[ed Wd isatrytaeat to be- ~?~........ vduntary act and deed. <br />Wt!`N1~8 tray head and notarial Seat the date last atorasatd. <br />~~-, ... Notary Public. <br />by bomminioe ~'Kt~7~ `r ~' r-,;- - - . <br />