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~os~~ M O RT G A O E Form No. ~. - <br />~t~ ~rcaenturt, Made and Executed thle. = ~ 4 ~= aay or `- ~~4^,~+-~q.. __ . _ . w. D.' i €~ <br />Dy and between R[frH E. I:~~, .IOH{~T A. HARRIPiGPCR7, SUE ANPI FITZPATRICK, EUGQ~ FITZPATRICK <br />DOlJGIAS E. H7IRRINUZCk7, ALL INDIVIDUAIB Husband and i~i,~, ,.r mr Itrat tutrl, <br />,7pLYNE HARI2i g an W ~ f <br />and The tlmaha National Bulik u~a iona~ ~ar~7cil:q alssoc. , and AgCo Corporation party or tnr second port. <br />WITNE93ETH that the said part or the ttrat part, Fos and to conaiaeration or (S. 4, 500, 000 ~ FOUY Million <br />_._... _. <br />five htff><ire~ thousand nn/I00- --- --- <br />•3 _d_~._.,___-.~... .:.R~_.~,~-~n~._-s..,, rntr_ua.-natdrbv-eaid,ffiriv ot_tl~e <br />do~.f~~utlai,-sell aM cmvey, unto acid party of the sec and part the foUowieg deactibed real property situate in the <br />..:-,A=-_.&-~Aall-..._.:..-___ and state d Nebr asks, to•wu: <br />_.. <br />See attached_Exhii~it "A" which. by_ ,this. reference,._ls.._u?~F?or~tec~...?terekr?....._.._ ................_........ <br />to~a+a±Eer with all the taaementa, hetedttamenL and appurtettaacm to the name Delonging, and all the mtate, title, dower <br />tijIlt d Ilaxadtead, ehinis and demand. wbaboever d the said party d the IIrst part d, in or m said pretnlam or any part, <br />tIleracf~ and aaM party d the fka part don Ilerebj mvenaM, that said party d Ute tint port b L~rfully seised of said pnm- <br />fsea. Shit acid p[est]ers ate free fmm incttmbrance and that uid party d e firs part wlll t...rrant and defend ibe UUe m said <br />premises ap3mi~ the kawful claiau attd demam3s d all persons vvMmsoeve~ <br />~C3LF3P~ 3L-liFaYQ, and btter+s y~a~-rretCu~Tntltase sue: <br />SL\..._ . __... _ . <br />W86REA8, saMf~~811~~~tt~Sind`~'dHn~~d-4lta,`iL'lt ~Y[,V'aC tLliiebddd ~--'-.- ..~ <br />promYrory sate s a5 _~o1,lc~s,.__ts? _wit:.., I~xringtpn_ Feed,_Yan3s,_I?~ ~; . CT~.`~,a_Tiatig~aal„Bank_, note. for <br />$1,87~,0~ dated iia}~ 23, 1978, :~:: dg-ti-ir:d plus i~tErnst at i~Ls'a natiozza~ crime rate <br />p3us 2` tii>n=;~ s?i>ro 712jj'79. Agx~ ~iporaton note of'$1,125,ODO~~dated Nlay 24, 1978, <br />zip-'3~:~3-~Ius-s=~~eses~-~"Ag`Co-t:orpora~on's-f5ase ramie $-Z~_inpai`a. since'773Zr'79~ <br />'8airi~lg.ns °~d-~Catt3e:-&~dsa'~Natit~a3 ~3c-note-fvr$33?;~BQ-dated_~b._28.,...3979; due <br />tj[r-des~r3 ~3a~--3~e2i?st -at ~e-~a#~-o€-~3B's ~~ }~~ ~~e -glt~s-?~-yid- s}rae <br />_3 7~,_~_ n,~r,~ ,sat,~,a, >*, ,. . „ r ~~,.~F~S non ~t~ _rta~.29.s1s78....due.on_demazxl... icc~*tt' a <br />sad tLe pard d the lira part bas a[reea m keep Uie buiWinp, tx aay, upm sal Prt"_ixa, imund in soots mm- <br />paay or avapaades approved by said petq d the semid part, for the fnu~asurabie value apeaiinst loo by Ste and windstorm with ~n <br />ertwied me'eaaie and deliver m nid party d Lbe second par[ the policy or pWicin containing a standard mort)~e clause with flack) <br />tLe for payakie m said poly cd the second part, or s:ipts, and hu weed m pay all [saes ami assesamenta against said pnm- <br />Les Deface the state, by kaw, Demme dellnqumt, and Ilia agreed that !f slid party d the tlrrt part dom oat provide sueh <br />ivstuartt, err fails rn psy all Saves as afateaaki, then acid party d tIle second part, or ]folder hereof. may pay atleIl itisuratttt <br />and tans, err eYber or them. and all ataottnta so paid by said patty d ibe aeemd part shall bear mterea ai the rase d tune <br />ps eettd per ammm ftOm Ute date d payment, and this mOrtjt~e shall a4ad L security thaeMr, and said atnn may be <br />added m the stases[ d Sate rtmrttare debt, a~ Uw name teoov end u a part thered. ;r'ow, >T the aakl party d the first part <br />Pali well and rattly pay ffi cause to Dc paid the sal.: sum of money is said noSaS____.meutlaned. witIl interest Uteteon acmrd- <br />issR to the teesa sad e.3;eet d rid aoie_~_.itW shall keep as {d Stti2dinp ittNted u aforesaid, and shall keep all taxes and <br />areaanems paid, and shall dolt' keep, and pertorm ail tIle other covensWa and a~recmeats he:efa eontal:ted, then Wmr <br />pntada m be talD sad void. But t! said attm d money or any parr Utered, or any tateresa thereon, ie trot paid when the same <br />a dtte, to if said bai)asp sba8 [sat be rnwaed as afanwid, err it ibe tattn a»d aneumeats aialttsi said premlaea are <br />not paid at a before tkc [.icon Uie ame became by hw deilagttmt, u it saM patty at the tltst part shall fW to keep and <br />pertarae aay weenaata haela crrrttained the bolder bored saau 6ava the op[>an m deHare the wbola d acid Indcbtedttess due and <br />ptyabL at ray [fine after aodt Lllure ~ dafadt, sad may malt fate as actin[ at law err equity m rsoover Uie acme, and the mm- <br />atreoememt d ~ adim shall >k [Ile colt' notice d the arse tae d aald t+}ttioe regWred. <br />afvn fT IS Fuxz~i» PABYfiTa"Ed~ eater aGx.SEn, 7aat the said xoriRasar abaft and witi pay all felts levied upon this <br />or tle debt sentnti thereby, tttpabv with aay other tsars err aasersenetbs which may i>e levied under the Lws d <br />Nebssaio, a0aksst the aay B[ortp~ee or the Lfal bolder d the said prlaelpa] +~+~ c ^~ aneuant d thin indebtedness. <br />~~~ ~~.TE~, -3dE-S3dY8- '~Y3~i3fA-,Sep-.Od1L-l~7dAas-X13.5-.Lid}t-.r31'Y~_I'OdL..f125k..... <br />r ~ ~ <br />..._,k :+' ~. <br />~~..,, J1t PSESSltC6 itP' ~'--~-. st. - ,' r-s''2--' _- , _,..._,~., -. <br />_... <br />t~P'~ i f- r _ - ~ _ <br />. <br />- itzFxi -__ .E. _ __ ___ _ <br />f <br />seas ttF ~~ "' ~ <br />.) tin thin--._...~ ~ -... --- daY °f---- !Z.:~_~+a..~_ ..w. D. 1k 't ,4. <br />Lotmiy d .. - before me, a xd+r'Y fa for the said Qaunt! y came the above <br />_ .._ ._ ~.m.d _ B~1.' ~.._H~K'?1~3?:._Jolg~..~,. I~irrin . Sue,.~nn <br />MAiti~ `~°ria... <br />F3t,.~~r•iC3s„ L3E Flt2p$tC~~Sy,DOtl~7,ds E f13rY1t,gtAn_ - <br />. __ __._.._...._ . ....... _. - . __wbo.~g ..... ._ PersonaAY known to me <br />i~ * to be the idsrtUcal petson_S_--wbse a-me.3_.dL~E:.__.._-_aSlxed to the shove ttutrument <br />~~~ as srantor atxl ackttawlatt~ed acid irapvmaa[ m he-,..~~---.... vduetary act and deed. <br />~.~ lt'~ ~ ~' lutad and Notarial seal fire dtte last afomsaid <br />~" ~ ~ <br />_ _. <br />..5 _, r, ~NdtarY Pubilc. <br />f[y emnmistleu esplfea ,.-~~:''~%'~.lX! .. -` , -~-'..`'~ ,. ~ _ - - <br />